self limiting forum
OP - June 06, 2009, 12:45 PM
I have this theory that this forum is self limiting, and can only grow to one size, a peak, maybe somewhere like it has been for the past few months. Lets take the analogy of the natural cycle, where each part of the food chain is in perfect harmony with the rest. If one predator gets to good at what it does, then there will be no food for it to it, and its numbers will naturally decline.
Similarly on this forum we have a core set of people, and newbies who come & go. Currently we hit about 250 posts per day. It can never reach much more as it would take all day to wade through as an active particpant. If it did reach this level, then more members would drop out, go on a self ban, until they had more time on their hands, and some would not return.
The only reason I broach this is because I would like the forum to go from strength to strength but I think it is limited, and not sure if there is anything we can do about it.