My wife is Muslim by the way, so you could say that I have a unique perspective on the position of women under shari'ah.
My father's wife ie my mother is Muslim too, & he too opposes Shariah, both for Muslim women & its imposition on Non Muslims.

Muslims in the country I live in are governed by Shariah in their lives, which does disadvantage women, however, so far they haven't tried to impose it on others.
But your campaign is not only seeking to outlaw shari'ah, but also the innocuous practices of observant Jews and a handful of Christians.
See Hassan, I guessed right, saba7 oposes Shariah, but supports Orthodox Jews & a
handful Christians'(whoever they are) having their own laws in their communities!
An Orthodox Jewish woman might not be as disadvantaged as a Muslimah, but she too faces certain difficulties due to the Jewish law which only allows a man to give a certificate of divorce a
get without which she can't remarry & remains tied to an unwanted marriage.