First you said: "Quran doesnt say that non Muslims will go to hell"
Then you say: Those who reject God signs, as in Qur'an etc... will go to Hell.
So what's the difference?
By Quran, from what ive read, Non Muslims arent all going to hell, only the disbelievers. Why do you ignore my post about "Not all Non Muslims are Disbelievers" ?
So here i copy paste it again :
Are all Non Muslims disbelievers ? No the arent, infact some can fit the definition of people-who-believe.
So who are disbelievers ? Anyone in opposite with definition of believers mention in 2:3-5 about "who are the Believers".
3. Those who believe in the unseen and keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them.
4. And who believe in that which has been revealed to you and that which was revealed before you and they are sure of the hereafter.
5. These are on a right course from their Lord and these it is that shall be successful.
Isa, Musa, and their disciples were mentioned in 2:3. The Sabians and believer of the unseen, those who pray, those who do good deed for the others who were mentioned in 2:2. Those people are the people who believe and fear the One God (Allah/Yahweh/Sang Hyang Widhi/whatever you call it). Thats why in 2:62 even if someone believes in "the unseen", if someone's Christian or a Jew, if he believe in the One God, believe that all our "treasures" in this earth is mortal and will vanquish in the judgement day, and do good in life, Allah said "Them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve".
And weren't you talking about Kim and ex-Muslims in general. (How much more rejection of God's signs do you want?)
I dont know Kim or what's in her heart, and i wont judge her (it's not my right). Sure, judge me anything you like but im not you..
I suspect you are one of those Muslims who tries to wriggle just about everyone out of this nasty place called Hell.
well go ahead you can judge me falsely with anything youd like, i believe whatever human do on earth isnt free (including judging people stuff) and there'll be payback in the end. Sure, you dont believe it, thats up to you.
Then tell me this - who are the ones in that verse that it says are having their skin burnt off and replaced over and over again for all eternity?
The disbelievers' souls, ofc not all Non Muslims are disbelievers.