I should have done this a while ago, but I did put it off

. Secondly, I want to congratulate all the apostates and tell that they have my support! It must be incredibly difficult to leave islam with friends and family pressure. I consider apostates from islam incredible and amazing people, because they managed to eliminate the islamic brainwashing, survive the peer-pressure and live constantly with death threats.
A bit about me; I'm an atheist living in the UK , but originally from (sadly) Brazil. I never had a connection with Brazil, because I was always traveling because of my Father's job, so most of my lifetime has been living outside of Brazil.
I don't like Brazil because it lacks religious freedom, at least for us atheists, and the constant corruption and censorship in media and internet, without counting the violence. Actually not only atheists, jews, pagans, or anyone who is not evangelically fanatic(I wont get much further in this subject because I don't want to bore anyone and this is not the place for it )
Anyway, I'm a recent graduate student from Forensic Biology;
I have seen personally the hate muslims have against jews. My family is descedent of sephardic jews, I discovered it, recently, after doing a few research over the internet... My family wasnt aware of it, in fact they are a bit of anti-semites... yes... there is a heavy stigma on judaism in Brazil.
Anyway; I mentioned this fact to my "ex-friend" who is a muslim, and he was surprised, ...hahaha you could even say it was like this "

He never spoke to me again; Other times a few muslim friends would try to convert me, and some other times, in the islamic awareness week from my university, they would try to get an Imam to talk to me. This Imam was obsessed in trying to prove science wrong; Even distorting this passage from the Quran to support his view and to Koran is right... to the point of saying that "koran discovered this before anyone".
YUSUFALI: And from the fruit of the date-palm and the vine, ye get out wholesome drink and food: behold, in this also is a sign for those who are wise.
PICKTHAL: And of the fruits of the date-palm, and grapes, whence ye derive strong drink and (also) good nourishment. Lo! therein is indeed a portent for people who have sense.
SHAKIR: And of the fruits of the palms and the grapes-- you obtain from them intoxication and goodly provision; most surely there is a sign in this for a people who ponder.
Before I did my research in Islam, I was already aware of its problems, but I was shocked to discover it was much worse than I thought. Anyway, I started after I read a news in a newspaper about muslims trying to convert Hindu girls to islam by threatening them with death or by hitting them and raping, in a British university.. I was shocked reading it, and I tried to find out more about it. So, that is when I found FF, JihadWatch; Became Aware of the apostate situation...etc.etc...
Sorry, I started to ramble a lot, but here is my introduction; Although I might not post so frequently as I'm more of a reader.
oh! I forgot to mention my nickname is based on the Cigarette-Smoking-Man from X-Files, in which Fox Mulder called him "Cancerman" and became CSM's nickname by the fans, and dr. is a reference to a science course.