Another thing to remember is Muslims followed the lunar calender
Making Aisha younger, if anything, as the 12 lunar months is about 354 days.
In my opinion Aisha was old enough to be married during that time period for the culture,
If that culture condoned paedophilia...
she was already engaged and about to be married to another man, but the marriage did not happen due to Abu Bakar converting to Islam.
...strongly suggesting paedophilia was condoned in pre-Islamic Arabia.
Besides the hadiths which show Ayesha playing with dolls, these are the hadiths concerning her age:
You're full of nonsense, sorry. Do you even know Arabic? The word used for 'DOLLS' in the context could also be used as the word 'GIRLS.' Al-banaat is the word used in the hadith (which could mean girls or dolls) here having the meaning of al-Jawaaree (young girls/women). This in relation to the fact that idols are condemned in Islam even toys that represent living beings are frowned upon.
I can't wait to hear your explanation of Aisha
playing on a swing just before she went to Muhammad's house:
?A?ishah states: We came to Medina and Abu Bakr took up quarters in al-Sunh among the Banu al-Harith b. al-Khazraj. The Messenger of God came to our house and men and women of the Ansar gathered around him. My mother came to me while I was being swung on a swing between two branches and got me down. Jumaymah, my nurse, took over and wiped my face with some water and started leading me. When I was at the door, she stopped so I could catch my breath. I was then brought while the Messenger of God was sitting on a bed in our house. [My mother] made me sit on his lap and said, "These are your relatives. May God bless you with them and bless them with you!" Then the men and women got up and left. The Messenger of God consummated his marriage with me in my house when I was nine years old. Neither a camel nor a sheep was slaughtered on behalf of me. Only Sa?d b. ?Ubaidah sent a bowl of food which he used to send to the Messenger of God.
-Tabari vol 9 page 131
And here's the Arabic, for you to reinterpret the words (this version from Musnad Ahmad):
فى السنة الحادية عشر من النبوة ، تزوج المعصوم من عائشة الصديقة وهى بنت ست سنين لما كان محمد جالسا بمنزلهم واحضرتها امها وهى تلهو مع الاطفال وتتأرجح على ارجوحة بين عزقين ، واجلستها على حجر محمد وهو جالس على سرير لهم وقالت هؤلاء اهلك فبارك الله لك، وبنى بها وهى بنت تسع سنين وهى بالمدينة ، فخرج القوم واغلقوا الباب عليهما فبنى بها فى بيتها وهى بنت تسع سنوات عندئذ، علما بانها كانت فى الثامنة عشر عند وفاة محمد،يقول بعض كتاب السير ان الرسول اراد بهذه الزيجة توطيد العلاقة بينه وبين ابى بكر الصديق لذلك تزوج طفلته ،وفى ذلك الاعتبار يا اولى الابصار
I've underlined the bit about the swing.