I Based on your early posts displaying a distinct lack of care for others,
Who, exactly, are these "others" besides the serial rapists/murderers and psychopaths that I've made no apologies for not caring about? Would you care to explain what kind of logic allowed you to determine I "have no conscience" from not caring about these kinds of repeatedly violent and truly heartless criminals? Or perhaps it is my belief that the state should be limited to protecting people's rights, not legislating morality or routinely violating people's liberty in the name of the "common good", that makes you believe I'm such a cold-blooded person?
Either way it pretty much comes back to me not agreeing with you doesn't it?
as well as a previous life involved in some form of crime,
Look around you-- I don't know what kind of bubble you live in-- but in my experience almost everyone I know has previously been involved in some sort of crime. In the society we live in, where we are free to fight for every scrap and yet taught to expect we can have it all, and where the government increasingly regulates and legislates every aspect of our personal and social lives, it's pretty damn hard not to commit a crime at some point--
especially when you're younger,angrier, wilder, and think little of consequences.
not far from the truth is how I took it.
Perhaps not, but I really don't see what's wrong with robbing capitalists, especially those who go out of their way to fuck over their workers, their customers, or the public at large.
I aint no saint, but at least I dont get a hard on by fucking people over.
I don't get off on fucking over just anyone, but, for example, when I'm involved in a labor dispute and I fuck over some power-hungry, greedy employer, you're damn right that gets me off. It's okay to fuck some people over for certain reasons, and it's okay to like it. I don't buy into pacifist or puritanical slave morality.