Look im sorry to post here, probably not right, u may delete my post.
BUT i needed to ask the question, the tasks, the life that you must LIVE according to the qu'ran is really difficult, they're
are so many things if u do, u will be doomed forever in hell.
Wine, Adultery, Fornication are just some of them.
What kind of god would want to burn someone for something like this? There are pro's and con's of each of these things.
Adultery can lead to unwanted pregnancy -
Adultery can be a fun +
Alcohol is not haraam in the Quran, but it is said there is danger in it for humans. Who can disagree with that? But we all know from history, what happens when alkohol is forbidden in a society. The moonshining (home made boose) becomes rampant, and a lot of other criminality besides.
Going behind anothers back in marriage, must be the worst blow a marriage can have, and I think we all have seen some terrible consecuens(?) of this kind of betrayel? But to make fornication illegal in a society, is like making alcohol illegal, but it should be strived to make us better than that. To be honest and not lie. To stay or to go.
When I read in here, I see a lot of people on left side in politic, people that symphetize with other humans on this planet, and I ask my self if your earlier background as muslims, has coloured your view on politic, humanrights, freedom of fate? I think it has, but maybe I am wrrong?