(Clicky for piccy!)NEW YORK (RushPRnews)12/15/08-Playboy Mexico Shows Naked Pictures of Virgin Maria Florencia Onori Just In Time For Our Lady Of Guadalupe DayJust in time for Our Lady Of Guadalupe Day (or early for Christmas, depending on your perspective), the Mexican version of Playboy has on its cover model Maria Florence Onori, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that she’s dressed as her namesake virgin and mother of Jesus Christ.
As might be expected, the imagery of a nude model as the Virgin Mary has offended a few people, and Playboy is now claiming that the pictures were in no way intended to invoke religious imagery, despite the crystal clear religious images used in the shoot and the churchy-sounding text that accompanies it. The issue so far has sold over 80,000 copies.
Update: The NSWF pictures of Playboy Virgin Maria in all her heavenly lust!
Under the title “we adored to You, Maria”, the model Maria Florence Onori appears in a series of eight photographs adorned with mantles and crowns similar to the used ones by the ecclesiastical authorities.
Onori, that in seven of those instantaneous ones shows to its sines or part of them, even appears shutdown before a vitral that remembers the atmosphere of a church.
Sources of Playboy said to Efe that the intention of photographer David Eisenberg did not go the one to do to the model to look oneself like the Virgin, although recognized that “to many they have assumed it thus people”.
Nevertheless, the article that accompanies the images is titled “Blessed you are” and in him it is read: “you are fortunate, Maria, when the light arrives at your skin, and your eyes find the eyes of our readers”.
More ahead the text continues: “yours they are the hope and the candor, yours the naked one in the light of the candles, yours the crown whereupon greets December to you”.
Forgive the syntax, the original Spanish-language version of the article is below. We’re still hunting down pictures, but for the time being you can check out this video of the photoshoot, which while SFW is still pretty revealing.
After watching that, we don’t think Playboy is gonna be able to get away with the whole, “we didn’t mean it to look religious, we swear!” excuse for very long. The only way this could look more religious is if they nailed up Jesus behind her.