A great interview that raises many interesting questions. They say so many things that I agree with about free speech and the corrosive ideas of identity politics, moral relativism and Islamism plus Rushdies historical commentary on Islam is fascinating.
Now really is an interesting political time where many conservatives champion ideas about equality, human rights and liberal democracy and many Lefties champion moral relativism, identity politics and third world patriarchy. And there are so many people stuck in the middle not sure which way is Right and which way is Left.
The world has turned on it's head and if dialogues like these help people see things more clearly then they can only be a good thing.
I have utmost respect for both Manji and Rushdie. I find Rushdie's books impenetrable and Manji can be bubbly to the point of becoming annoying but they are both very brave and superb social commontators.
Enjoy and discuss