No! This thread is not about sex <IsLame exits thread>
I was in a car with a Muslim friend who was driving a Hijabi sister home and we got talking. She converted 11 years ago and so I asked her what attracted her to Islam etc...
She said the fact that it worshipped ONE God - and also said the Qur'an was a Miracle.
I said how do you know? Do you speak Arabic?
She said no.
OK so you've been told it's a miracle... what else?
Muhammad was illiterate.
So what... OK, what else?
She said there are scientific miracles such as salt water and sea water don't mix which only God could have revealed...
This was known about... what else?
And so it went on and I have to admit I went "off on one" - and I feel so bad now, coz she was shocked and upset...
What made me start ranting was that she was just repeating stuff she's been told without actually knowing if any of it was actually true - and it just pissed me off so much.
But I'm gonna be in trouble now as she will prob phone my brothers wife and also tell others round Oxford about me and that I'm trying to "confuse" Muslims.
I feel bad though because it's like I upset someone for no good reason - she's nice, happy etc...
What the hell right do I have trying to blow out someone else's candle just coz I think it's stupid?