Is this a joke?
Welcome btw.
Jok?? Jok???!!! no jok in islaam!!!!11
it is haraam to jok in islaaam. that is y we had to ban denish produkts in 2006 becuyz they jok!
Rasoolullah said: ""A slave (of Allaah) would utter a word, without paying attention to it, which would result in him going down into the Hellfire further than the distance between the east and the west." "
Wy you upset me like tht my ex brother? You askin me if i jok?
Do ex muzlims hav no respect for allah who created them and snd them a clear kooran?
No jok!!!! No jok!!!
Astaghfirullah. Broder. It is neerly too late for u to turn bak to islaaam. Dya of jugement coming in 2012 becuz of planetary pole shift and sun come from west to east like it say in hadees. You have 3 years to rettun to islaaam and beecom good muslim again.
I help u brother.
I have never been a Muslim. I would rather die than become one.
3 years to return to Islam? That is the biggest joke mate, and you know it.
Oh, and if you think Islam will rule the west, keep dreaming. It cant even rule the east.
astaghfirullah! U not muzlim and u nver been mooslim? haraaaaM! Haararasrm!
it is hareem for u not be muslim. you want to burn in hell? A lot peole in hell so it smelly and hoot and cramped. you will burn with gorge bush and tony bliar and mafackma ghandi! Haraaam
Haraam wiz chilli on tup!
yOU bezom musdllim now or i com to ur houz and kill u for bein Kreestien or Joo. you now bekam muslim! it eazy, look, u say shahada!: La ilaha illlla allah, mmuhammadan rasoolullah. Alzo, u snd me your zakat tax or jizya for nt being moozlim. it cost abut 2000 us dollhars. Send it too "" wiz paypal and inshaallah i put it in charity box in local masjid and u will be a good muslim inshallah.
In 3 yerz allah will destrou world amnd kill everyvody for nt being muzlim and day of qudgement happen, it wont be funny! that why i wnat my ex brothers to becam muslim agan and we go to heaven 2togheer.
Becom muslim u jew or i find u!
Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah!