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 Topic: When you ask a question you will surely get an unrelated answer!?

 (Read 5706 times)
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  • When you ask a question you will surely get an unrelated answer!?
     OP - December 21, 2008, 10:56 PM

    I just watched a documentary on the archaeological history of the israelites and the history of the development of the bible ("The Bible's Buried Secrets"; an interesting documentary). I got the hint of this documentary from Salman Hameed's blog Science and Religion News (a blog that I think that some inhere would find interesting). It's made by PBS, the american public funded tv-channel. And they usually makes some great documentaries, and also provide the viewer with the possibility to visit a further elaborating website on the subject of the documentary, and for the documentary in question it's this one (also an interesting site with a lot of good extra-material).

    Now to the point; one of the sub-groups of extra-material is one called "religious perspectives", where three christians priests/reverends, three jewish rabbis and one muslim imam is giving their view on the documentary. Here's Imam Shamsi Ali's very 'relevant' comment:

    In the medieval age, the Islamic world had a very significant impact upon Europe, which, in turn, cleared the way for the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution.

    It comes as no surprise to know that, in Islam, religion and science have always been considered to be twin sisters, and that today, at a time when science has taken such great strides, they still continue to be associated. Certain scientific data, in fact, are used for the better understanding of the Quranic text.

    What is more, in a century in which, for many, scientific truth has dealt a deathblow to religious belief, it is precisely the discoveries of science that, in an objective examination of the Islamic Revelation, have highlighted the supernatural character of certain aspects of the Revelation. The Quran contains infinitely more precise details [than many scientific discoveries today] that are directly related to facts discovered by modern science. These are what exercise a magnetic attraction for today's scientists.

    NOVA's "The Bible's Buried Secrets," in my view, accurately presents the viewer with a great deal about archeology and how archeology enables us to study the biblical texts. The work will surely raise provocative questions in a thoughtful and respectful way. This is an extraordinary work for all children of Abraham to know. Truly, a fascinating documentary film?do take time to explore it!

    NOVA is to be congratulated on preparing and presenting such a fine piece of work.

    Personally I was astonished of his way of association/reasoning: "I have now watched a simple documentary of some historical insights of what might be the history of the hebrew bible, so therefore I will now make dawa"  wacko
  • Re: When you ask a question you will surely get an unrelated answer!?
     Reply #1 - December 21, 2008, 11:08 PM

    It seems like a ridiculous attitude to take. He's just pushing the old "scientific miracles in the Quran" rubbish that has been flogged to death a thousand times. Of course he'll ignore all the cases in which the Quran has been proven wrong by science. Typical.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: When you ask a question you will surely get an unrelated answer!?
     Reply #2 - December 21, 2008, 11:47 PM

    It seems like a ridiculous attitude to take. He's just pushing the old "scientific miracles in the Quran" rubbish that has been flogged to death a thousand times. Of course he'll ignore all the cases in which the Quran has been proven wrong by science. Typical.

    Well it's not so much that. He's just been presented by a documantary about the bible and history behind it. The documentary presents a view that the bible is in places presenting historical contents and in other places is wrong on the historical accounts. Basicly just that. He could have commented on that. He could even have pressed the "old story" that the muslims believe that the bible is corrupted. But instead he starts talking about science, "scientific facts" in the islamic revelation, and that scientists is attracted to the qur'an. I'm really amazed of the lack of context in which he presents his "relavent comment". I'm amazed of the reasoning. The "old "scientific miracles in the Quran" rubbish" has no relevance what so ever to the context of the documentary.
  • Re: When you ask a question you will surely get an unrelated answer!?
     Reply #3 - December 22, 2008, 12:00 AM

    The Bucaille worshippers among muslims are just as irritating in their own way as the ID crowd among Christians.  He sounds like a Bucaillist.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: When you ask a question you will surely get an unrelated answer!?
     Reply #4 - December 22, 2008, 12:02 AM

    It seems like a ridiculous attitude to take. He's just pushing the old "scientific miracles in the Quran" rubbish that has been flogged to death a thousand times. Of course he'll ignore all the cases in which the Quran has been proven wrong by science. Typical.

    Well it's not so much that. He's just been presented by a documantary about the bible and history behind it. The documentary presents a view that the bible is in places presenting historical contents and in other places is wrong on the historical accounts. Basicly just that. He could have commented on that. He could even have pressed the "old story" that the muslims believe that the bible is corrupted. But instead he starts talking about science, "scientific facts" in the islamic revelation, and that scientists is attracted to the qur'an. I'm really amazed of the lack of context in which he presents his "relavent comment". I'm amazed of the reasoning. The "old "scientific miracles in the Quran" rubbish" has no relevance what so ever to the context of the documentary.

    I think we're basically in agreement.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: When you ask a question you will surely get an unrelated answer!?
     Reply #5 - December 22, 2008, 08:56 AM

    Personally I was astonished of his way of association/reasoning: "I have now watched a simple documentary of some historical insights of what might be the history of the hebrew bible, so therefore I will now make dawa"  wacko

    That's typical behaviour. The side-stepping that many muslims use when discussing controversial aspects of their religion and seize a perceived opportunity to make dawa would make any Olympic boxing champion proud.

    If you are not used to it then you almost want to shake that person or as they do in the movies give them a slap and say 'snap out of it.'

    I'm so used to it now when discussing 'scientific miracles in the quran' with muslims that I now just feel pity for them and glad that I don't have their mindset.

    I'm afraid that Bucaillism is just one more aspect of Islam to torture and tie up in knots its followers.

  • Re: When you ask a question you will surely get an unrelated answer!?
     Reply #6 - December 24, 2008, 10:32 PM

    Personally I was astonished of his way of association/reasoning: "I have now watched a simple documentary of some historical insights of what might be the history of the hebrew bible, so therefore I will now make dawa"  wacko

    That's typical behaviour. The side-stepping that many muslims use when discussing controversial aspects of their religion and seize a perceived opportunity to make dawa would make any Olympic boxing champion proud.

    If you are not used to it then you almost want to shake that person or as they do in the movies give them a slap and say 'snap out of it.'

    I'm so used to it now when discussing 'scientific miracles in the quran' with muslims that I now just feel pity for them and glad that I don't have their mindset.

    I'm afraid that Bucaillism is just one more aspect of Islam to torture and tie up in knots its followers.

    I couldn't have said it better myself. But I debated muslims on the "scientific miracle" thing before, and if you PROVE them wrong, with them its just denial denial denial!! One of my friends just looked me in the eye kinda nervous and said "no no no no, no no. nope, impossible. Al-QURAN HAS BEEN PROVEN by science, I know you see the truth its ok man" The arrogance and ignorance in them makes me sick. I honestly feel sorry for muslims who really believe in this scientific miracle bullshit.

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshiped anything but himself."
    ~Sir Richard Francis Burton

    "I think religion is just like smoking: Both invented by people, addictive, harmful, and kills!"
  • Re: When you ask a question you will surely get an unrelated answer!?
     Reply #7 - December 25, 2008, 05:13 PM

    Thats because Religion numbs the brain and hinders progress, tis explains why all Muslim countries are fucked up and the people can't wait to get out.

    Take the Pakman challenge and convince me there is a God and Mo was not a murdering, power hungry sex maniac.
  • Re: When you ask a question you will surely get an unrelated answer!?
     Reply #8 - December 25, 2008, 10:20 PM

    I'm afraid that Bucaillism is just one more aspect of Islam to torture and tie up in knots its followers.

    I agree. And these sentements makes people come up with reasoning to excuse variant aspect of the qur'an. I had a debate with a columbian convert who now lives in Malaysia. The debate was centered around the "high"-values of the qur'an. He for instans argued for the positive effects of the rule of whipping for adultery. I was astonished. And it seemed very much that he was a convert because of the "scientific miracles".
  • Re: When you ask a question you will surely get an unrelated answer!?
     Reply #9 - January 01, 2009, 06:20 PM

    I'm afraid that Bucaillism is just one more aspect of Islam to torture and tie up in knots its followers.

    I agree. And these sentements makes people come up with reasoning to excuse variant aspect of the qur'an. I had a debate with a columbian convert who now lives in Malaysia. The debate was centered around the "high"-values of the qur'an. He for instans argued for the positive effects of the rule of whipping for adultery. I was astonished. And it seemed very much that he was a convert because of the "scientific miracles".

    Technically you get stoned for that one....

    (and not on weed)
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