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 Topic: Fasting actually increaseth sex urge

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  • Fasting actually increaseth sex urge
     OP - December 28, 2009, 09:55 AM


    Those who have never tried fasting and are not familiar with the
    physiology of fasting, usually think that fasting will make      
    them weak. The amazing fact about juice fasting, which shocks and
    pleasantly surprises practically all those who fast for the first
    time, is that fasting actually makes them stronger and increases
    their vitality.

    During the first few days of the fast, the patient feels hungry
    and somewhat weak, but after the third day the hunger usually
    disappears, and vitality and strength begins to increase with
    every fasting day. We advise fasters to continue with their usual
    work, if they are fasting at home, or to do lots of exercise and
    walking if they are fasting under supervision at a spa. Our
    patients usually walk long distances, some as much as 5 to 10
    miles a day. Walking in the open is the best and most beneficial
    form of exercise for any age or any condition as well as the best
    way to prevent disease.

    I have made a remarkable observation during many years of
    supervising fasts. Many men have reported that they have
    experienced a renewed sexual vigor after 7, 10 or more days of

    One man, age 62, who felt his sexual life had been very
    inadequate for a long time, told me that on the 8th day of
    fasting he suddenly felt such a sex urge that he was not able to
    refrain from sexual intercourse. He was somewhat reluctant
    because he certainly didn't expect "this sort of thing" during
    the fast. His wife told him, "Darling, you should fast more
    Another striking case was that of Dr. N.D., who was 78 years old
    and fasted under my supervision for his arthritis. He told me
    after 6 days of fasting:

    "A most extraordinary thing happened yesterday! I had a most
    wonderful sex affair with my wife. For the last 7 or 8 years, my
    sex life was rather sporadic; and in the last 6 months or so I
    had nothing but the sweet memories of the past. But yesterday ...
    How can you explain that?"

    I can explain "that". A life-long sexual virility is every man's
    birthright. "Bedroom fatigue" is not caused by old age, but by
    neglected, malnourished and atrophied endocrine glands, which are
    responsible for deteriorating physical and sexual vitality.
    Premature signs of aging, loss of interest in sex, bulging
    waistline - all these are signs of insufficiently functioning
    endocrine or sex glands and diminished sex hormone production.
    Fasting has an energizing, invigorating effect on the activity
    and functions of all organs and glands, including the functions
    of the endocrine glands. I have heard many reports of the
    rejuvenating and revitalizing effect of fasting on sexual vigor
    and ability.
    Sex urge is motivated by extra, surplus energy. A sick man is a
    poor lover. All his energy goes on trying to keep going, fighting
    chronic fatigue and pain. The ill man has no surplus energy left
    for sex. Fasting restores health, normalizes all the body
    functions, wipes out pain and gives a new vitality and energy
    surplus. The renewed sexual drive is one of the surest
    indications that the health and strength have returned.

    Cheesy Fasting does not decrease sex urge, because people still have sex during Ramadan. Otherwise there wouldn't be a ruling on the permissibility of sex during Ramadan. And for those who didn't do the deed, from personal experience I didn't find fasting decrease anything.

    But the chutzpah of the prophet, claiming fasting decreaseth thy sex urge when he had 9 wives and I don?t know how many concubines. Motherfucker sucked on Aisha?s tongue when he fasted. AND he married when he was 25. Like how the fuck would you know? Practise what you preach!!

    You try to decrease sex urge in a European country, when Ramadan hits on a summer month, and you can?t find a wife, nor a slave, or a concubine (because in civilized countries they?ve fucking banned these practises, damn infidels always so backwards!) and misyar and temporary marriage is out of the question because god luck trying to find a girl that will do the whole fucking nutty ceremony with you. And if you think, we?ll have sex and then when she is more familiar with me then we can do it. Jackass (I belonged to this group lol) you do realize you are following your own rules, and being in the same room as somebody from the opposite sex is haram, fuck a handshake is haram, let alone a kiss, let alone fucking. AND you can't watch porn AND you can't masturbate (worst reason for not masturbating I?ve ever heard, it gives you back pain, lol let?s just take something that is an evolutionary misstep, unintelligent design if ever, something everybody has, and gets worse with age, and blame it on something everybody does LMAO never mind that there is no fucking connection between the two) AND your body is raging with a sex urge. Naturally raging, nothing you have any control over.

    And his advice is to fast? Seriously?
  • Re: Fasting actually increaseth sex urge
     Reply #1 - December 28, 2009, 01:19 PM

    I actually found that fasting gives me more boners. There were several occasions when I couldn't hold myself from masturbating, and they were mostly in Ramadan. Which is why I always dismissed it whenever I heard someone saying masturbation is haram.

    "In every time and culture there are pressures to conform to the prevailing prejudices. But there are also, in every place and epoch, those who value the truth; who record the evidence faithfully. Future generations are in their debt." -Carl Sagan

  • Re: Fasting actually increaseth sex urge
     Reply #2 - December 28, 2009, 01:25 PM

    ROTFL me too, I even broke my fast  Cheesy

    Of course I fasted another day and prayed for forgivness, and then I did it two more times, and THEN it was the last time Cheesy
  • Re: Fasting actually increaseth sex urge
     Reply #3 - December 28, 2009, 02:22 PM

    Interesting. I'm going to try this out for myself...  Can I still drink wine while I fast?

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Fasting actually increaseth sex urge
     Reply #4 - December 28, 2009, 02:50 PM

    I would think so, this article is called Benefits of Liquid Fasting.
  • Re: Fasting actually increaseth sex urge
     Reply #5 - December 28, 2009, 08:20 PM

    I actually found that fasting gives me more boners. There were several occasions when I couldn't hold myself from masturbating, and they were mostly in Ramadan. Which is why I always dismissed it whenever I heard someone saying masturbation is haram.

    Lol ye meet to. I masturbated during fasting but tried not to finish which is hard. Shouldn't really divulge such personal details but it's funny so... yep.

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
  • Re: Fasting actually increaseth sex urge
     Reply #6 - December 29, 2009, 12:12 AM

    Lol ye meet to. I masturbated during fasting but tried not to finish which is hard. Shouldn't really divulge such personal details but it's funny so... yep.

    You 'pulled out'  Cheesy

    "In every time and culture there are pressures to conform to the prevailing prejudices. But there are also, in every place and epoch, those who value the truth; who record the evidence faithfully. Future generations are in their debt." -Carl Sagan

  • Re: Fasting actually increaseth sex urge
     Reply #7 - December 29, 2009, 12:13 AM

    LOL  Cheesy
  • Re: Fasting actually increaseth sex urge
     Reply #8 - December 29, 2009, 12:44 AM

    Ye I stepped up. Felt guilty. lol.

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
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