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 Topic: BNP Memberlist Leaked

 (Read 9647 times)
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  • BNP Memberlist Leaked
     OP - November 19, 2008, 02:41 AM

    They were exposed after bloggers posted around 10,000 names, together with home addresses, telephone numbers, jobs and even hobbies on the internet.

    The leak led some BNP members to fear that they may lose their jobs or face other reprisals

    At least one serving police officer is on the membership list, along with several retired officers.

    The Association of Chief Police Officers has banned police officers and staff from belonging to the BNP. Last month a Greater Manchester police officer was forced to resign after he was seen wearing a BNP badge at a football match

    The BNP leadership is reported to have plans to use the party's council seats to attempt to take places on the police authorities that oversee chief constables' work.

    On the list are 16 servicemen, including a Royal Marines Commando. Among the 68 members listed as former servicmen are one Chelsea Pensioner, three Paras, three Guards and two Royal Marines.

    One BNP member is listed as a Church of England vicar.

    Simon Darby, the party’s deputy leader, said: “If we find out the name of the person who published this list, it will turn out to be one of the most foolish things they have done in their life. I wouldn’t want to have done that — I wouldn’t be sleeping very well tonight.

    “We are worried because children’s names are on the list. It is not information that should be in the public domain. We are always receiving death threats. No true nationalist would have put the lives and livelihoods of fellow nationalists at risk.”

    According to Lancaster Unity, the anti-fascist group that first reported the list's publication, other members are noted as construction managers, receptionists, district nurses, lay preachers, company directors and teachers.

    Other occupations include librarian, and private investigators.

    The list also shows that the party has members as young as 14 years old.

    It includes the pastimes of some members, which range from steam railways to line-dancing. Other members are identified as practicing pagans and one male member is listed as "witch".

    The publication of the list sparked panic among BNP members using anonymous internet chatrooms. Many expressed fears that they may lose their jobs or face disciplinary action as a result.

    One user of a right-wing site wrote: "I'm also on the list, what the ---- is going on? I could lose my job."

    Another said: "The reccession means many of us could lose our jobs, add this info to it and its a dead cert."

    The publication of the membership list sparked jubilation among anti-racist groups and other critics of the BNP, which wants an immediate halt to immigration and the "voluntary resettlement" of existing immigrants.

    The BNP leadership on Tuesday confirmed that the list was a broadly accurate picture of the party membership list for 2007. The party and said it had contacted police about the publication.

    A BNP spokesman said that Nick Griffin, the party's leader, has made a complaint to Dyfed Powys Police about the publication.

    The spokesman said Mr Griffin alleges that publication of his members' details violates both the Data Protection Act and the Human Rights Act, legislation his party has said should be repealed.

    A spokesman for Dyfed Powys Police said it had no record of a complaint from Mr Griffin.

    Simon Darby, deputy leader of the BNP, said the list had been leaked by political opponents worried by the party's recent electoral gains. The party claims to have 100 councillors, including parish councillors, and one member of the London Assembly.

    "In a way it's a compliment, a sign of how worried people are about how well we're doing" he said.

    Earlier this year, the BNP leadership won a court injunction against former party staff over the use of the membership list, preventing them using it to contact members or send them information.

    Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.  Anyway, the BNP have done exactly the same to left-wing activists.  Which answers Hassan's question about   Karma.   dance

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #1 - November 19, 2008, 04:14 AM

    I love this bit:

    A BNP spokesman said that Nick Griffin, the party's leader, has made a complaint to Dyfed Powys Police about the publication.

    The spokesman said Mr Griffin alleges that publication of his members' details violates both the Data Protection Act and the Human Rights Act, legislation his party has said should be repealed.

    Suck it up, bovver boyz. Cheesy

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #2 - November 19, 2008, 05:28 AM

    Human Rights Act my arse, they aren't in the slightest bit concerned about human rights of the immigrants.

    Anyone seen 'The Secret Agent'?
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #3 - November 19, 2008, 05:38 AM

    What's in a name?

    Sometimes a very great deal.

    There will be no white flag above our door
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #4 - November 19, 2008, 01:44 PM

    I love the 'one Chelsea pensioner' bit.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #5 - November 20, 2008, 05:02 AM

    The BNP are a truly sad bunch.

    They are not the meatheaded ultraviolent thugs of the 70's and 80's neither are they slick politicians like the recently deceased Jorg Haider. They are a bunch of pudgy militant Daily Mail readers with no solid community or support behind them. 

    Long gone are the days when there where gangs of menacing skinheads all over London. The modern BNP would be eaten for breakfast by the white, black and Asian teenagers who "hang pon street" talking that strange hybrid patois MSinghK and BerberEllas brother Sef talks. 

    The BNP are a disparate bunch of sad punters who are soft around the middle and do pathetic things like post dogshit through peoples letter boxes. I used to live in London and I didn't know one Asian or black gang who feared being attacked by the BNP. They were irrelevant.

    I'm a Gooner and I remember some spotty scrawny blokes from the British wing of the Aryan Brotherhood handing out leaflets in the Clock End. Woah now they would have been safer being Spurs supporters. They got battered, not welcome at the home of football thank you very much.

    Sure Eltham was a no go area but to the best of my knowledge the rest of London and the surrounding counties where in no way being bothered by BNP thugs. Yes I'm sure there are ignorant teenagers out in Essex who harrass Pakistani families break black peoples windows but these fuckwits don't have a following.

    Although I get the feeling things are different up north.

    On the grand scale of things their political gains are pathetic. Those gains could be easily cut back if mainstream politicians stopped being so lilly livered and politically correct about immigration. I'm not saying we should stop immigration but I am saying the mainstream politicians are terrified of even mentioning it for fear of being branded racist.

    This helps the BNP. It means they get their boost in support not from violent Nazis but from old school Conservatives that feel disenchanted by the Tories shift to the centre. It's UKIP or BNP for them. A protest vote for the old duffers. This is one of the problems with the cultural victories of the Left. Even the Tories have shifted to the left so the middle aged and elderly Conservative supporters find themselves looking for an alternative.

    I think the BNP are ultimately doomed to failure, I don't know if any of you remember Mark Collett, he was the BNP Youth Leader in 2002. He had all the political nous of a jellyfish, all the charm of an ingrowing toenail, the intelligence of an amoeba and he didn't look like he could intimidate a gerbil out of it's cage. He failed politically and he failed as a thug, what is the point of such wankers?

    The BNP are a pathetic irrelevance, lets hope it stays that way.
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #6 - November 20, 2008, 09:45 AM

    brucepig, agree with you, the Combat18 up north has had its arse kicked by Punjabis for years, lets face the reality, its not like the old days when the folks of these kids were uneducated and scared, anyone remember Bradford riots, not saying it was a good thing, but it put these clowns in their place. You can't blame a minority of the population for your problems, thats just dumb. My father and mother were both immigrants (although educated) in fact my mum was more educated then my dad, in that time and now, my mom is a professional and my father is well established businesses man. If the BNP spent more time concentrating on building a better future for their kids,maybe they would not be in a shitty state.

  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #7 - November 20, 2008, 02:44 PM

    The reason why the BNP are so pathetic is because they have lost their bulk following. When I was a kid England was a lot poorer and more racist than it is now and the NF where a genuinely dangerous bunch who could muster substantial support from a tough working class constituency.

    Luckily there has been a cultural change in the UK which means that being racist is just not acceptable for the majority of Brits. So their support has dwindled and the tough close knit working class communities of East London have moved out to Essex and bought up their kids in the borjois lifestyle.

    The ignoramuses involved in the BNP now are not hard men from tight knit inner city communities but university graduates, estate agents and graphic designers from small towns.

    No wonder they get there arses kicked. They are old men who are passed it or young middleclass bedwetters with no popular support playing at being bovver boys. Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #8 - November 21, 2008, 09:20 AM

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Anonymous Remailer (austria)" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 4:36 PM

    > Hello, good sir
    > Please remove my details from youre website in the next day or else I will pursue legal action. I no liberel lefty traitors like are against free speech and you hate youre own culture, so this maight be a futile attempt, but I assure you the legal action will come.
    > And BTW I used an alias, "David Binns" doesnt even exist, you plank, so jokes on youu!
    > Regards
    > David Mudkips (aka "David Binns" LOL)

    Email Response:

    Hello Good Sir,

    I am going to admit to reading your email at least 5 times yet only having a slight idea what you are talking about. I can only assume that you are revealing that you fooled the whole of Britain into thinking that BNP Activist David Binns living at the address 40 Athol Green, Ovenden, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 5RN with mobile telephone number 07922023556 BUT this was in fact an alias!

    One little point that you never considered in your cunning plan is that it is in fact a criminal offence to register for a political party in Britain under a pseudonym. Furthermore if indeed the BNP did accept your subscription under a false name this is also an offence for which they can be banned from taking part in elections.

    Apart from all this I have searched the electoral register in your electoral ward and it appears that Mudkips does not appear in that list. I'm assuming from this that you are either an illegal immigrant which would mean me passing your details to Immigration services for them to investigate, OR you are an apathetic bigot who does not vote OR your real name is Binns and you are, in fact, shitting yourself.


    Email Received:

    From:John *****
    Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 1:16 PM
    Subject: Legal Action

    I here by give you 1 hours notice before I commence legal action against you unless you remove the name John **** and any personal details connecting to John **** from the list of BNP members.
    Please remove my details now!

    Email Response:

    Dear Sir,

    I am afraid your email is not sufficient to make me remove the details at present. I must first ask you 2 security questions to ensure you are indeed Mr John *****.

    1. Can you please confirm your credit card number, issue and expiry date, as well as three digit secutiry number on the back of your card. If possible your Verified by Visa or Mastercard Securecode password would also be useful.
    2. Can you please confirm your age, height, sex and sexual preference.

    Once we receive these details we would be absolutely delighted to remove you from the list of bigots.

    Merry Christmas,
    George Agdgdgwngo and Family.

    More here


    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #9 - November 21, 2008, 09:39 AM

    I should add that I don't actually approve of the list being released like that. 

    Regardless of their bnp style views, their home numbers, addresses and stuff should be private and only released to the police if necessary.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #10 - November 21, 2008, 02:03 PM

    Agreed Berbs. now some moron has gone and firebombed one of the homes on the list. That will only cause slight sympathy for them and make it look like they may have a point. At any rate there are bound to be a few who will be tilted into joining them because of the list's publication and because of the firebombing.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #11 - November 21, 2008, 02:06 PM

    Agreed Berbs. now some moron has gone and firebombed one of the homes on the list. That will only cause slight sympathy for them and make it look like they may have a point. At any rate there are bound to be a few who will be tilted into joining them because of the list's publication and because of the firebombing.

    I wonder if we can get a list of all the nutty extremists who are joined to the nutty islamic groups, or I'm guessing that would be against the law.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #12 - November 21, 2008, 03:28 PM

    Agreed Berbs. now some moron has gone and firebombed one of the homes on the list. That will only cause slight sympathy for them and make it look like they may have a point. At any rate there are bound to be a few who will be tilted into joining them because of the list's publication and because of the firebombing.

    I wonder if we can get a list of all the nutty extremists who are joined to the nutty islamic groups, or I'm guessing that would be against the law.

    Hold up. Which one's are still around? Could you give me a couple of names?
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #13 - November 21, 2008, 03:58 PM

    This a good idea,  if it was legal  someone who knows the internet very well could  go inside The Islamic Society websites and get the lists of Islamists registered there, and then publish it. There is no reaison Ex-muslim have to hide them self,  and live in fear but not muslims.   
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #14 - November 21, 2008, 04:09 PM

    This a good idea,  if it was legal  someone who knows the internet very well could  go inside The Islamic Society websites and get the lists of Islamists registered there, and then publish it. There is no reaison Ex-muslim have to hide them self,  and live in fear but not muslims.   

    To do that you would probably have to hack the sites, which is not legal. Wink

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #15 - November 22, 2008, 02:43 AM

    Hitler's BNP membership gets leaked
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #16 - November 22, 2008, 03:21 AM

     Cheesy That vid is utterly fantastic. Top job. Afro  grin12

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #17 - November 22, 2008, 05:03 AM

    This a good idea,  if it was legal  someone who knows the internet very well could  go inside The Islamic Society websites and get the lists of Islamists registered there, and then publish it. There is no reaison Ex-muslim have to hide them self,  and live in fear but not muslims.   

    What is 'The Islamic Society`, Joanna? Do you mean this : It doesnt seem particularly threatening.

    The Islamic Society of Britain aims to:

    Promote greater awareness and understanding of Islam in Britain
    Organise, educate and mobilise Muslims in the UK
    Work for the development of the Muslim community in Britain
    Encourage positive engagement with the wider British society


    I see no reason why anyone, muslim or ex-muslim, should have to hide themselves and live in fear. Hunting out jihadi terrorists is one thing but hounding ordinary muslims is completely unacceptable.

    Life is a sexually transmitted disease which is invariably fatal.
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #18 - November 22, 2008, 05:27 AM

    Well Joanna, it seems to me that the aims of 'The Islamic Society', as given above, are very much like the aims  of any other religious denomination or political society , or angling club, for example, in Britain. Therefore they are quite legitimate providing everything they do remains within the secular law of the land, eg, no fishing without a rod licence.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #19 - November 29, 2008, 03:05 AM

    Hilarious and true Cheesy dance
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #20 - November 29, 2008, 07:38 AM


    Yeah, Nick Griffin is a fat bastard, isn't he?

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #21 - November 30, 2008, 04:09 AM

    Does BNP stand for Bring Numerous Pies? Cheesy
  • Re: BNP Memberlist Leaked
     Reply #22 - November 30, 2008, 07:28 PM

    Does BNP stand for Bring Numerous Pies? Cheesy

    I dunno, but I found one of their recruiting videos.
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