Hi DM1,
Ok, when I talk about a self-sufficient/complete entity, it's within the context of an Abrahamic God. I'll try and put my reasoning as clearly as I can, I'm not a logician, so if I make mistakes then feel free to correct me.
A self-sufficient and complete entity can set no purpose to itself that fulfills a need or a desire.
Ah a self-sufficient and complete.
Makes more sense to just state the Abrahamic God is an entity that does not have needs or desires then to make the leap that he can not set purpose.
But is that the Abrahamic God? The Abrahamic god could have needs and desire. The idea is perhaps that, the needs and desires of the Abrahamic God seem petty.
Two questions:
Why is the Abrahamic god self-sufficient and complete?
Why a self-sufficient god can not set to himself purpose/desire?
A desire implies that one is seeking something that one lacks.
A self-sufficient and complete entity lacks nothing.
But we already accept that the Abrahamic god gave us free will. Which places us outside his direct control. If he wishes us to do something, he can only desire it and plan for it.
The Quran states that Allah created man and jinns so that we worship him, according to verse Q.51:56, that says, "I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me."
Awesome DM, you just answered Elijah's question to ex-Kim. Although I do not think Kim was talking about the koran, she was talking about what muslims told her why she should pray.
Allah wants to be worshipped. Wants are things that are desired.
Yes, allah wants something petty.
Allah is self-sufficient and complete, thus he cannot set any purpose to itself that contradicts his self-sufficiency and completeness.
But here we have a contradiction, if Allah wants people to worship him, he can neither be self-sufficient, nor complete
If the Abrahamic God fits your definition of self-sufficient and complete, then yes, he contradict. But the Abrahamic god does not have to fit your description of him. Perhaps he is just complete precisely because he has 1 billion people to satisfy his narcissism. His self-sufficiency is exactly because we, are his pawns, and us as submitters and slaves, provide him with the narcissistic ammunition he requires.