Re: A question to "out" ex-Muslims
Reply #3 - September 02, 2009, 04:48 PM
Aliadiere - if you are thinking of doing it and your parents might get very angry, then my advice to you is to do it slowly. First mention that you are struggling to understand Islam after reading into it. They will tell you to read more, and speak to scholars. Then come back to them and say your questions have not been answered.
Have this discussion upteen times until they get bored with it, then when they cant be bothered listening any more, then casually slip it in. They will get excited so say you'll read more, but from this stage you on, you can keep saying your questions have not been answered.
You dont need to use the word atheist - you can say you still might have faith in God, but you believe that he judges you for your good deeds, and not the amount of servitude you have performed as he is not a narcissistic creature from what you have read.
If you are like me and cannot bear being openly dishonest come what may, then go for the plunge but keep your bullet-proof jacket at the ready.