This is long but kind of funny. Some of you may of seen this. Seems appropriate here with talk of translations from the ole Koran. *********************************************************************'s go!
a bird in hand is worth two in the bush
into Japanese
back into English
To hand in the bush is worth two birds in one
back into Japanese
back into English
In the hands of one of the bush is worth two birds in one
back into Japanese
back into English
One of Bush in one hand is worth two birds in one
back into Japanese
back into English
President Bush, one of a hand one is worth two birds in one
back into Japanese
ブッシュ大統領は、 1つの手の1つ1つに2つの鳥の価値がある
back into English
President Bush is the one the one hand one is worth two birds in one
back into Japanese
ブッシュ大統領は、 1つ1つの手で1つ1つの価値がある2つの鳥です
back into English
President Bush is in the hands of a single one is worth a bird in one of two
back into Japanese
ブッシュ大統領は、 1つ1つの手にある2つの鳥の価値がある
back into English
President Bush, one in a hand is worth two birds in one
back into Japanese
ブッシュ大統領は、 1つの手で1つに2つの鳥の価値がある
back into English
President Bush is in the hands of a single one is worth two birds in one
back into Japanese
ブッシュ大統領は、 1つ1つの手にある1つで2つの鳥の価値がある
back into English
President Bush is a one in one hand is worth two birds in one
back into Japanese
back into English
President Bush to get a single one is worth two birds in one
back into Japanese
back into English
Bush is worth two birds in one of the first one to get one
back into Japanese
back into English
Is worth a bird in one of the first President Bush 21
back into Japanese
back into English
U.S. President George W. Bush on March 21, the first value of a single bird is
back into Japanese
ブッシュ米大統領は3月21日には、 1つの鳥の最初の値です
back into English
President Bush on March 21, the value of a single bird
back into Japanese
ブッシュ米大統領は3月21日には、 1つの鳥の価値
back into English
President Bush on March 21, the value of a single bird