I found you polite and that?s why I am replying to you. IF you are nice to me then I too would be nice to you. Anyway I would stand corrected if proven wrong .Having said this I would like to debate you here.
You first paragraph is quite incoherent, even indecipherable. You concede right away that there are very few "knowledgeable" Muslims. I think you mean by this that most Muslims haven't studied Islam in depth and just follow it simply because they have inherited from their parents. If that's what you mean then I'm inclined to agree with you on that. From my own experience many Muslims are really ignorant of some very cardinal teachings and practices of Islam.
That is not the point I am trying to make .
You also assert that all those "knowledgeable" Muslim must be practicing Taqiyya. I have no idea how you reached that conclusion. Taqiyya means lying and pretending to be non-pious/moderate while hiding your piety in order to achieve political gain or in order to save your life. I personally know many well-versed Muslims who don't practice Taqiyya. They simply interpret the Quran differently and I don't blame them for it. After all the Quran was written by men and it's bound to be self-contradictory. Extremists cherry-pick what they like (ie the "bad parts") while the liberal/moderate Muslims focus on the "good" parts. Some, like the MCB and Tariq Ramadam, who do this cherry-picking are indeed practicing Taqiyya.
I may have been unclear here and I accept it. Let me make up for it.Taqiyya is also about disguising your faith to protect the honour and integrity of islam if the need arises.Its not just about protecting your life. Its also about protecting your religion when its in danger of losing credibility. What you are trying to say here is knowledgeable muslims do not necessarily practice Taqiyya because they have a different interpretation. Now well the first question to be asked here is does a different interpretation exist? Ofcourse not ! It means these muslims are doing cherry picking and trying to give it a different interpretation by ignoring the nasty verses which actually incite violence.Now there could be 2 possible reasons for this i.e either these muslims are lying or they do it out of ignorance . So lets go one step ahead to find out what they are really upto.All we have to do is carry out a debate with them. Please invite your knowledgeable muslims here on this forum.I shall debate them and show them that their interpretation is completely wrong and islam really promotes terrorism.Now the question is would they accept that they are wrong and I am right? Would they openly acknowledge that islam does sponsor terrorism? Ask yourself honestly this question .How many muslims have you seen on the internet forum accepting islam sponsors terrorism when the kafirs prove it to them?
If your friends accept that I am right then the conclusion would be they really had a different interpretation out of ignorance of islam but if they deny and maintain their view its clear that they are practicing Taqiyya because I have clearly shown them how their interpretation is wrong.The basic defense of muslims is that the verses relating to terrorism are for self defense. Well self defense is prescribed by islam but in addition to self defense islam prescribes offensive fighting.
Its one thing to keep your beliefs to yourself and its other thing to tell kafirs that your interpretation of islam is wrong and mine is right.When these knowledgeable muslims say this to non muslims even when convincing proofs have been provided to them then its clear that they are practicing Taqiyya .
However most, like say my dad, do this cherry-picking just because it makes them at peace with themselves and their religion.My dad is against stoning, cutting hand, terrorism..etc. He has Christian and Mandaean friends and has accepted his son's apostasy. He listens to music and has no problem with his daughter not wearing any Hijab. Sure he's not following the Quran literally because if he is, he should have slit my throat while I'm asleep the same night I announced my apostasy. He should also throw out his Umm Kulthum CDs and make his daughter wear Hijab. He's not doing so because he wants to be a good person while maintaining his religion and in order to achieve both he's willing to make a compromise and ignore parts of the Quran. Unfortunately, he's still homophobic and has told me that he thinks they are "the sociopaths of the bottom of society". I tried to reason with him and change his view but didn't succeed. I don't think it would be fair to call him "a fucking moron". By applying that standard, more than half of the American populace would be "fucking morons who there is no reason to respect".
I already said in my post that I cant blame people who haven?t read the quran because they are bound to spew lies because they really dont know what their religion tells them but I do have a problem with then when they maintain their claim even proofs are shown to them which indicate otherwise .
My claim is either knowledgeable or ignorant muslims when shown that islam is bad should accept it . If they say that their interpretation is correct and ours is wrong then they are practicing Taqiyya.That is what happens when you reason with most of the muslims atleast on internet ( I never dared to speak to a muslim about his religion in real life) and there is no denying this and hence that?s why I accuse most of the muslims of playing Taqiyya. Your dad to start with isn?t a muslim in the real sense.Also if he accepts the naked truths about his religion then he is honest and cannot be accused of playing Taqiyya.
In your third paragraph, you once again claim that "its not just 1 or 2 muslims doing that but its majority of them who play Taqiyya. Just go to any Islamic forum and see how they respond to your posts.Just feel the lies they spew out to defend their religio". This is pure bullshit. I think you are a moron if you think the majority of Muslims practice Taqiyya. Many Muslims like my dad have never been to an internet forum and if you ask him he will not hide his beliefs whether it is the tolerant beliefs or the homophobic ones.
Again I repeat if your dad accepts the naked truths about islam then he is clearly not playing taqiyya .The moment he tells us that our interpretation of islam is wrong and his is correct even when he is shown otherwise then he can be clearly accused of lying for protecting image of islam i.e Taqiyya.
According to your outlook, it's the safe option to not believe ALL Muslims; it's smart to distrust them all before getting to know them; it's shrewd to assume that everybody with a Muslim name is a Taqiyya-practicing terrorist.
Frankly, I don't want to wast my time replying to such vile collectivist nonsense. And if all other FFIers think like you do, then I'm glad that I have never been to that forum.
Well what you say is complete nonsense because you cant see the muslims from the point of view of non muslims eventhough you are one now because you were a muslim one time and I think you have a softcorner for muslims which makes you deny that they actually practice Taqiyya.If we see Taqiyya all over the internet then non muslims are bound to be careful while dealing with muslims.A point to be noted is that I never said that we shouldn?t trust them at all. I said we should be careful before we trust them.Its ridiculous that you want the non muslims to be like saints and ignore what the muslims do . We too are humans and have feelings.Bear in mind no dog lover goes around to hug those breeds with a reputation for viciousness even if some of them might not be actually vicious.Same is the case here.
Finally if you dont want to post on FFI none is forcing you . Even we are glad that we dont have the likes of you .
Fine . I stand corrected.