John, I don't get it either and it winds me up! I was saying on this forum the other day that I wish my cousins would just admit to themselves that they don't really believe. And Islame said that they don't because they really do believe.
Hey aliadiere, mate, I honestly think a tipping point is being reached. I reckon if one, just one defied the gravity of Islam publicly then the rest will sheepishly follow with more confidence. It's a matter of time until the elder generation fade away.
But my one worry is that they stay around long enough for the meme to become more attached. I have an uncle at his mid 20s used to listen to Bollywood music, watch Bollywood/Hollywood action films, the lot - and now has a foot long beard and is a very very religious chap who visits many mosques. People only get more religious with age in general.
PS: Sorry, I'm not John btw