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 Topic: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil

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  • France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     OP - February 03, 2010, 10:17 AM

    The French government has refused to grant citizenship to a foreign national on the grounds that he forced his wife to wear the full Islamic veil.

    The man, whose current nationality was not given, needed citizenship to settle in the country with his French wife.

    But Immigration Minister Eric Besson said this was being refused because he was depriving his wife of the liberty to come and go with her face uncovered.

    Last week, a parliamentary committee proposed a partial ban on full veils.

    It also recommended that anyone showing visible signs of "radical religious practice" be refused residence permits and citizenship.


    In a statement, Mr Besson said he had signed a decree on Tuesday rejecting a man's citizenship application after it emerged that he had ordered his wife to cover herself with a head-to-toe veil.

    "It became apparent during the regulation investigation and the prior interview that this person was compelling his wife to wear the all-covering veil, depriving her of the freedom to come and go with her face uncovered, and rejected the principles of secularism and equality between men and women," he said.

    Later, the minister stressed that French law required anyone seeking naturalisation to demonstrate their desire for integration.

    Mr Besson's decree has now been sent to Prime Minister Francois Fillon for approval.

    The interior ministry says only 1,900 women wear full veils in France, home to Europe's biggest Muslim minority.

    In 2008, a French court denied citizenship to a Moroccan woman on the grounds that her "radical" practice of Islam was incompatible with French values.


    It would be nice if the UK would grow a pair of balls and do the same with new immigrants here.  wacko

    Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

    The sleeper has awakened -  Dune

    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish!
  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #1 - February 03, 2010, 11:00 AM

  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #2 - February 03, 2010, 12:00 PM

    Fantastic news, citizenships should assess a person's character, such a person does not have a good character and shouldn't be allowed in, like Nour said, we should have a similar policy here.

    I hear what you're saying. You're spinning my head around.
  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #3 - February 03, 2010, 12:03 PM

    I agree with having a policy like that in place here.  If it can be proven that the person trying to gain citizenship is in the business of enforcing rules over a persons rights to freedom of choice then truly they shouldn't be welcomed here.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #4 - February 03, 2010, 12:34 PM

    Fantastic news, citizenships should assess a person's character, such a person does not have a good character and shouldn't be allowed in, like Nour said, we should have a similar policy here.

    lol sarcasm detector on
  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #5 - February 03, 2010, 01:41 PM

    I agree with having a policy like that in place here.  If it can be proven that the person trying to gain citizenship is in the business of enforcing rules over a persons rights to freedom of choice then truly they shouldn't be welcomed here.

    Yeah, I dunno. In principle I agree. In practice, I wonder if it's not a slippery slope-- in other words, will this decision embolden immigration authorities to discriminate on religion or country of origin alone? Again, on the other hand, maybe such discrimination is necessary to protect liberal society. It's a tough one, but think I'd err against it as I generally favor open borders.

    lol sarcasm detector on

    I don't think he's being sarcastic.

    fuck you
  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #6 - February 03, 2010, 04:16 PM

    Go france!  Afro
  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #7 - February 03, 2010, 04:21 PM

    I would go further than this when it comes to new immgrants. One of the biggest mistakes with the misguided multiculturalist agenda was having any lack of cultural control or "filter" when it came to the new waves of immigrants coming to permanently settle in western countries. There needs to be a thorough cultural program of some sort, a crash course if you will, that all new immigrants have to go through. They should be educated in their new adopted nation's cultural values and unacceptable behaviors which are not welcome here.

    I think a vast majority of immigrants will happily accept those values and those that don't will most likely be deterred from coming to a country whose values they are diametrically opposed to. Immigrants need to know that when they settle here they are accepting certain Canadian values and will have to leave behind their backwards cultural practices.

    This might sound like common sense, but I think we all know that too many immigrants come into countries like Canada totally raw, unaware of local norms and settle down in some ethnic neighbourhood and continue living like this is rural punjab.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #8 - February 12, 2010, 07:02 AM

    Did the Netherlands implement an integration test for all new citizens or something? I remember reading something about this, in which they had to watch a video of a woman sunbathing, and two men kissing. Questions included Dutch history and things about secular society and that. I like this idea so long as it's not just used against Muslims, but that it becomes a standardized test for all new citizens.

    Anyway, good job to France on this one.
  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #9 - February 14, 2010, 11:17 PM

    I would go further than this when it comes to new immgrants. One of the biggest mistakes with the misguided multiculturalist agenda was having any lack of cultural control or "filter" when it came to the new waves of immigrants coming to permanently settle in western countries. There needs to be a thorough cultural program of some sort, a crash course if you will, that all new immigrants have to go through. They should be educated in their new adopted nation's cultural values and unacceptable behaviors which are not welcome here.

    I think a vast majority of immigrants will happily accept those values and those that don't will most likely be deterred from coming to a country whose values they are diametrically opposed to. Immigrants need to know that when they settle here they are accepting certain Canadian values and will have to leave behind their backwards cultural practices.

    This might sound like common sense, but I think we all know that too many immigrants come into countries like Canada totally raw, unaware of local norms and settle down in some ethnic neighbourhood and continue living like this is rural punjab.

    I COMPLETELY AGREE. oh my god, there should be a test and you have to pass it in order to be immagrated. so many people (I'm canadian so I'm using Canada as an example) immagrate here, and then whine "oh this stupid western society and it's tolerance. at least in pakistan we have so and so, blah blah" fucking PISSES ME OFF. if you don't like canada and it's freedom, don't fucking come here then???

    if you don't like frances laws, don't come to france?

    it's not like not wearing a burqa is like being forced to eat pork.. like wtf!??! burqa's are disgusting!

    Closets after closets
  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #10 - February 15, 2010, 12:37 AM

    Did the Netherlands implement an integration test for all new citizens or something? I remember reading something about this, in which they had to watch a video of a woman sunbathing, and two men kissing. Questions included Dutch history and things about secular society and that. I like this idea so long as it's not just used against Muslims, but that it becomes a standardized test for all new citizens.

    Anyway, good job to France on this one.

    Yes The Netherlands has introduced such a test. It's a comprehensive integration scheme. It consists of compulsory language courses and courses on Ducth history and society.
    All immigrants, including foreign students, must pass the test(s) with the exception of PhD students and those making >45,000 Euros a year or so.
  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #11 - February 15, 2010, 03:14 AM

    I heard asylum seekers are exempt from the test in the Netherlands, is this true?

    "In a child's power to master the multiplication table, there is more sanctity than in all your shouted "amens" and "holy holies" and "hosannas." An idea is a greater monument than a cathedral. And the advance of man's knowledge is a greater miracle than all the sticks" - Henry Drummond
  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #12 - February 15, 2010, 04:28 AM

    I'm not sure TBH.
  • Re: France refuses a citizenship over full Islamic veil
     Reply #13 - February 16, 2010, 10:27 PM

    I heard asylum seekers are exempt from the test in the Netherlands, is this true?

    No.  If they are granted assylum they do not have to sit the test to have temporary leave to remain, but if they wish to become citizens they have to sit the test the same as everyone else.

    Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The Perpetually Pissed Off About Some Shit Or Other.
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