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 Topic: Truth or...err...truth?

 (Read 163069 times)
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  • Truth or...err...truth?
     OP - November 06, 2008, 09:49 AM

    Saw this on another forum and thought it looked fun.

    Much like truth or dare, except no dare just truths, your chance to find out all the deepest darkest secrets of the other members.  bunny

    Ok since I started it, I get to ask the first question, the next person to post has to answer the question and then ask a question for the next poster to answer:

    Do you floss everyday?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #1 - November 06, 2008, 09:53 AM


    Do you?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #2 - November 06, 2008, 09:54 AM


    Do you?


    Are you a virgin?  Tongue

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #3 - November 06, 2008, 09:56 AM

    Don't know  Wink
    Are you?
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #4 - November 06, 2008, 09:57 AM

    Don't know  Wink
    Are you?

    No see, you din't play properly.  Don't know isn't a truth, it's avoiding the answer. aloofandbored0

    Yes, I believe I have regrown my virginity.  Cheesy

    Next question:

    Are you afraid of the darK?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #5 - November 06, 2008, 09:59 AM

    Yes, very much afraid of dark.
    And I really don't know If I am virgin or not.  Smiley

    Do you like getting wet in rain on a cold night?

    Don't know  Wink
    Are you?

    No see, you din't play properly.  Don't know isn't a truth, it's avoiding the answer. aloofandbored0

    Yes, I believe I have regrown my virginity.  Cheesy

    Next question:

    Are you afraid of the darK?

  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #6 - November 06, 2008, 10:01 AM

    Are you a virgin?  Tongue

    Yes, maybe not for long though (I got a date, and she's adored me since elementary school Smiley)



    (I knew a kid in school who said his mom was a virgin... started calling him Jesus...)

    Don't want to ask anything too risque....


    You still in your jammies?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #7 - November 06, 2008, 10:04 AM

    Yes, very much afraid of dark.
    And I really don't know If I am virgin or not.  Smiley

    Do you like getting wet in rain on a cold night?

    Yes, because then I get to come in have a long bath and snuggle up in my dressing gown with a cup of hot choclate and a book.  I love snuggling up after getting caught in the rain.  dance

    You still in your jammies?

    Nope, if it was the weekend now, then the answer would have been yes lol.

    What was the most embarrassing moment of your life so far?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #8 - November 06, 2008, 10:07 AM

    What was the most embarrassing moment of your life so far?

    I have many memories that make me cringe at their reminder... One time I had to collect an award at school in front of the whole assembly, and both of my legs had fallen asleep.

    Oh right... lemme think of a question...

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #9 - November 06, 2008, 10:09 AM

    It's lame to just say, "Yea, what was yours?" but I'm going to ask it anyway, because I'm curious.

    And... What was the weirdest thing you've eaten?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #10 - November 06, 2008, 10:15 AM

    Most embarrassing moment was wetting myself in detention at secondary school because the teacher wouldn't let me go toilet and the boys kept making me laugh.  Fortunately I poured a can of cherry coke on my lap and made out I had spilled it  Cheesy

    Weirdest thing I've ever eaten would be sheeps brains.


    Do you secretly like pop music?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #11 - November 06, 2008, 10:18 AM

    Do you secretly like pop music?

    That depends on how you define pop.

    You ever crush on a member of a boy band? If so, who?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #12 - November 06, 2008, 10:23 AM

    Do you secretly like pop music?

    That depends on how you define pop.

    You ever crush on a member of a boy band? If so, who?


    Did u ever have a crush for person of same gender?  parrot
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #13 - November 06, 2008, 10:25 AM


    Did u ever have a crush for person of same gender?  parrot


    Ever used a friends/loves/siblings toothbrush to clean the toilet in an act of revenge signmuahaha?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #14 - November 06, 2008, 10:26 AM

    Did u ever have a crush for person of same gender?  parrot

    No, but I've thought there were a lot of cool guys I'd like to be like.

    Have you?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #15 - November 06, 2008, 10:28 AM

    Ever used a friends/loves/siblings toothbrush to clean the toilet in an act of revenge signmuahaha?

    No. That's mean. Although my 'cousins' told me the salt was sugar when I was pouring it on my frosted flakes.

    I bet you have.

    Ever beat anybody up? Who, why?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #16 - November 06, 2008, 10:32 AM

    No. That's mean. Although my 'cousins' told me the salt was sugar when I was pouring it on my frosted flakes.

    I bet you have.

    Ever beat anybody up? Who, why?

    I never have, although I've been tempted (about the toothbrush lol)

    Yes, I have beaten my sisters up loads and loads of times for many many different reasons.  Cheesy  One time my step mum called the police to break us up.  Roll Eyes

    Have you ever stolen something?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #17 - November 06, 2008, 10:37 AM

    Have you ever stolen something?

    Yes, many things. I hid one of my teachers' cell phone cuz he was an ass. I hid it in the classroom over the weekend. On monday he said he got a list of numbers called. What a liar. It was in the class the whole time. I also stole the remote to his classroom TV.

    What was the weirdest thing you've seen someone do, when they didn't know you were watching?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #18 - November 06, 2008, 10:43 AM

    What was the weirdest thing you've seen someone do, when they didn't know you were watching?

    Wanking Lmao  walking in on your hubby knocking one off to porn on the net is just a classic moment.  Cheesy

    Do you talk in your sleep? 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #19 - November 06, 2008, 10:50 AM

    What was the weirdest thing you've seen someone do, when they didn't know you were watching?

    Wanking Lmao  walking in on your hubby knocking one off to porn on the net is just a classic moment.  Cheesy

    Do you talk in your sleep? 

    Heh, I hope no ones caught me doing that Smiley I've caught other people though...

    It's reported that I did once, like I was reciting poetry.

    You ever give someone else food that's fallen on the floor (not incl. your kids)?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #20 - November 06, 2008, 10:59 AM

    Nope.   Tongue

    You ever eaten food that's fallen on the floor?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #21 - November 06, 2008, 11:02 AM

    Nope.   Tongue

    You ever eaten food that's fallen on the floor?

    Yeah sure, all the time; unless the floor is particularly nasty.

    What kinda song you writing?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #22 - November 06, 2008, 11:09 AM

    What kinda song you writing?

    Emo slit your wrists and die music.  Afro I can't wait to start the piano lessons in january dance

    Do you think furry animals should be shaved or stroked?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #23 - November 06, 2008, 11:14 AM

    Do you think furry animals should be shaved or stroked?

    ... 'O_o


    I'm not gonna ask if you shave furry 'animals' and/or stroke them... Cheesy

    What's your favorite movie?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #24 - November 06, 2008, 11:21 AM

    ... 'O_o


    I'm not gonna ask if you shave furry 'animals' and/or stroke them... Cheesy

    What's your favorite movie?

    God that's a tough one, too many movies to decide and I can never make my mind up.  I could give you the top 5:

    Pan's labyrinth
    Lord of the rings
    Flight of the dragons
    Braveheart  Cheesy

    Did you like the film "The titanic"?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #25 - November 06, 2008, 11:23 AM

    Did you like the film "The titanic"?

    No, but I do hate Leo so much after his last few movies.

    I bet you cried at the end, didn't you?

    I think you'd enjoy the movie 'Meet Joe Black', starring Brad Pitt as Death.

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #26 - November 06, 2008, 11:29 AM

    No, but I do hate Leo so much after his last few movies.

    I bet you cried at the end, didn't you?

    I think you'd enjoy the movie 'Meet Joe Black', starring Brad Pitt as Death.

    I fucking bawled my eyes out like a baby  Cheesy at the end of Titanic, but nowhere near the amount of crying me and my friend did at the end of Othello. sad  I've been told to watch Meet Joe Black before too, haven't ever got round to it though.

    Do you change your underwear everyday?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #27 - November 06, 2008, 11:33 AM

    Do you change your underwear everyday?

    No, only when they start to smell.

    What's with all these hygiene questions? Do you floss everyday, change your clothes everyday...

    Do you pick your nose?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #28 - November 06, 2008, 11:38 AM

    Do you change your underwear everyday?

    No, only when they start to smell.

    What's with all these hygiene questions? Do you floss everyday, change your clothes everyday...

    Do you pick your nose?

    They are just questions  Tongue

    And no, I blow my nose and use tissue.    dance

    Do you pick you nose AND eat it?  (cos I have seen people do that vomit

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Truth or...err...truth?
     Reply #29 - November 06, 2008, 11:43 AM

    Do you pick you nose AND eat it?  (cos I have seen people do that vomit

    No, but I did was I was a little kid.

    Did you do anything special for the millenium?

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
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