It is really insulting to draw comparisons between Islam, Christianity and Judaism, especially since you should know how Islam started.
I suppose Judaism with the killing of all the Canaanites, Midianites, Philistines and so many more was fine?
It must be insulting to compare it with the Christians starting up their religion in the Americas and Africa with millions killed. The Crusades against fellow Christians for not following the right Christianity is divine. What about the inquisitions?
It isn't fair to call Islam an abrahamic religion either. It hijacked Abrahamic lore and traditions meaning that it isn't a continuation of anything.
It adheres more closely to the Abrahamic traditions.
- Stoning,
- Halaal/Kosher (no blood),
- No pork,
- Invasion of any group that rubs you the wrong way,
- Slavery
- Hell (not so much Judaism)
So Christianity didn't hijack Judaism as a basis for its new found cult? It used the OT to justify its trumped up prophecies for its messiah and sanction its existence as an established faith.
The only people who call it an Abrahamic religion are Muslims and liberal Christians/Jews. The God of Abraham is very differant to the God of the Quran. The prophets of Judeo Christianity are also exclusively Jewish, considering Muhammad isn't, he doesnt form a part of it.
What, the god of Abraham who ordered the killing of men, women and children, well except for the virgin girls? The God who killed all the peoples, animals, plants in a flood, the who destroyed Sodom with bolts of fire. All the same jealous, vengeful god.
While in the past Christianity and Judaism have been linked to violence and negative actions, they are not at the core extremist unlike Islam. They have also evolved from previous forms while Islam fluctuates every generation.
Their scriptures are intolerant and extremist. And should Christians or Jews follow them they would be mirror image of extremist Muslims.
We achieved enlightenment in the west only because of secularism. Not because of Christianity or Judaism. The irreligious, though science and reason resulted in fair societies with equality for all including women. Not thru the religious.
I could go on exploring the differances but I'm not going to. Islam tries to pretend to be a continuation, but isn't.
It is a logical continuation by a man who wanted power and was able to fully utilise the intolerance and hatred found on those scriptures to further his ambitions.
Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with devout Christians and Jews expressing their opinions on Islam and talking about it's wrongs unless they are here to proselytise.
I don't see any wrong any anyone of any faith expressing their points of view. It?s called free speech. But they must also be strong enough to take as good as they give.