I can imagine funding such a club with funds from the student union would be like pulling teeth, too.
Yeah mate you're right. It would be a toughy to start this on a college campus. That part really frustrates me too. People are willing to let a religious group represent their intolerant views, by dedicating a club to it, but when a counter position comes around and they dedicate a club, it's seen as a "hate crime" of sort.
Oh the irony.
More ironic yet that college campuses are stifling ideas being expressed and setting up "free speech zones" and "speech codes."
It's a farce. If there's any place where divergent views should be aired, it's a college campus. But people now believe there's a part of the Constitution that protects them from hurt feelings and offensive and insensitive comments
And some groups get much more protection than others, and yours wouldn't be among those being protected in any way.
The liberal take over of our universities which began in the 60's was a good thing to begin with as they fought racism, encouraged equality and introduced a radical new way of thinking but unfortunately it has become an albatross around the neck of our higher education establishments.
Those new radical ideas have become the orthodoxy that no one is allowed to challenge. Many professors use their positions to teach their Chomskyesque world view. More as a form of indoctrination than education.
Universities are first and foremost there to teach students the art of critical thinking by showing all of the data, conflicting views and different ideas and letting the students come to their own educated conclusions about politics, history and social sciences etc.
They are about teaching critical thinking not indoctrination but on Western campuses there are certain issues you just cannot discuss or you will be banned by the administration or shouted down by Left wing students.
Professors sign contracts which say that they will follow the scientific methods, be professional and not indoctrinate students but teach them, which means when there is a controversial matter with more than one side (like gender, immigration, Israel/Palestine or radical Islam) you present both sides you don't ban or shout down those with opposing views.
A good professor should play devils advocate but so many have confused education with political activism that academic freedom and freedom of speech has been sacrificed on the altar of their Left wing politics.
This is not academic freedom but indoctrination. Our universities are in crisis due this political activism on university campuses across the West.
Recently Douglas Murray was banned from speaking at the LSE and whenever Daniel Pipes or David Horowitz go to American campuses they are greeted by jeering crowds of Muslims and middle class white students wearing khafiyahs and shouting them down with accusations of racism and imperialism.
A good example of how far the rot has gone is Womens Studies in American universities.
Womens Studies departments are run predominantly by Left wing feminists and they presume that gender is just a social construct. Meaning that the environment determines the characteristics of male and female. (EG: Patriarchal society and misogyny is what makes the difference between men and women)
Now there is a lot of evidence to the contrary from neural science and biology to evolutionary psychology to say that there are genetic and biological basis for some of the male female differences.
The renowned scientist Steven Pinker has written a book called The Blind Slave which discusses these conflicting views but what The American Association of University Professors is saying is that it's alright for American departments of Womens Studies to teach a very controversial view as if it was fact.
Professors really shouldn't be expressing political views in the classroom, they are teaching you how to think not what to think. These professors want their students to reach certain conclusions on controversial subjects that they share and they support radical Left wing and conservative Islamic groups but penalise those who disagree.