Hello, good job, I want access to the french one as well.
Thanks, but I'm somewhat reluctant to allow you as an editor. Not because I have something personal against you, but because of your views, some of which still reflect the FFI mentality ("Islam is all bad and must be eradicated, yada yada..."). With our forum we wanted to get away from FFI and their bigotry. So with our wiki family we obviously want to do the same.
You can still contribute to the French wiki as a translator if you want. Somebody like Naerys must proofread your texts before I add them to the wiki. Maybe you'd like to start translating one of the chapters in Hassan's book? Chapter 2 perhaps? I would suggest that you use this excellent online editor (which allows real-time collaboration with others):
http://etherpad.com/ (
New document) (Tip: Don't lose the URL of your work. If it's gone, it's gone.)