Yup. Around a year ago he had an older account with like 70+ videos. All of them were great. Talked about the Qur'an, comparative religion, analysis of Muhammad and Islamic history and so on and so forth.
Yeah, at one point I had around 500+ subscribers and growing but due to a flagging campaign from Muslims on YouTube I had my account suspended several times then ultimately I was banned. That is why when one reads some of my posts I am very harsh on Muslims given the way I was treated by Muslims on YouTube.
My experience has been that for ever 2-3 nice Muslims there are 100 that will attack you for who you are or what you are. If you have a beer within scope of the video they automatically assume you're drunk, if you're critical of Islam you're obviously a Christian, if you say you're something other than a Christian they'll label you a 'undercover Jew' or a 'undercover Zionist', if you're critical of the Qur'an they'll claim that you've never read it or that you've only got information from 'hate websites' who apparently have a 'neo-con zionist agenda'. There are ex-Muslims here who still hold onto such crack pot ideas even after leaving the faith - making excuses as to why they're at the bottom of the economic, social and political ladder.
I've given Islam several goes; I guess the reason why many hold onto Islam is because there is this hope that if they do everything right that some day everything will click and it'll all make sense.
I just found also with many religions, especially Islam, that they're far too constricting - that one is paranoid about making sure everything is done 100% correct and on time; a life lived almost in a state of walking on egg shells.
It takes great courage and honesty to speak and reach out like that.
Keep on doing what you do. Never let them shake you down!