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  • Question: Should men have the right to have a baby aborted when they're not ready for it?
  • Yes - 10 (19.6%)
  • No - 41 (80.4%)
  • Total Voters: 51

 Topic: Men's right to abortions

 (Read 57044 times)
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  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #30 - December 29, 2009, 08:40 PM

    OK, what if your criminally insane sister knocked you out and surgically removed your sperm to make herself pregnant and due to the incest factor the ultrasound revealed that the fetus had 4 arms and a tail?

    LOL :-)

    I remember an episode of some soap...where the woman was impregnated with a syringe.

    Has anyone read the book Demon Seed by Koontz? Where mad computer decides to leave the confines of his computer circuitary by creating a biological analogue of impregnating forcibly the women he trapped in his power?

    Challenge All Ideologies but don't Hate People.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #31 - December 29, 2009, 08:41 PM

    Doesn't matter what bizarre scenario you dream up, Bob, there's no getting around the fact that you're arguing for forced abortions.  No, it is never acceptable to force someone to undergo surgery against their will.  End of.

    How can a man be forced to give child support and/or give up his own life and ambitions for a child then? You speak like the man has no feelings or if his feelings don't even count.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #32 - December 29, 2009, 08:45 PM

    Women should not have the right to fuck up a man's life.

    No man should "fuck up"  a woman's life by impregnating her.

    Challenge All Ideologies but don't Hate People.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #33 - December 29, 2009, 08:47 PM

    It is the man who bears the brunt if the child is born.

    I suppose the woman's job in an unwanted pregnancy is insignificant...

    A woman feels psychological trauma if she's forced to get an abortion which lasts for usually a month or so, an year max, but a man goes through psychological trauma for his lifetime if he's forced to live with a child.

    If you weren't a regular poster I'd swear you were trolling.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #34 - December 29, 2009, 08:47 PM

    OK fine then.

    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat your children. Praise be to Allah." -- Mike Tyson
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #35 - December 29, 2009, 08:48 PM

    It is the man who bears the brunt if the child is born.

    1) Child support
    2) Guilt if he abandons the child

    Even if your skewed version of the distribution of consequences were true instead of being immature, misogynistic bullshit, that would still not be an argument for forced abortions.  Changes in child support laws, maybe, but not forced abortion.

    Yes, the child grows in the woman's body but it is the man primarily responsible for the child's welfare after the kid has grown beyond the need for breastfeeding (and even then it is the man who works during the woman's pregnancy and afterwards).

    Women also work during and after pregnancy, and are legally equally responsible for their children's welfare.

    Women should not have the right to fuck up a man's life. Period. A woman feels psychological trauma if she's forced to get an abortion which lasts for usually a month or so, an year max, but a man goes through psychological trauma for his lifetime if he's forced to live with a child. Don't the man's feelings count for anything? Yes they do, and moreso than the woman's since the man is the primary stakeholder in the kid's life.

    Rubbish.  A woman can go through psychological trauma for a lifetime after an abortion even if it were just a bad decision on her part, she is even more likely to suffer that if the abortion is forced on her against her will.  As for the misogynistic waffle, you have demonstrated the usual brand of resentful narcissism  which arguments like this are always based on.  I exhibit no surprise.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #36 - December 29, 2009, 08:53 PM

    A woman feels psychological trauma if she's forced to get an abortion which lasts for usually a month or so, an year max

    That's not true, My girlfriend had and abortion and years after she would still cry about it. Whenever she passed a toddler that looked a bit like her she would wonder if that is what her child would look like.

    BTW, I posted this once on IslamOnline. You should have read the nasty responses I got. Women were calling me a baby killer. I suppose I could have mentioned from the start that the girl got an abortion before I met her.

    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat your children. Praise be to Allah." -- Mike Tyson
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #37 - December 29, 2009, 08:55 PM

    How can a man be forced to give child support and/or give up his own life and ambitions for a child then? You speak like the man has no feelings or if his feelings don't even count.

    Since when does having a child mean you cant do anything else? My dad has 4 kids and has plenty of time to reach his ambitions whilst taking care of us. You really are doing a piss poor job of arguing your case and that is an understatement!

    You have sex you take a risk just as the women does. The woman's life is affected MORE with an unwanted pregnancy then a man's but of course abortion is just a piece of cake right? You've never had one or will ever face the responsibility of one but you're more then experienced to tell us women how it affects us! Never mind our opinion or experiences, it's irrelevant in your deluded planet!
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #38 - December 29, 2009, 09:02 PM

    You have sex you take a risk just as the women does. The woman's life is affected MORE with an unwanted pregnancy then a man's but of course abortion is just a piece of cake right? You've never had one or will ever face the responsibility of one but you're more then experienced to tell us women how it affects us, never mind our opinion or experiences. It's irrelevant in your deluded planet.

    If don't want to be responsible for any pregnancy then stay clear of women or take responsible action....and be prepared for the consequences...

    Challenge All Ideologies but don't Hate People.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #39 - December 29, 2009, 09:44 PM

    Nobody has the right to force another human to go through a surgical procedure.

    Forced abortions have been tried in some places (Eugenics) and they've always been deemed unethical.

    If a man doesn't want to have the "sword" hanging over him, he needs to:
    (1) use a condom (very high success rates in avoiding pregnancies)
    (2) not have sex with women
    (3) get a vasectomy (which don't protect from STDs, only pregnancies)

    This is like, what, 7th grade sex education?

    If you weren't a regular poster I'd swear you were trolling.


    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #40 - December 29, 2009, 09:58 PM

    I suppose the woman's job in an unwanted pregnancy is insignificant...

    Quote from: liberated
    It is the man who bears the brunt if the child is born.

    I said 'if the child is born', not during the pregnancy. And in the next sentence i further clarified it to 'after the period of breastfeeding is over, although even during that time its the man who has to work.

    A woman feels psychological trauma if she's forced to get an abortion which lasts for usually a month or so, an year max, but a man goes through psychological trauma for his lifetime if he's forced to live with a child.

    If you weren't a regular poster I'd swear you were trolling.

    I am not trolling, I'm being realistic. If someone from your family dies, the average time to recovery is just about a few months, sometimes an year. Human beings are forgettting creature, we forget stuff and move on. A fetus you had only known for a month or so will leave a lifetime trauma? Puh-leeeez  mysmilie_977
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #41 - December 29, 2009, 10:00 PM

    BTW, I posted this once on IslamOnline. You should have read the nasty responses I got. Women were calling me a baby killer. I suppose I could have mentioned from the start that the girl got an abortion before I met her.

    Link please!!!  Cheesy
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #42 - December 29, 2009, 10:02 PM

    No. Men have the right to control their cock.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #43 - December 29, 2009, 10:03 PM

    If a man doesn't want to have the "sword" hanging over him, he needs to:
    (1) use a condom (very high success rates in avoiding pregnancies)
    (2) not have sex with women
    (3) get a vasectomy (which don't protect from STDs, only pregnancies)

    You do realize that both vasectomy & condoms are not 100%. Some pregnancies occur even with a condom & a vasectomy.

    Guys, I am not trolling, I'm taking about fundamental rights & gender equality here. Women have 100% of all the rights from the moment they become pregnant, the guy absolutely 0%, while it is the guy responsible for all welfare of the baby, he has at least 50% if not more at stake than the woman does if the baby comes into the world. He should have equal rights as the woman in deciding whether or not his off-spring comes into the world. Why is talking about that deemed as trolling here?
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #44 - December 29, 2009, 10:12 PM

    Since when does having a child mean you cant do anything else? My dad has 4 kids and has plenty of time to reach his ambitions whilst taking care of us.

    What exactly are the ambitions of your dad and what has he achieved in this life? Please tell me, I would love to know  Cheesy.

    Furthermore, your dad was mentally prepared to have kids, he got married, had a stable job/business, etc. What if he always used protection, didn't plan on having kids ever, and then all of a sudden one day his wife got pregnant and decided to keep the baby? Not only he would have to live with the extra stress of whether his wife will survive the pregnancy, the additional finances, crying of the baby 24/7 which will interrupt his work if he worked from home, the psychological stress of having a baby when he is not ready for it can be detrimental to his success at work, his attitude to other people, and it can change his outlook for his life form being the best at his profession, to giving his kid the best possible college education. And the world would be denied of another possible  great scientisit/author/actor/whatever your dad does.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #45 - December 29, 2009, 10:15 PM

    No. Men have the right to control their cock.

    Cocks can't be controlled. That's like male psychology 101. Perhaps if you had one you'd know better  Cheesy parrot victory
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #46 - December 29, 2009, 10:17 PM

    Are you fucking with me bitch?

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #47 - December 29, 2009, 10:21 PM

    no child support if you are voted out, otherwise a womens body is hers

  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #48 - December 29, 2009, 10:24 PM

    I said 'after the child is born', not during the pregnancy. And in the next sentence i further clarified it to 'after the period of breastfeeding is over, although even during that time its the man who has to work.

    So according to you all a woman has to do is bare the baby, after that she has no responsibility whatsoever? She doesn't have to take care of it, provide for it (including financially), or do anything. It's like the baby doesn't even exist for her. Is that what you're saying? Cause last time I checked it was the total opposite, it is usually the woman who has to do most of the work in looking after the baby. None of this is necessarily by choice either.

    I am not trolling, I'm being realistic. If someone from your family dies, the average time to recovery is just about a few months, sometimes an year. Human beings are forgettting creature, we forget stuff and move on. A fetus you had only known for a month or so will leave a lifetime trauma? Puh-leeeez  mysmilie_977

    Are you going to tell me those people who still cry years after an abortion (like Bob's girlfriend) are just making it up? That they're doing it just to be drama queens? I'd like to hear your explanation of why these people still suffer psychologically if you think everyone gets over it in a year, it had better be good too.

    Also I'd like to know why are you ignoring posts that completely refute you? That's the attitude of a troll. Cheetah's done a very good job at pointing out all your flaws and you've completely ignored him.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #49 - December 29, 2009, 10:25 PM

    otherwise a womens body is hers

    What about the sperm in her womb which came from me? What about the kid which will come into the world with my DNA and have my hair/eyes/nose? How can you so easily trash the rights of the man over the child? It being her body does not give her right over my sperm/offspring
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #50 - December 29, 2009, 10:27 PM

    What exactly are the ambitions of your dad and what has he achieved in this life? Please tell me, I would love to know  Cheesy.

    Furthermore, your dad was mentally prepared to have kids, he got married, had a stable job/business, etc. What if he always used protection, didn't plan on having kids ever, and then all of a sudden one day his wife got pregnant and decided to keep the baby? Not only he would have to live with the extra stress of whether his wife will survive the pregnancy, the additional finances, crying of the baby 24/7 which will interrupt his work if he worked from home, the psychological stress of having a baby when he is not ready for it can be detrimental to his success at work, his attitude to other people, and it can change his outlook for his life form being the best at his profession, to giving his kid the best possible college education. And the world would be denied of another possible  great scientisit/author/actor/whatever your dad does.


    Your exaggerations are so ridiculous and your ignorance of how it affects women just scream 'troll'. Either that or you are in serious denial to justify your views.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #51 - December 29, 2009, 10:28 PM

    What about the sperm in her womb which came from me?

    Shouldn't have put it there Roll Eyes
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #52 - December 29, 2009, 10:29 PM

    Yeah, finders keepers, losers weepers  Tongue

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  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #53 - December 29, 2009, 10:30 PM

    if you don't give a fuck........i don't give a fuck
    if you give a fuck.................use a condom

    not being harsh on you but overall you cant force a woman to go into medical procedures for your sake

    I can see what you saying(me being a man) but I can't find any other solution

  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #54 - December 29, 2009, 10:32 PM

    So according to you all a woman has to do is bare the baby, after that she has no responsibility whatsoever? She doesn't have to take care of it, provide for it (including financially), or do anything. It's like the baby doesn't even exist for her. Is that what you're saying? Cause last time I checked it was the total opposite, it is usually the woman who has to do most of the work in looking after the baby. None of this is necessarily by choice either.

    Ok, yes, you're right, the woman does do a lot of work in raising the child, I agree with you. But who pays for it? In most of the cases the man has to pay for everything, plus he also has to spend a lot of time raising the kids as well. But I agree.. thanks for calling me on it, the woman definitely does a lot of work raising the child too.

    Are you going to tell me those people who still cry years after an abortion (like Bob's girlfriend) are just making it up? That they're doing it just to be drama queens? I'd like to hear your explanation of why these people still suffer psychologically if you think everyone gets over it in a year, it had better be good too.

    With no offense especially to Bob, yes I do think they are drama queens or have psychological problems otherwise to be crying years later about a fetus that only existed for a few weeks - a month. This is just my personal opinion, sorry for any offense to anyone.

    Also I'd like to know why are you ignoring posts that completely refute you? That's the attitude of a troll. Cheetah's done a very good job at pointing out all your flaws and you've completely ignored him.

    Cheetah is only repeating herself and actually she's ignoring what I've said. She put it under the perspective that its a biological decision & not a social one, and because its the woman's body she makes all the decisions, but I've refuted that saying that the sperm in her is the man's, and the man has equal rights to decide whether or not his offspring comes into this world. Furthermore he will also have to support the kid financially and have a financial stake in this as well, so its not just a biological issue.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #55 - December 29, 2009, 10:37 PM

    Your exaggerations are so ridiculous and your ignorance of how it affects women just scream 'troll'. Either that or you are in serious denial to justify your views.

    How in the fuck is that an exaggeration? I know a lot of men personally who had great potential & dreams at one point, then they had a kid and all their ambitions were changed to just providing for their family and they don't even go after their dreams anymore. When someone responds with personal insults during a debate it usually means they've reached a point where they can't refute what you said.

    Yeah, finders keepers, losers weepers  

    Yea? So if I find your newborn baby in the back of a taxi where you forgot it, do I get to keep it then? Your logic is flawed  dance

    if you give a fuck.................use a condom

    *sigh* for the 100th time on this thread, I do use a condom, but like I said, condoms are not 100% and you still have that vague possibility of a pregnancy! My cousin used 2 condoms and his wife still got pregnant and now he's living with it!
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #56 - December 29, 2009, 10:41 PM

    My cousin used 2 condoms and his wife still got pregnant and now he's living with it!

    That's cause "double bagging" actually increases the risk of condoms tearing.  Roll Eyes

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #57 - December 29, 2009, 10:42 PM

    *sigh* for the 100th time on this thread, I do use a condom, but like I said, condoms are not 100% and you still have that vague possibility of a pregnancy! My cousin used 2 condoms and his wife still got pregnant and now he's living with it!

    Don't use it with a silicon based lub and it wont brake, use a water based if you had
    but the only way you can break a condom is by using a silicon lub or ripping it with your hand....that other possibility is a fault in manufacturing which is like 1 in several thousands

  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #58 - December 29, 2009, 10:43 PM

    Ok, yes, you're right, the woman does do a lot of work in raising the child, I agree with you.

    You don't say!

    But who pays for it?

    Both of them.

    With no offense especially to Bob, yes I do think they are drama queens or have psychological problems otherwise to be crying years later about a fetus that only existed for a few weeks - a month. This is just my personal opinion, sorry for any offense to anyone.

    Well it might surprise you to know that these psychological problems apply to most of the general population! I'm sure you would love the responsibility to tell the rest of the population that they are all drama queens and that everyone should have the emotional capacity of yourself. Anything other then this is not considered normal by your expert medical opinion and as such they should seek counselling. Gee why didn't this become law in the first place? Oh yeah, because everyone is not like you! Roll Eyes

    Cheetah is only repeating herself and actually she's ignoring what I've said. She put it under the perspective that its a biological decision & not a social one, and because its the woman's body she makes all the decisions, but I've refuted that saying that the sperm in her is the man's, and the man has equal rights to decide whether or not his offspring comes into this world. Furthermore he will also have to support the kid financially and have a financial stake in this as well, so its not just a biological issue.

    Might wanna reread her posts, she's refuted a hell of a lot more than that.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #59 - December 29, 2009, 10:48 PM

    How in the fuck is that an exaggeration? I know a lot of men personally who had great potential & dreams at one point, then they had a kid and all their ambitions were changed to just providing for their family and they don't even go after their dreams anymore. When someone responds with personal insults during a debate it usually means they've reached a point where they can't refute what you said.

    Women also go through all that if you can imagine such a possibility, though it seems to be beyond your line of thought. And I'm not insulting, you really are ignoring the woman's troubles and you've just done it again! It is not my fault you are in denial.
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