Islam embraces all these ethical considerations anyway, although it has the added benefit of Allah (swt) to guide you through it.
I don't understand why you would leave Islam to embrace all the same principles you left behind, but I respect that its your prerogative.
Goldie, I believe you are thinking of "Pax Islamia (tm)". A global islamic peace. That state that most muslims dream of, when the entire world becomes muslim. Then the sword verses will no longer be needed, the wife beating verses will somehow no longer be needed. Everybody will be happy and content as they follow some set of perfect laws.
Of course in pax islamia there will be no sunni and shiia and ismaili, the khaliphs who were always persecuting some muslim or another, will somehow stop doing it. The very first Khaliphs & companions who built islam and who murdered each other for money and power, will somehow become the world Saints.
But for now islam is still just trying to build this perfect society, right Goldie?
So I guess if I am an infidel who heard the call to islam and refused it, and I am, then i would want to pay a jizya and have my fingers cut off and be lied to and my women and belongings become fair game, and even if I am under the loving protection of a muslim wali, and I am murdered, then the religion of my murderer will matter in deciding the punishment.
I will also like how in the koran it mentions 17 times torture with boiling water, then burning, then getting new skin, etc.
But that is okay Goldie, you do not mind the mistreatment, because you actually and honestly believe that those who do not follow islam are worth less. You think to yourself: "Well if I am worth less, then clearly I would want to be kissing the boots".
You would think that the strife is just temporary before we all become muslims and in pax islamia, we will all live well and be happy. You do not think it will become like the Sunni & Shia and Ismaili are today. You do not think it will be like every single Caliphate who was persecuting some muslims or another. Like the very First Khaliphs and companions who murdered each other for money and power.
Why does a religion that beatifies the thugs, that sanctifies the boot, somehow suddenly achieve peace when everyone is following it? What will happen to women in that society? What will happen to homosexuals? Who will get the better jobs? Who will get the better women? Who will judge? Who will execute the judgement? Of course Pax Islamia might happens, but beside all bloodshed and misery such a peace will cause, would you want to live in that Pax?