The coat hanger issue is part of the pro-choice debate.
How can you even justify it, how can you even type that. You call it pro-choice? you call abortion of a concious entity choice, where is the choice in that entity living? What a total psychological disconnect, your logic is unfathomable. It is a feeling entity.
Prior to the legalization of abortion in regulated clinics, a lot of women in the United States (and other countries) were having illegal back alley coat hanger abortions as a last resort.
Last resort? So they justified killing a living entity by calling it a "last resort" or whatever, when you could easily give birth and put it up for adaptation. It is a living FEELING entity how can you even not have an objection to the thought of killing a living entity in a inhumane way?
If abortion was made illegal, people would most probably do that again as a last resort which is dangerous! At least now they are in a controlled environment where they can get proper medical care.
Yes, these fucks need to be locked up, these stupid ass women need to be locked up for crimes against humanity.
I think it's sick in the head that you judge a woman for having an abortion for a reason like possibly not being able to afford a child. Contraception isn't always effective.
If you were using contraception and you became pregnant you would not wait for over 10 weeks to have an abortion.
Pregnancy tests ARE readily available in chemists, but if a couple has used the right contraceptive methods then they wouldn't think that the girl is pregnant.
That is her fault then, there is no reason not to take permanency tests, when a life depends on it damn it! how fucking retarded is your response, its a fucking joke.
I don't think there are reasonable grounds for YOU to judge a woman who makes the decision of having an abortion.
So I should not judge those who are killing defenceless living entities, and justifying it by disconnecting from it?
because she realises, for example, that she cannot afford it. What if she has the child because a bunch of uptight, anti-choice arseholes want to tell her what to do, and then the child lives in poverty because of that?
She cannot afford it? Some family cannot support children who are like 3 - 4 years old, also living entities, would if be justified if the mother decided to kill them? You now because it was too expensive for her broke ass? Fuck this, if someone is going to kill another living entity, other then extreme necessity, I will call them up on that.
What if she decides between the time of conception and 20 weeks that she has a stable job and can afford a child - even decides to keep it, then there's a sudden redundancy in her job at work and she can't afford anything?
Hay its ok to kill a living entity on the basis of "can't afford it" yeah justify it as some cheap ass product.
There are a lot of things to consider, you have merely taken an anti-choice (I chose to term it that because of your choice of words 'pro-abortion') at face value and think it is an easy as piss decision for the mother.
Lets call a spade, a spade. Its the killing of a living entity! Its KILLING!
I'm curious to know what your views are when a woman has been raped and is carrying a 'rape-child'?
If its over 10 weeks she should keep it. Anything lower she can get an abortion.