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 Topic: Hello from EDL

 (Read 41481 times)
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  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #240 - November 15, 2009, 04:12 PM

    Five guys leaving church, getting run over (and killed all of them) by a muslim driver. The muslim police does not stop and later the muslim judicial system does not prosecute the driver, and the muslim medical system refuses to give access to the Five guys for hours after the accident (when thekids were still alive) and nothing gets done about it. That is a sign of Sharia being implemented.

    Bullshit, Baal - that's a sign of bitter hatred and lawlessness amongst individuals.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #241 - November 15, 2009, 04:31 PM

    Its religious discrimination in a largely muslim state, against  non-muslim minorities.  It stinks, but the UK is not at risk of that in the foreseeable future.  Keep it in perspective, muslims are around 3% of Britain's population.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #242 - November 15, 2009, 08:59 PM

    Yes but that sort of thing is not permitted in the UK. It is illegal and treated as illegal.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #243 - November 15, 2009, 09:02 PM

    No Os, those are not signs that Sharia is being implemented. Egypt is today Sharialand. Yet no one is being beheaded, no one being stoned, no hands are being cut, and no gays are being hung. Your understanding of Sharia seems to be too much in the black & white zone (distanced from reality).

    Five guys leaving church, getting run over (and killed all of them) by a muslim driver. The muslim police does not stop and later the muslim judicial system does not prosecute the driver, and the muslim medical system refuses to give access to the Five guys for hours after the accident (when thekids were still alive) and nothing gets done about it. That is a sign of Sharia being implemented.

    Non-muslim Girls getting kidnapped on their way from school, and the muslim police doing nothing about it as the family tells them where are the girls. Sharia.

    Taking girls right before they finish their highschool and marrying them to old bastards, that is sharia being implemented (Happens in the UK).

    Family meeting to discuss some matter where some girl get thrown out of the 20th floor. Sharia. UK.

    The brother of my priest getting run over. The priest goes to Cairo and demand to see the body. The body was lying on its side. His brother was buried alive. The guy that ran him over, no prosecution. The murderers who checked him in the hospital, then buried him, no prosecutions. Sharia.

    You apostate? then your marriage is nulled and the kids taken away from you. If you live in the UK, then your wife can take the kids and run back home, directly against the orders of a UK judge. Still the kids will not be returned. Sharia.

     Fair points.I can certainly imagine these things happening in Egypt as the authorities must be infested with Jihadists.Sadat was killed by one of his own army officers who was a Jihadist and that was nearly thirty years ago so things must have got far worse.What you are talking about sounds like a combination of religous persecution and corruption.Some might well be extremists whilst others are paid off by the Jihadists or threatened with violence.

     Honour killings do happen in the UK but as I understand it they have more to do with people's cultural background than religion.These type of killings also happen in Hindu and Sikh communities.

     There are people in powerful positions who need to be watched carefully.One of them is my MP,Keith Vaz.Quote from Wiki.

    In March 1989, he led a protest in Leicester against Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses.[1] At this event, Vaz addressed 3,000 Muslim demonstrators, stating "today we celebrate one of the great days in the history of Islam and Great Britain".[2] In February 1990, he wrote in The Guardian newspaper urging Salman Rushdie not to publish the book in paperback because "there is no such thing as absolute freedom of speech". That month, he caused outrage when he suggested that an IRA bomb detonated at Leicester Army Recruiting Office might have been planted by the British army.

  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #244 - November 16, 2009, 10:24 AM

     Perhaps Baal is right afterall.

     I am quite sure the BNP will be grateful to Mr Malik for giving them a sudden increase in membership.I intended voting for Conservative at the next election but my vote will now  most likely be going to the BNP.This piece of  filth is more interested in bolstering his vote than protecting people from terrorists.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #245 - November 16, 2009, 10:41 AM

    Wait a second.

    You want to switch from Conservative to BNP because of what a Labour politician allegedly said according to the Sun?
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #246 - November 16, 2009, 10:56 AM

     Forget which paper it has been printed in.The information must have come from somewhere and Malik hasn't issued a statement denying it.Its Muslim terrorists who have blown people up in this country rather than the BNP and ELD yet this clown sees fit to harrass them rather than waging war on the real culprits.Its amazing how some EDL people recieved visits from the police prior to Saturday's demonstration warning them not to attend and threatening them with a week on remand if they were arrested.This is the kind of thing that happened in my father's country in 1940 when it was under Soviet occupation.

     Minster for Community Cohesion. Cheesy What a joke as he is probably the best recruiting sergeant the BNP has ever had.They ought to change his title to Minster for Increasing Racial Tension.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #247 - November 18, 2009, 09:40 AM

    So, I can expect a knock on my door from the police if I dare to say I am going to attend a demo, I wonder if Mr Malik has been asked by his extreme muslim friends to take action against us.

    First they label us right wing extremists so that they can then pretend that we are a bigger threat than those who wish to bomb us.
    Wow, welcome to 1984.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #248 - November 18, 2009, 07:21 PM

    If the BNP grew strong, I might get off my arse to oppose them vociferously, or not.  Either way, it wouldn't be under the EDL name, as the EDL is only against radical islam.

    Do you think there is a difference between radical Islam and Islam?

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #249 - November 20, 2009, 09:40 PM

    I do believe there is a big difference between islam and radical islam ? ... am i wrong to believe that or are you stating that all are the same in which case you are using a very insular opinion ?

    patriotism is not racism !
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