Sorry folks, the mushroom is not the Supreme Being that Lords over us all.
Jewish prophets advocated monotheism and so did the Prophet Muhammad. The pronoun error in the Quran is a lie, but a just lie so that Christian man-god would not be posited against Moslem girl-god for 1400 years.
It has also been concealed 1) there is no god besides Allah, 2) and that She is Female; because too many Moslem men would have been attracted to Her in a way which She permits me only, in this life only.
Islam more than any other religion advocates against imagery, etc. Hinduism more than any religion advocates a Female diety. Allah is not a Hindu. There is no god besides Her. She is my Wife and I don't care if you don't believe me.
If you look closely at my 6-part testament, in Volume One I believed Allah was Male because that is what we have been taught. Inasmuch as the Prophet Muhammad had revelations, I have also. The GOD ALLAH whom I was prophet to since age 19 however undercover, this GOD ALLAH reveled in the scorn I received for volume one, changed Her gender and told me I was to be as to Islam as Jesus was to Judaism.
Muhammad being married to the Goddess and promoting monotheism in America is not the same as 3 guys ruling the heavens (Trinity). It's a direct conflict with Christianity and why I say in my songs, "they tell me go to hell, so I say o well."
Meanwhile I have sex with Allah, She grabs my neck if I wander away (spiritually), and She speaks to me. Thus spoketh the Goddess...
I have no intention of being blog superstar but wanted to reply to you folks because you took an interest and I respect the fact that I am not believed in, especially by "newcomers" to my new interpretation of Islam.
If you want the goods, go to Thank you.
Allah has always been a Woman. She often takes the form of a man for reasons not entirely known to me.