There's only one Adam. Your talking about the same Adam but in a different predicament at different times. There are millions of me's btw. There's me the Muslim, me the Ex-Muslim, me the non-vegetarian, me the sympathetic towards vegetarianism, me the sceptic of vegetarianism, me the student, me the chocolate-lover, me the coffee lover, me from a minute ago, me from 2 minutes ago. Heck, they should all be getting a vote each in this upcoming election, right?
Yeah, kind of. There are millions of different you's and two Adams, but one body. So that's a good way of saying it.
But in Hasidic Judaism (and Syriaic Gnostic Christianity that Muhammed presumably had a lot to do with before his revelation), Adam Kadmon (the original Adam) continues to exist after the fall of Adam into the earthly plane. A Hasidic friend of mine called Adam Kadmon something like a "plane of existence" -- the Gnostics called it an "Aeon" -- that many prophets (including Adam-the-prophet) had contact with in order to receive Light from God. They conceive of this Adam Kadmon as something like what Catholics call the "Body of Christ" that you eat and drink in the Eucharist ceremony. To over simplify probably, Adam Kadmon is the precise nature of God's relationship to humanity, and so we subsist (feed from that plane -- which is essentially one of Love) on that plane even though we cannot perceive it. When we restore all the bad stuff in the world around us (through acts of charity and love to ourselves and our neighbours) then this hidden subsistence becomes a visible one and that's sort of the idea of paradise.
Again, the details are sketched in more clarity in my blog