Let me back up a little.
When I was a child, around 10 or so, one of my favorite pets died. My first pet. I was crushed.
My mother to comfort me, as I was crying all day, read me a book called 'The Fall of Freddie the Leaf'.
It helped me greatly, but only recently did I really think about the effect it had on me at the early age.
Make no mistake, my mother was and is a religious woman, I dont think she intended for me to take away what I did from it, the author probably didnt either.
However, looking back, I cant help but think that this story had a rather profound effect on me developing a naturalistic and humanistic outlook on life and death. A healthy and peaceful view of death, one without the egotistical magic of afterlives or the great fear of the abyss.
Anyway, without getting too introspective on here, I thought I post it up, as I found a movie version. I invite you to watch it, and remember it for maybe one day it will help you with your own kids (or even yourself