Re: Pedophilia is OK in islam
Reply #4 - October 30, 2008, 02:52 PM
Have you ever met a muslim? Have you ever sat down and talked with muslims? Have you taken the time to speak with them in a courteous manner that they may see your point of view? Have you listened to what they had to say in reply to you? I mean really listened.
Just curious.
Muslims are not all of one mind, and most will agree with you in what you see as wrong and unjust. The Qur'an says, "Had you (Muhammad) have been harsh with them (the pagan Arabs), they wouldn't have followed you." There is a lesson to learn here, despite what you may think of Muhammad or the Qur'an. If you want people to listen to you, you cannot be too hard on them, or they will not hear you, no matter how loud you shout.
I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.