Ok, you do the feminist thing.

Hey everybody! My name is Chris. I'm a womyn, a plumber and am in the middle of building my own custom Harley Davidson. Just a word of warning: No-one calls me "Sweet-heart" in person, and no-one better call my "sweet-heart" on this forum. I'm not one of your brainless little bimbo toys that Osmanthus would like to exploit, as though he would know what to do with them anyway.
I do not tolerate theism of any kind, especially of the masculine patriarchal religious systems. Do not even try to talk to me about your gods. You will get no love from me. My hobbies are motor-cycle mechanics, hiking, camping and protesting. My favorite events are 'Take Back the Night', and I am a volunteer for Code Pink.
The reason I joined is to put Muslim men in their place.
Anyway, greetings, all. Hey.
(Shaneequa says Shaneequa is going to need to do research!)