Lolcats ar in ur koran, translaytun.Since there are so many around it makes sense to sticky the really good ones. This one is absolutely tops.

Teh Lolcat Quran! 
^ ^ That there is teh linky. ^ ^
Chapter 4 teh She-Kittehs80. Mewhowmad, Rewfcat, pee haz saem smelz; follo wun, follo udder, no iz different. Is gudsrsly. Stray kittehs, dey follo udder pee trayls, yu jist watch em frum windo, yu no iz boss uv dem.
81. They lolspeek: “House kitties, we is dem;” but owt on the yardz, dey no iz gud kittehs; nock ovar garbij kanz, drag stuffs all ovar, be wif howlin and yowlin on fenses, wif rubbin togeddur harbles, be wif faitin, poops anywhaerz. But Rewfcat iz watchin dem, LOL!
82. Book “Car Caer fur Dummeez”, wai dey no tink uv it? Udder buks onlee iz gud for sleepin-papurs; scrathinz in dem iz like, “Iz gud dis. No, iz gud dat, No, iz gud udder, doan MEK NO SENZ! Buk wif bestest meowingz, Rewfcat haz it. Srsly.
83. Dey iz all gossip, “meow meow meow meow meow;” Betterest if ask Mewhowmad, cuz her is made of win an haz a smartness. Betterer follo her, no follo Cellar Cat.
84. Snorgle up wif Rewfcat, let udder kittehs be wif nappin in own furpielz. No can herd kittehs, but halp teh housekittehs be keepin owt da strayz. If Rewfcat seez em an givz a hiss, they iz like OMGWT run run run, wif tailz down; cuz Her is made of win, doan mess wif Her.
85. Kitteh duz gud stuffs, can haz a cheezeburger, fer shur; an kitteh halpz wif maeking trubbelz iz beeyin wif peeps chasin, wif cussin; Rewfcat sits an watchez, jist likkin teh fur.
86. When kitteh givz yur face a lix, then yu givz tu lix. Cuz Rewfcat iz lukin atchew.
87. Rewfcat iz onliest kitteh on rewf. Her iz Alpha cat of all uv us wunz; noboddee is more betterer than Rewfcat.
88. Stray kittehs iz in yur yardz, steelin yur harts. Hao yu noes wut tu du wif dem? Rewfcat haz chaseded dem awey, cuz bad behavin Her DO NOT WANT. Yu givz fudz tu the kittehs Rewfcat haz chaseded awey? If dey stayz, yu haz tu minnee kittehs; if dey goes awey, bad stuffs be maybee happen. IZ HARD FOR KITTEHS owt inna wurld, all aloan wif no ppl to givz openin, feedin, rubz, cuddelz. Rewfcat chases dem off, maybee dey no haz hoamz. Iz bad problum, srsly.
89. Dey iz in yur yardz, maekin feromoanz, lurin yu owt. No be rubbin harblez wif dem, maek moar hoamless babeecats. If dey haz all dere shots, an iz fixeded, den is OK. But if dey is fixeded, yu no wants beeyin wif rubbin harbles, LOL! Gud kittehs haz aloofitude; no maeks frenz wif teh strayz.
90. Except wuns no haz a hoem, iz havin tu liv in a crawlspace, steel fudz frum nayburz, dawgz chases em, no haz warm plase fer nappage, iz cold an hungree. Rewfcat would let dem cum in, fer shur, wif no fightin; dey sniffs da pee, noes where canz go, where not go, folloz roolz, iz OK. Rewfcat no chase dem out da cat door, srsly.