I agree that a two-state solution should be found. I've always believed that pre-1967 Israel should be for the Israelis and Gaza & the West Bank should be for the Palestinians. Too bad religion got dragged into the conflict tho'.
So then you yourself are a Zionist, Nour. Zionism = the belief that the Jews should have a homeland of their own.
Yes I'm a Zionist as well but if you listened to the Left, the Nazis, the Islamists and people like Turquoise you would think that Zionism was some kind of deeply sinister cult, the enemy of all mankind.
Zionism is actually a quite reasonable position. So there are some fanatics involved but for Islamists, the far Left and the far Right to condemn Zionism because of the fanatics is like Mr Kipling condemning Cadbury's for making sweet things.
Turquoise, yes there is a Jewish Lobby, yes they have some influence but just look at the influence the Islamic nations have at the UN. There is nothing sinister about the Jewish Lobby. They lobby to get support for Israel and they are pushing at an open door because most American politicians whether secular or religious happen to see Israel as a liberal democracy surrounded by fanatics and tyrants not a pariah state that likes to kill innocent civilians and drink their blood.
Yes if you buy into the Elders of Zion type conspiracy theory and see Israel as a child murdering genocidal apartheid state then the Jewish Lobby will look decidedly like the evil puppet masters of the world but you would have to be a nasty little racist to get that far down that primrose road of delusion without snapping back to reality.
Why does the idea of Jews lobbying for support for Israel bother you so much. Is it sinister that Jews are doing the lobbying? Perhaps you are one of these people who thinks that Israel should be left friendless and without aid? Maybe you would like to see Israels F16's confiscated and them given muskets to defend Israel with!!
You act as if you are just a concerned humanitarian looking objectively at just one more conflict and coming to your own conclusion but it is quite obvious that you are in the camp of Israel haters who condemns Israel for it's military action more than you would dream of condemning Mugabe or the regime in Sudan.
You are either an undercover Islamist, an antisemite or an anti imperialist Leftist who has the simplistic Star Wars view of the world. Empire against Rebels. The noble third world against the malign American, Israeli, Western European reich.
By the way you accuse me of working myself into a rage when I'm posting speeded up versions of anti Israel demonstrations with the Benny Hill theme tune and busting my chops with laughter at the idea that Jews own the banks and the media.
No mate your antisemitic theorising concerns me but you do not have the power to enrage me.