You mean alcohol and ham sandwiches dont you?
Or are you planning never on telling you're family you are not a Muslim? (imo if my wife wanted to divource me for saying I no longer believed in Islam, I would question why I was with her in the first place!)
Absolutely, totally agreed.
Either you love me for who I am, or you don't get to love me anymore. I did the whole "trying to please people" thing and it's a waste of emotional time.
I understand that there are kids involved though, the fear that she would prevent you from seeing your son would have quite a crippling hold on not being able to be totally upfront about how you feel.
The sad thing is she could potentially keep you away from your son for over a year possibly, whilst you fight to prove you had a right to see your son. Althought eh courts would rule in your favour for visiting rights, it would take along time and udring that time you might not even see your son.
Very hard for you.