Hello calvi36, and welcome

And so I found your forum. I have read some of the threads and I find it very refreshing.
I just came across it recently myself, but I've found that the general posters are quite interesting to read and have the best sense of humor.
I am going to use certain general phrases, one being Asian, I mean this to include every person from all so called Muslim countries. I use it to save me typing every single country, hope this is ok. I know not every Muslim is Asian but allow me this transgression. Any reference I give to God will also refer to Allah.
I'm curious about your intent of using the word "Asian", and what exactly you mean to attribute to all Asians but I guess I'll wait and see

I do not ask you to accept what I say to be the truth, what I ask you to accept is that my views are my beliefs and that I am entitled to them. I also ask you to accept this kaffir amongst all you other kaffirs and treat me with respect as I will treat you in the same way.
I have respect for all until they do something to lose it. I'd love to hear these controversial views that you hint at having, it's controversy that makes for interesting discussions!
Forced to go to confess to an invisible being in the sky, whilst the pervert on the other side of the screen did his thing.
Confession is another one of those very strange things to come out of religion. I was raised Catholic and I remember the teacher would take the whole class to confession at the church next door about once a month. We were like 8 years old, so what we had to confess I have no clue.
I am Scottish and the Scottish still detest the English for what they did to our kin in centuries past, but we live alongside them now.
That's sweet, I love Scotland. Maybe it's the accent. Oh, and the kilts.
Could India and Pakistan not also just put up with each other? Could Iraq and Iran finally see eye to eye? Could Israel stop being the bully boy of the Middle East?
See, I'd root for the God that made THOSE kind of miracles happen. Not the one who is the cause of these conflicts in the first place.

Anywhoo, welcome again!