Ask Hassan, he is your guy; he knows Arabic. Hassan, what does the verse that prescribes beating for wives actually implicate?
Sorry I missed that question, James - I only saw it coz Peruvian quoted it.
The verse does not say "Light" beating as Yusuf Ali (and some others) say.
It simply says "Hit" (I prefer to translate "Daraba" as HIT, rather than BEAT as I think it is more literal and so Muslims cannot accuse me of trying "load" what I say.)
The reason Yusuf Ali and others add "Lightly" is because they:
1. Feel embarrassed about this verse.
2. Are adding the tafseer many scholars give to the type of hitting as a result of the Hadith that states it must "not harsh" (Ghayr Mubarrih) - in other words - light.
However that does NOT mean it can't hurt and cause pain. It is obvious to me that this is exactly what the hitting was meant to do. But "light" only in the sense that it must not cause bruising, break bones or skin. (Phew that's a relief

Nor is it only confined to using a miswak or feather or handkerchief.
There is no prohibition from using the hand or stick or any other implement and since the Prophet himself struck Aisha on the chest causing pain that should be clear.
There are also hadith that show companions used sticks and broke them during the "hitting" - so when Muslims say the hitting should be "Light" - that simply means it should not be be so harsh as to break bones, tear skin, or cause sever bruising. (Wow! Islam really improved the lot of women
