Its ok Hassan, most Jews I know also think Judaism is bullshit.
I mean, c'mon! There is a major holiday devoted to when god kills the BABIES in Egypt. Seriously. This is celebrated. Infanticide.
Moses is the like the biggest A**hole in history (mythology history that is).
If I ever met Moses, I would punch him in his fat little face. That's right, I said it, I'd punch Moses in his big stupid nose. Ya know who else can suck it? That whinney bald little cry baby Elisha, that's who.
And the world would be a better place if Ibrahim's balls were cut off early in life, to spare the world his hell spawn children's death cults. Even if YWH or whatever his name is were real I would still give him the finger and tell him to piss off. Fortunetly, he is probably only an Alien that a bunch of ignorant bronze age nomads mistook for a god.
Now how's that for offensive
When you really examine the religions from ol, they are obviously bullshit, any thinking person recognizes this. Some people like to play along with the bullshit for funz, for tradition, or whatever....
Its the people who dont recognize it as bullshit that scare me.
Religion can be fun, so long as everyone knows its just for pretend.