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 Topic: Student Suicide Blamed on Richard Dawkins

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  • Student Suicide Blamed on Richard Dawkins
     OP - December 21, 2008, 08:38 PM

    December 19, 2008 3:29 PM
    Student suicide blamed on 'The God Delusion'
    The pro-Intelligent Design (ID) Discovery Institute of Seattle, Washington is laying the blame for the tragic suicide of 22 year old college student Jesse Kilgore on Richard Dawkins' book The God Delusion.

    According to a podcast, posted on December 17 by the Centre for Science and Culture (CSC), the branch of Discovery responsible for ID issues, Kilgore shot himself after reading the "anti-theistic" book. Apparently the book, which was recommended to him by a professor at the Jefferson Community College in New York, along with Kilgore's biology class, precipitated a crisis of faith.

    In the podcast, CSC's Annika Smith interviews Kilgore's father, Keith Kilgore. He says that Jesse was a "Christian who believed in ID", who chose to go to a "secular college" because he "wanted to debate, to prove his mettle and what he believed".
    Keith Kilgore then calls the college "negligent in presenting only one side", presumably of the debate on evolution and ID. "When you purposely try and undermine a child's world view...that's psychologically damaging", he says.

    Interestingly the podcast then brings in two other notions close to the CSC's heart.

    First, it moves on to the issue of academic freedom, which Smith claims that Kilgore supports. It's a notion that has been used by ID proponents in the past in order to try and pave the way for the teaching of ID in public schools, most successfully in Louisiana earlier this year.

    Secondly, in the podcast Keith Kilgore also mentions the pro-ID film Expelled, directed by Ben Stein and promoted by the Discovery Institute: "I believe if my son saw that movie before it happened, he would be alive today".

    The film suggests that by teaching evolution without teaching ID, the US public school system is telling children that there is no God, morality or free will, and includes clips of Nazis and the Second World War.

    It's tragic - and more than a little distasteful - that the death of a student has become part of the Intelligent Design movement's argument.

    Celeste Biever,  biomedical news editor

    Just when I thought the fundies couldn't sink any lower in their attempts to dress creationism up as science.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Student Suicide Blamed on Richard Dawkins
     Reply #1 - December 21, 2008, 08:46 PM

    It just goes to show that taqiyya is not exclusively a islamic practice.
  • Re: Student Suicide Blamed on Richard Dawkins
     Reply #2 - December 21, 2008, 08:55 PM

    Yes... let's blame a young person's undiscovered and untreated (or in the case of some religions, ignored) mental health issues on secular education.


    As much as it's sad that the kid wasted himself. I would be more upset if such stupidity wasn't so consistently entertaining.


    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I remain.
  • Re: Student Suicide Blamed on Richard Dawkins
     Reply #3 - December 21, 2008, 08:55 PM

    It just goes to show that taqiyya is not exclusively a islamic practice.

    Its a particularly nasty form of taqiyya too - trying to claim that a suicide is to be blamed on wicked scientists not allowing their pet fairy tale into the science class.  Talk about emotional blackmail. Roll Eyes

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Student Suicide Blamed on Richard Dawkins
     Reply #4 - December 21, 2008, 09:35 PM

    Virtually anything published by the Discovery institute is guaranteed to be dribbling idiocy. This is why they have no chance of getting their pet crusade past the courts or for that matter past the editors of reputable science journals.

    In the podcast, CSC's Annika Smith interviews Kilgore's father, Keith Kilgore. He says that Jesse was a "Christian who believed in ID", who chose to go to a "secular college" because he "wanted to debate, to prove his mettle and what he believed".

    Translation: he didn't want to go to college to learn. Important point there. He had obviously been indoctrinated to believe he couldn't be wrong.

    Keith Kilgore then calls the college "negligent in presenting only one side", presumably of the debate on evolution and ID. "When you purposely try and undermine a child's world view...that's psychologically damaging", he says.

    Blithering nonsense. For a start a 22 year old is not legally, mentally or (one would hope) emotionally a child. Then you have the fact that universities are institutions of learning. This means that you are expected to learn stuff you didn't know before. if you don't want to do that don't go to university, doofus.

    First, it moves on to the issue of academic freedom, which Smith claims that Kilgore supports. It's a notion that has been used by ID proponents in the past in order to try and pave the way for the teaching of ID in public schools, most successfully in Louisiana earlier this year.

    Academic freedom does not mean the right to present lies as truth. ID is a massive fail in this respect. The curriculum is fully taken up with teaching the best of current knowledge. Bullshit would be a waste of time and resources.

    Secondly, in the podcast Keith Kilgore also mentions the pro-ID film Expelled, directed by Ben Stein and promoted by the Discovery Institute: "I believe if my son saw that movie before it happened, he would be alive today".

    A film which is notorious for being one for the worst and most dishonest films ever made.

    The film suggests that by teaching evolution without teaching ID, the US public school system is telling children that there is no God, morality or free will, and includes clips of Nazis and the Second World War.

    Cretins, and lying cretins at that.

    Quote from: Cheetah
    Just when I thought the fundies couldn't sink any lower in their attempts to dress creationism up as science.

    Fundies can always sink lower. It's what they do best.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Student Suicide Blamed on Richard Dawkins
     Reply #5 - December 21, 2008, 09:36 PM

    So books & doctrines he had been reading for 22yrs of his life are totally innocent. Yet One book he read at 22yrs is now responsible for the kid whacking himself.

    Only a self-righteous prick, would carry on with the implicit assumption that his 'holy books' are so absolutely and utterly true and correct, as to be completely and utterly blameless. Yet One single book the kid wrote could have caused the death.

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: Student Suicide Blamed on Richard Dawkins
     Reply #6 - December 21, 2008, 11:15 PM

    Yes... let's blame a young person's undiscovered and untreated (or in the case of some religions, ignored) mental health issues on secular education.


    As much as it's sad that the kid wasted himself. I would be more upset if such stupidity wasn't so consistently entertaining.

    I can't put my hand on the source right now, but I remember reading that people who grew up in very religious households tended to have a higher percentage of mental illness compared to the general population.  I don't think you can blame that on heredity.

  • Re: Student Suicide Blamed on Richard Dawkins
     Reply #7 - December 21, 2008, 11:23 PM

    It just goes to show that taqiyya is not exclusively a islamic practice.

    Its a particularly nasty form of taqiyya too - trying to claim that a suicide is to be blamed on wicked scientists not allowing their pet fairy tale into the science class.  Talk about emotional blackmail. Roll Eyes

    And its goddamn effective propaganda too that's really gaining traction with the unwashed masses.  Especially since this fucking moron gutted the educational system.
  • Re: Student Suicide Blamed on Richard Dawkins
     Reply #8 - December 22, 2008, 06:47 AM

    In the podcast, CSC's Annika Smith interviews Kilgore's father, Keith Kilgore. He says that Jesse was a "Christian who believed in ID", who chose to go to a "secular college" because he "wanted to debate, to prove his mettle and what he believed".

    Translation: he didn't want to go to college to learn. Important point there. He had obviously been indoctrinated to believe he couldn't be wrong.

    Lol. Sounds a bit like our newest friend on this forun   Roll Eyes

    Though it has no bridge,
    The cloud climbs up to heaven;
    It does not seek the aid
    Of Gautama's sutras.

    - Ikkyu
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