Hi Q-man,
Humm, why do you think the 144,000 going to Heaven seems like predistination?
Each one of the 144,000 individually could by the thier own choice of action not go to Heaven. They are invited by God to be among that number, because of thier faithful actions and good motivation (or heart condition). They for thier ownself could deside to practise sin (be rebelious against God) then thier invitation would be with drawn.
Perhaps our ideas of what predistination is differ.
Could you please explain to me what you think predistination is?
I assume your basic beliefs about Jehovah are the same as most orthodox, mainline Christians in that God is both omniscient and omnipotent (if not, please correct me)-- if so, then God knew even before He created the universe and man who would be among the 144,000. Thus they are predestined to go to heaven. The exact number is even know-- if that's not predestination, then I don't know what is. If it's not, then your idea of "free will" is no better than that of the Muslims.
Thank you for the warning about Big Tony's neighborhood. If I some how end up going there I'll try and be very careful. Unless he is on a "do not call" list it would be my obligation to attempt to talk to him.
until next time.
I'm tellin you, he keeps Witnesses and other proselytizers outta his neighborhood through physical force. He makes necklaces outta their teeth, and his brother is the Chief of Police so he is above the law.