pascals wager
Are you seriously advancing pascal's wager?? Okay here's the thing; you can't feign belief. Either you *believe* it or you don't!
If you truly do believe, Pascal's wager is pointless because it would apply only to what you do while you are alive (whether it is in line with what your particular deity wants you to do) or not, and not your actual belief. It is more accurate to say "<since I already believe this particular deity> its a choice between following all the stuff in <chosen holy text> or not, because if I'm wrong I'm in trouble."
Do you think <particular God> will let you in to heaven because you *pretended* to believe? or is he too stupid to work out who was only bet-hedging and who are the "true believers"?
Furthermore, pascal's wager is flawed from the get-go in two ways:
1. It puts evidence for and against existence of God on equal footing of 50%. FACT: there is NO evidence for a deity. NONE! Any "holy books" and "prophets" are not evidence for existence they are simply claims. If you take the texts away then your God goes with them.
2. It assumes there is only the chance of no God or one religion. ie it ignores every other religion that has ever existed on the planet, which, if we do this right, they should all be included in possibilities.
So to make the point we can concede for the moment the 50% chance that "God" exists. Then you have to take the number of different religions that have ever existed and divide the 50% by them to get the probability that following <particular holy book/text> will get you into heaven if you follow it.
If we *only* took the 3 abrahamic religions (and ignore ALL the others) and apply this, its 50% / 3 = 16.666 (etc..) % probability against Pascal's 50% for atheists.
Pascal's wager doesn't look that good now, does it?