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 Topic: Alan Hart on Zionism

 (Read 11383 times)
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  • Alan Hart on Zionism
     OP - January 23, 2009, 10:25 AM

    Those who really want to know what is going on in the state of Israel, this link given below will be an excellent material.  I initially posted it in the rant arena but I don't know if many forumers visit there and I think it is a serious enough matter to be in this part of the forum.  I hope not to get banned for this! ... my+of+jews

    The speaker is Alan Hart. Alan hart worked on behalf of Israel with Jimmy Carter. He was a participant of the 6 days war of Israel. Listen what he has to say. The author is a jew.
    This is an important video. If more interested read the book titled "Zionism the real enemy of jews" by Alan Hart.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #1 - January 23, 2009, 10:43 AM

    Sorry, that link seems not to be working, this one does:
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #2 - January 23, 2009, 01:29 PM

    That link won't play for me either,  I think that's my computer's fault though.  Anyway, Alan Hart is a journalist and former Panorama presenter, who covered the Six Day War as the Middle East correspondent for Independent Television News.  You misrepresented him by saying this...

    He was a participant of the 6 days war of Israel.

    That seems designed to mislead people into thinking he was a member of the IDF.  He wasn't, he was a journalist covering the war for the British media.

    And while you're welcome to post a You Tube of Hart advertising his book, its not news from around the globe. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #3 - January 23, 2009, 04:09 PM

    Well, it plays on my computer.  Actually, I didn't write the thing about him being a participant, I got it from somewhere else.  But I suppose that he took part in it in his role as a journalist.  It would be a pity to miss his insight on the matter, I encourage to look it up.

    About not being relevant in the other category, I don't agree because the recent attacks on Gaza are World news and this video explain a lot of the root causes of it.  You didn't watch it and now many wouldn't either because you dumped it here.

    It is quite clear to me that this subject is a sort of taboo in this forum, which is sad.  I really thought this was a place for free thinkers.  Maybe you would like to ban me too, nothing surprises me.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #4 - January 23, 2009, 04:13 PM

    You're a little paranoid, turquoise.  There is nothing "dumped" about the topic, its simply been moved to a general discussion forum, which is where it belongs.  We already have plenty of threads in the news bits about Gaza and Israel, so the "taboo" doesn't exist outside your imagination.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #5 - January 23, 2009, 04:23 PM

    You're a little paranoid, turquoise.  There is nothing "dumped" about the topic, its simply been moved to a general discussion forum, which is where it belongs.  We already have plenty of threads in the news bits about Gaza and Israel, so the "taboo" doesn't exist outside your imagination.

    I sure hope so Cheetah, for this forum's sake.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #6 - January 23, 2009, 04:28 PM

    Quote from: turquoise
    It is quite clear to me that this subject is a sort of taboo in this forum, which is sad.  I really thought this was a place for free thinkers.  Maybe you would like to ban me too, nothing surprises me.

    It's not taboo, it's just good old shit.  Wink

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #7 - January 23, 2009, 04:47 PM

    Sorry, that link seems not to be working, this one does:

    I watched, but I lost this guy at 10 minute 15:

    "..the core assumption of zionism mythology .. is that israel has lived in danger of annihalation... The Truth of history which had been documented in the CORE of both volumes of my book, is that israel had NEVER EVER lived under the threat of annihalation from the combined forces of the arabs.."

    After saying crap like this Turquoise, do I still need to listen to Alan? When I talked to Egyptian military personel, who had received orders to move onto Israel, in 1967. Prior to the israelis attack. And when israel pre-empted the Arab attack Five days before it was due to happen?

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #8 - January 23, 2009, 05:18 PM

    Sorry, that link seems not to be working, this one does:

    I watched, but I lost this guy at 10 minute 15:

    "..the core assumption of zionism mythology .. is that israel has lived in danger of annihalation... The Truth of history which had been documented in the CORE of both volumes of my book, is that israel had NEVER EVER lived under the threat of annihalation from the combined forces of the arabs.."

    After saying crap like this Turquoise, do I still need to listen to Alan? When I talked to Egyptian military personel, who had received orders to move onto Israel, in 1967. Prior to the israelis attack. And when israel pre-empted the Arab attack Five days before it was due to happen?

    Ok, Baal, Zaephon, et tal.  You seem to know it all.  I can sincerely say that I don't know it all and I am a very avid reader, every day I discover that I can learn something new or see a subject from a different angle. 

    You can find the video in Youtube.  With regards to its author, he was there in 1967, were you?  He held discussions with Shimon Peres on behalf of Jimmy Carter and he did research for his book for 5 years.

    Anyway, I suppose Islam pisses you all off.  I don't like it either and that's the reason I joined the forum but, first and foremost, my purpose in life is to get to the truth.  Islam is not the only evil in the world.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #9 - January 23, 2009, 05:30 PM

    Quote from: turquoise
    Anyway, I suppose Islam pisses you all off.  I don't like it either and that's the reason I joined the forum but, first and foremost, my purpose in life is to get to the truth.  Islam is not the only evil in the world.

    Broadly speaking, this forum is for ex-Muslims and people who wish to help our cause. Of course Islam is not the only evil in the world, but it is our specialty and top priority. Therefore, if your "anti-Zionist" agenda is your only source of inspiration, people will not take you very seriously here, especially if you paste random excerpts from other sources and do not bother to get involved in arguments. Your funny accusation that we fall short of being "free-thinkers" because there are pro-Zionist posters in our forum is just pathetic. 

    In most parts of the Islamic world, every rebel against Islam is labelled as a Zionist. You see, this whole anti-Zionist fantasy of yours loses its appeal after some time. If you are really interested in this subject and if you want people to take you seriously, you should first read the other threads about Israel, to see what different apostates think about the issue. There have been so many. And again, if a random poster showed up posting random links and videos about the Palestinians being evil terrorists, he/she would receive the same treatment. There is no ZOG conspiracy here.

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #10 - January 23, 2009, 06:26 PM

    Quote from: turquoise
    Anyway, I suppose Islam pisses you all off.  I don't like it either and that's the reason I joined the forum but, first and foremost, my purpose in life is to get to the truth.  Islam is not the only evil in the world.

    Broadly speaking, this forum is for ex-Muslims and people who wish to help our cause. Of course Islam is not the only evil in the world, but it is our specialty and top priority. Therefore, if your "anti-Zionist" agenda is your only source of inspiration, people will not take you very seriously here, especially if you paste random excerpts from other sources and do not bother to get involved in arguments. Your funny accusation that we fall short of being "free-thinkers" because there are pro-Zionist posters in our forum is just pathetic. 

    In most parts of the Islamic world, every rebel against Islam is labelled as a Zionist. You see, this whole anti-Zionist fantasy of yours loses its appeal after some time. If you are really interested in this subject and if you want people to take you seriously, you should first read the other threads about Israel, to see what different apostates think about the issue. There have been so many. And again, if a random poster showed up posting random links and videos about the Palestinians being evil terrorists, he/she would receive the same treatment. There is no ZOG conspiracy here.

    Zionism is not my only source of inspiration, but it is my current one because of the relevance of it in recent world affairs.  I am not on the side of militant Palestinians either, but as a concerned citizen of the world I am of the opinion (and I am not alone there) that this conflict is a cancer in the world and a source of pain and destruction.  As long as this is on, there will be no real peace and I believe it could lead to the destruction of this world, through a massive world war.

    I have read different opinions on the subject before and felt very sorry for the victims of the holocaust, but this issue of the holocaust has been overexploited by the movie industry in order to make the whole world feel guilty.  The truth is there have been many other massacres in the history of mankind.  I do believe that the Zionists are behaving like Nazis now with the Palestinian. 
    To give you an example:
    I once read a jewish paper in London in which they called for donations from the community to bring more settlers into Israel in order to have a 'more jewish way or life'.  It is shameful that in a country at war for territory, they keep bringing more and more people in to cause more trouble and that they place those settlements as dots all over Palestinian territory.  It is shrewd terrorism intended to obliterate the Palestinian population. 

    I am not pro-Islam so I am against its expansionist and violent teachings, but that does not mean I have to condone an equally wrong conduct.  You said in another topic that the jews are an ethnic and cultural group that has the right to that land. I think that many jews were perfectly happy living in other countries before Zionism came to the fore, and they considered Israel as their spiritual homeland, a place for pilgrimage but not a place to live.  The israelis may have got a state, but at what price? Can they live in peace there? 

    I remember once in a documentary I heard the father of a dead israeli soldier say: what's the point of having this land if I have lost my son?
    And that goes for the Palestinians too.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #11 - January 23, 2009, 06:38 PM

    I agree with a lot of what you've posted above.  However, Israel is there to stay, whether you, Alan Hart and the ultra Orthodox Jewish fundies like it or not.  Fantasizing about eradicating Israel is just pie in the sky, the most realistic solution is the two state solution with Israel within its 1967 borders.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #12 - January 23, 2009, 07:42 PM

    I agree with a lot of what you've posted above.  However, Israel is there to stay, whether you, Alan Hart and the ultra Orthodox Jewish fundies like it or not.  Fantasizing about eradicating Israel is just pie in the sky, the most realistic solution is the two state solution with Israel within its 1967 borders.

    Of course, there is no other solution.  The problem is that both sides will do everything in their power not to make it possible.

    I never said that I wanted the eradication of Israel.  I think it was illegitimately funded , but now it is there and so there should be a compromise on both sides.  But that seems highly unlikely.  And as long as countries like America continue to finance it and be unwilling to criticize anything they do for fear of the anti-semite thing and the Anti Defamation League, I am afraid we are not getting anywhere. 

    Nothing is beyond criticism.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #13 - January 23, 2009, 07:47 PM

    I doubt Americans are any more afraid of the Anti-Defamation League than the Council for American Islamic Relations, and I doubt the Israeli lobby holds significantly more power than their Saudi Arabian counterparts.  You oversimplify the problem, America does need to put its weight behind fair negotiations between the two sides, but to do that effectively they can't alienate Israel either.

    Hopefully, Obama will be more even handed and constructive than his predecessor.  All we can do is wait and see.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #14 - January 24, 2009, 09:12 AM

    I don't know everything, but I think America is playing a clever game with Cair and Islamic countries in general.  I think that all that talk of respect and so on is largely BS.  They need the oil and thus they are being politically correct.

    They want to control the region and Israel is a base for America.  What worries me is that as expansionist as Islam is, Judaism is another religion who sees itself as superior.  Many of them may be secular, but they carry with them that feeling of specialness and are influenced by the talmud, etc. 

    I have heard that the jewish people, tired of waiting for a Messiah that never turned up to make them the masters of the world, self-proclaimed themselves as the Messiah and so they decided to take over from now.  They don't do it overtly but from behind the scenes, by controlling mainly the finances.  I don't want to sound paranoid or xenophobic or anything like that because I really am not, but I can see a pattern forming, and I do hope I am wrong.

    Also, their conduct in Israel is far from fair: the wall, the settlements, the controls, etc.  Their real purpose is to drive the Palestinians out, but those are equally stubborn.  I am afraid they will cause a lot of trouble for the whole world for a piece of land.
    One thing I am beginning to believe is that there are some dark forces out there that created the different religions to confuse people, cause havock and not let them see the truth.

  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #15 - January 24, 2009, 09:58 AM

    Quote from: turquoise
    It is quite clear to me that this subject is a sort of taboo in this forum, which is sad.  I really thought this was a place for free thinkers.  Maybe you would like to ban me too, nothing surprises me.

    It's not taboo, it's just good old shit.  Wink

    That'll be your favourite flavour then Smiley

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #16 - January 24, 2009, 05:32 PM

    Quote from: turquoise
    It is quite clear to me that this subject is a sort of taboo in this forum, which is sad.  I really thought this was a place for free thinkers.  Maybe you would like to ban me too, nothing surprises me.

    It's not taboo, it's just good old shit.  Wink

    That'll be your favourite flavour then Smiley

    Another intelligent and profound statement by Jack Torrance.  Roll Eyes

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #17 - January 25, 2009, 01:31 AM

    I agree with a lot of what you've posted above.  However, Israel is there to stay, whether you, Alan Hart and the ultra Orthodox Jewish fundies like it or not.  Fantasizing about eradicating Israel is just pie in the sky, the most realistic solution is the two state solution with Israel within its 1967 borders.

    Of course, there is no other solution.  The problem is that both sides will do everything in their power not to make it possible.

    I never said that I wanted the eradication of Israel.  I think it was illegitimately funded , but now it is there and so there should be a compromise on both sides.  But that seems highly unlikely.  And as long as countries like America continue to finance it and be unwilling to criticize anything they do for fear of the anti-semite thing and the Anti Defamation League, I am afraid we are not getting anywhere. 

    Nothing is beyond criticism.

    Oh dear I have heard this kind of stuff before. You might not be quite as explicit but I know what you really mean!

    The Zionist Crusader conspiracy is at the heart of all the strife in the Middle East and possibly the world.

    Nothing to do with Pan Arab Nationalism, Islamic antisemitism, Islamic fundamentalism, corrupt dictators or the worldwide enmity towards Israels very existence.

    As the laughable Alan Hart implies there is no threat, there never was. It was all just an evil Zionist ploy to expand Israel and steal yet more land from the poor downtrodden Palestinians.

    It's all because nasty America supports the Zionists who control the world media, the American senate via the all powerful Jewish Lobby and the world banking system. This shady unseen Jewish clique deflects criticism by charging their critics with antisemitism and they use the Holocaust to get sympathy. Zionism is the unseen, all powerful, bloodthirsty danger that stalks the globe and must be opposed by all good people everywhere.

    It's only a matter of time before these shady Zionists (Jews) get what they want. An empire stretching from the Med to the Euphrates.

    With American and European media and banking already firmly in the hands of Zionists/Jews meaning that Jews essentially rule the West if they get their empire that stretches to the Euphrates they will conquer the world and the likes of you, Alan Hart, the Leftists and Islamists cannot let this happen.

    REVOLUTION parrot

  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #18 - January 25, 2009, 03:57 AM

    I have no problem with legitimate criticism of Israel as it has earned it's fair share due to it's illegal settlements, hawkish policies and aggressive occupation of the West Bank but as soon as someone harks on about Jews/Zionists controlling the media and the banks you can be pretty sure you dealing with an antisemitic, conspiracy theorist. I don't know, lets find out.

    I suppose you are one of these people who saw the recent Israeli action in Gaza as something akin to a Hitlerian policy of murder and oppression deliberately targeting innocent civilians out of a racist sense of superiority and a ruthless hate of the other.

    If so why?

    All of the evidence points to the fact that this was a defensive response to Hamas rockets and that it was Israeli policy to minimise civilian casualties and Hamas policy to maximise them.

    Hitler killed over six million people, the regime in Sudan has killed 300, 000 people, Robert Mugabe is creating hell on earth in Zimbabwe and yet people like you focus all of your anger and righteous indignation on Israeli action in Gaza, Lebanon, Jennin or wherever.

    So seeing that the worst crimes against humanity being carried out today are happening in Zimbabwe, Sudan, Chechnya and Georgia why is it Israel that raises worldwide anger? People didn't take to the streets in their thousands and storm the barricades outside the Russian embassy when they invaded Georgia (although many on the Left didn't miss a heartbeat before blaming that conflict on.....You guessed it Israel)

    With this quandary in mind we can assume that your focus on Israel/Palestine is not for humanitarian purposes alone. You either have an ax to grind for religious or ideological reasons or you are an antisemitic conspiracy theorist and as such unworthy of being taken seriously.

    Which is it?

    If you are a Communist or Leftist then you have a skewed view of this situation but we can have a conversation. If you are an antisemitic Islamist or conspiracy theorist then there really is no point in having this conversation.

    Sorry to push you into a corner but in light of your comments about Jews the media and banks you have opened yourself up to scrutiny. I like to know if I'm addressing a concerned humanitarian or a paranoid racist who has nightmares about ZOG.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #19 - January 25, 2009, 09:08 AM

    I have no problem with legitimate criticism of Israel as it has earned it's fair share due to it's illegal settlements, hawkish policies and aggressive occupation of the West Bank but as soon as someone harks on about Jews/Zionists controlling the media and the banks you can be pretty sure you dealing with an antisemitic, conspiracy theorist. I don't know, lets find out.

    I suppose you are one of these people who saw the recent Israeli action in Gaza as something akin to a Hitlerian policy of murder and oppression deliberately targeting innocent civilians out of a racist sense of superiority and a ruthless hate of the other.

    If so why?

    All of the evidence points to the fact that this was a defensive response to Hamas rockets and that it was Israeli policy to minimise civilian casualties and Hamas policy to maximise them.

    Hitler killed over six million people, the regime in Sudan has killed 300, 000 people, Robert Mugabe is creating hell on earth in Zimbabwe and yet people like you focus all of your anger and righteous indignation on Israeli action in Gaza, Lebanon, Jennin or wherever.

    So seeing that the worst crimes against humanity being carried out today are happening in Zimbabwe, Sudan, Chechnya and Georgia why is it Israel that raises worldwide anger? People didn't take to the streets in their thousands and storm the barricades outside the Russian embassy when they invaded Georgia (although many on the Left didn't miss a heartbeat before blaming that conflict on.....You guessed it Israel)

    With this quandary in mind we can assume that your focus on Israel/Palestine is not for humanitarian purposes alone. You either have an ax to grind for religious or ideological reasons or you are an antisemitic conspiracy theorist and as such unworthy of being taken seriously.

    Which is it?

    If you are a Communist or Leftist then you have a skewed view of this situation but we can have a conversation. If you are an antisemitic Islamist or conspiracy theorist then there really is no point in having this conversation.

    Sorry to push you into a corner but in light of your comments about Jews the media and banks you have opened yourself up to scrutiny. I like to know if I'm addressing a concerned humanitarian or a paranoid racist who has nightmares about ZOG.

    I don't fit into any of your categories.  I am a quite apolitical person who observes the world.  In a way I am trying to put together the pieces of a puzzle to find out why the world is so f..... up.  I am not afraid to read all types of information and get whatever is valid out of it.

    I don't claim to know it all and aim to learn everyday a little more.  I am also not afraid of changing my mind if I am met by evidence on a subject.  I care about all the conflicts of the world and the suffering of people and any beings for that matter.  I comment on the Gaza issue like I could comment on any other.

    I have been a long critic of Islam and its sense of superiority over the others.  In view of the attitude of the leaders of the state of Israel since its inception, I can sense the same pattern. I am of course against any religion or ideology that sees itself as superior and uses brute force to achieve its aims.

    About the banking and media ownership, yes I have read a bit about it, but I don't believe everything I read.  Nevertheless, there could be some truth in it.  I don't mean that only rich Jews do, but also some other groups of the super rich.   And I am not thinking bloodlines and lizards.  I think that is rubbish. 
    I do feel that leaders, especially in America and UK are not really free to do as they want and I do feel the media is bias.  I mean, can you prove that the Rothschilds don't own the Federal Reserve? 

    You must be thinking I am a conspiracy theorist, but I am not.  Just exploring....

  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #20 - January 25, 2009, 03:38 PM

    You know your digging yourself into a deeper grave with your mention of the Rothschilds.

    Do you know if you want to find divinity in any book you can find it and if you focus on any successful ethnic group you can build a conspiracy.

    I would be more explicit and Berbs would smite me so I will guard my words. All the evidence points to you being the worst kind of conspiracy theorist and potential anti Jewish obsessive. Nuf said

    PS: Heres a little vid for you and your REVOLUTION  Cheesy
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #21 - January 25, 2009, 04:20 PM

    Quote from: turquoise
    You must be thinking I am a conspiracy theorist, but I am not.  Just exploring....

    Well, some of your earlier comments suggested that you were.

    Quote from: turquoise
    In a way I am trying to put together the pieces of a puzzle to find out why the world is so f..... up.

    And you decided that ZOG is guilty of all the crimes on this planet?

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #22 - January 26, 2009, 08:50 AM

    You know your digging yourself into a deeper grave with your mention of the Rothschilds.

    Do you know if you want to find divinity in any book you can find it and if you focus on any successful ethnic group you can build a conspiracy.

    I would be more explicit and Berbs would smite me so I will guard my words. All the evidence points to you being the worst kind of conspiracy theorist and potential anti Jewish obsessive. Nuf said

    PS: Heres a little vid for you and your REVOLUTION  Cheesy

    Well. Brucepig, you are so knowledgeable that you can see into my very soul  Smiley.  Think as you like, my conscience is at peace.  And relax, you seem to be getting yourself into a rage.

    I am in fact tired of this subject now, thank you all for your insights. Smiley
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #23 - January 26, 2009, 04:01 PM

    As a last word from me on this subject, I'll leave this gem to you about the influence of the Israel lobby on US policy: - 87k

    Regards  Smiley
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #24 - January 26, 2009, 04:08 PM

    I HATE the Zionists!  They give sane, rational, non-practicing, nominal Jews who are on the fence with regards to the whole Israel/Palestine issue, such as much of my family (and myself included) a bad name!

    Not to mention that many Zionists are actually nutty Christians who await the end of days and the Rapture and pray for it to come within our lifetime.

    Grrrr... finmad

    Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

    The sleeper has awakened -  Dune

    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish!
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #25 - January 26, 2009, 04:16 PM

    I HATE the Zionists!  They give sane, rational, non-practicing, nominal Jews who are on the fence with regards to the whole Israel/Palestine issue, such as much of my family (and myself included) a bad name!

    Not to mention that many Zionists are actually nutty Christians who await the end of days and the Rapture and pray for it to come within our lifetime.

    Grrrr... finmad

    Thank you Noor  Smiley
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #26 - January 26, 2009, 04:59 PM

    I HATE the Zionists!  They give sane, rational, non-practicing, nominal Jews who are on the fence with regards to the whole Israel/Palestine issue, such as much of my family (and myself included) a bad name!

    Not to mention that many Zionists are actually nutty Christians who await the end of days and the Rapture and pray for it to come within our lifetime.

    Grrrr... finmad

    Not to mention that Zionism started is a secular movement to build a secular homeland for the Jewish people. Zionism is not orthodox Judaism, why do you think being nominally Jewish --or being non-practicing for that matter-- has anything to do with Zionism?

    The rather twisted support that some Christian nuts provide to the Zionist cause doesn't make the needs and aspirations of the Jewish nation illegitimate. The entire Palestinian cause is now swamped with Islamic fundamentalism and demands for Shariah, but if I believe that Palestinians deserve a homeland despite their religious stupidity, I don't see why we cannot offer the same luxury to Israel. Thank you.

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #27 - January 26, 2009, 08:16 PM

    Quote from: Zaephon
    Not to mention that Zionism started is a secular movement to build a secular homeland for the Jewish people. Zionism is not orthodox Judaism, why do you think being nominally Jewish --or being non-practicing for that matter-- has anything to do with Zionism?

    The rather twisted support that some Christian nuts provide to the Zionist cause doesn't make the needs and aspirations of the Jewish nation illegitimate. The entire Palestinian cause is now swamped with Islamic fundamentalism and demands for Shariah, but if I believe that Palestinians deserve a homeland despite their religious stupidity, I don't see why we cannot offer the same luxury to Israel. Thank you.

    I agree that a two-state solution should be found.  I've always believed that pre-1967 Israel should be for the Israelis and Gaza & the West Bank should be for the Palestinians.  Too bad religion got dragged into the conflict tho'.

    Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

    The sleeper has awakened -  Dune

    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish!
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #28 - January 26, 2009, 08:20 PM

    I agree that a two-state solution should be found.  I've always believed that pre-1967 Israel should be for the Israelis and Gaza & the West Bank should be for the Palestinians.  Too bad religion got dragged into the conflict tho'.

    So then you yourself are a Zionist, Nour.  Zionism = the belief that the Jews should have a homeland of their own. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Alan Hart on Zionism
     Reply #29 - January 26, 2009, 09:52 PM

    Quote from: Zaephon
    Not to mention that Zionism started is a secular movement to build a secular homeland for the Jewish people. Zionism is not orthodox Judaism, why do you think being nominally Jewish --or being non-practicing for that matter-- has anything to do with Zionism?

    The rather twisted support that some Christian nuts provide to the Zionist cause doesn't make the needs and aspirations of the Jewish nation illegitimate. The entire Palestinian cause is now swamped with Islamic fundamentalism and demands for Shariah, but if I believe that Palestinians deserve a homeland despite their religious stupidity, I don't see why we cannot offer the same luxury to Israel. Thank you.

    I agree that a two-state solution should be found.  I've always believed that pre-1967 Israel should be for the Israelis and Gaza & the West Bank should be for the Palestinians.  Too bad religion got dragged into the conflict tho'.

    Yes Nour.  Every reasonable person wants that.  Problem is that the zionist big shots won't agree to it.  Not even Yishak Rabin did.
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