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 Topic: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim

 (Read 173818 times)
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  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #450 - December 09, 2015, 11:54 PM

    Brilliant work going on here !

    My question is why are women so neglected in Islam? Why cannot they have any rights of their own?

    If I want to drink for my enjoyment and I do not harm anyone then why would I be thrown in hell?

    Is there any proof of actual heaven or hell? Or is it something that has only been mentioned in Quran?
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #451 - December 09, 2015, 11:57 PM

    No, according to Islam, women should stay indoors and must only leave outside with a mahram!
    No proof whatsoever on heaven or hell, just a dude from the dessert claim more supporter VIA quran.
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #452 - December 09, 2015, 11:59 PM

    Hey, exANON. Welcome to the forum! You should make a thread in the introductions section so that we can all welcome you properly.  Smiley
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #453 - December 10, 2015, 12:04 AM

    How do I do that?
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #454 - December 10, 2015, 12:38 AM

    My question would be-

    Sent as a mercy to Mankind?

    Then the Messenger of Allah commanded that ditches should be dug, so they were dug in the earth, and they were brought tied by their shoulders, and were beheaded. There were between seven hundred and eight hundred of them. The children who had not yet reached adolescence and the women were taken prisoner, and their wealth was seized.

  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #455 - December 10, 2015, 02:10 AM

    Is there any proof of actual heaven or hell?

    Or is it something that has only been mentioned in Quran?

    It's also mentioned in the bible.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #456 - March 24, 2016, 02:31 AM

    Hi everyone! I'm new here. I shall write an introduction later.. For now my question to Muslims:

    Would you like to see the Sharia law being implemented in your country??
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #457 - March 24, 2016, 02:36 AM

    Now if Allah wrote down everything already that will happen to us then does that really mean we have free choice??
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #458 - March 24, 2016, 02:51 AM

    What proof do you have that Mohammed (peace be upon his followers) was a true Prophet of God??

    How can you elevate Mohammed's position above Jesus?? Both differ greatly in their teachings.. Jesus taught love and tolerance and set the perfect example of humility. He had deep respect for women and never violated their rights. He even sat amongst tax collectors and sinners because he saw their heart condition.. Jesus never killed anyone yet in the end the perfect example to emulate is Prophet Mohammed's (peace be upon you if you happen to be upset). What logic eh! Jesus is one of your Prophets. Why not follow his teachings instead??
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #459 - March 24, 2016, 03:08 AM

    Just because a prophet, in a position to elevate the status of women to that of equal with men, ¨never violated their rights¨ it does not make him great. It makes him remiss. Isa was in an excellent position to provide women with relief, with the very rights you claim, and he did not. If Isa gave women rights equal to that of men, do tell in another thread. Because Christian history belies this.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #460 - March 24, 2016, 03:54 AM

    Jesus did preach some horrible things. He condemned multiple cities along with their population to hell for not believing in him and repentance. He preached that there would be violence, disorder, strife, etc for all those that reject him. Do not confuse inability to enact his ideals with being peaceful. Jesus challenged authority and lost while Muhammad won. That makes a huge difference.

    I do not think you have read the NT.
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #461 - March 24, 2016, 02:49 PM

    Jesus did preach some horrible things. He condemned multiple cities along with their population to hell for not believing in him and repentance. He preached that there would be violence, disorder, strife, etc for all those that reject him. Do not confuse inability to enact his ideals with being peaceful. Jesus challenged authority and lost while Muhammad won. That makes a huge difference.

    I do not think you have read the NT.

    reading NT., OT,  Quran and what is there in those books is irrelevant when we are talking about Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.,....     that is a different matter but which Jesus and which Muhammad are you talking about bogart?

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #462 - March 26, 2016, 12:10 AM

    Jesus took a stand for what was right. He did not use the sword rather he taught with authority. He did not teach RETALIATION rather he taught God's love and forgiveness, abolished "eye for eye and tooth for tooth" and taught us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. He taught his followers to treat others as they wish themselves to be treated. He did not discriminate against anyone be it male or female and we see this in the way he dealt with the Samaritan woman at the well even when Jews and Samaritans had no dealings with each other. His disciples were surprised to see him even talking to a Samaritan woman! He treated this woman with dignity. When they bought an adulteress to him he did not condemn her. Rather he told her to go and sin no more. His message included both genders. He did not place any of those restrictions on women or saw them deficient in intelligence or religion like Mohammed did.. His message was of tolerance and universal love. He sat amongst tax collectors and sinners because he saw their heart condition and they sensed the needed to hear his msg unlike the self-righteous pharisees who felt they were better than everyone else. What is noteworthy is that Jesus saw it not fit to kill anyone. He taught respect for human life and even humbled himself to the point where he washed the feet of his disciples.. That is remarkable humility. Show me that kind of humility in the Qur'an. In fact, just show me any verse that talks about love for enemies.. Yes I have read the NT Bogart.. I do not belong to any religion but I opened my mind to search for the answers to the questions I have.
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #463 - March 26, 2016, 12:47 AM

    ............Jesus .........
    ............he taught God's love and forgiveness, abolished "eye for eye and tooth for tooth".......
    ...............His message was of tolerance and universal love. .................
    ............What is noteworthy is that Jesus saw it not fit to kill anyone...............

    ... ...........He taught respect for human life and even humbled himself to the point where he washed the feet of his disciples.......... .

    ............. Show me that kind of humility in the Qur'an................
    ............ In fact, just show me any verse that talks about love for enemies...........
    .........I do not belong to any religion ............

    hello  Dolly........  i am drunk.....  still  i can read and type with one finger....

    So  show me the proof of existence of Jesus and existence of Muhammad  in the history of these so-called religions...  and on those highlighted words of your posts let me give you the link to read and see..

    Pope washes feet of Muslim migrants, says 'we are brothers'

    but those videos shows the difference between the mindset of people that follow those stories..

    read that link see those tubes and GIVE ME THE PROOF..


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #464 - March 26, 2016, 12:53 AM

    How did Mohammed win? If we make comparisons we would see huge difference in the teachings of Mohammed as opposed to Jesus'. Jesus portrayed God as a loving father even towards the wayward children that we are. In the Qur'an though we see Allah hating the unbelievers or the lost ones and even encouraging his followers to wage war against them.. That is not so in the Bible. Jesus' words recorded in the Bible Book of Luke 15:4-6 gives us a picture of how God views us.. What man among you with 100 sheep, on losing one of them, will not leave the 99 behind in the wilderness and go after the lost one until he finds it? And when he has found it, he puts it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he gets home, he calls his friends and his neighbors together, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #465 - March 26, 2016, 01:06 AM

    How did Mohammed win? If we make comparisons we would see huge difference in the teachings of Mohammed as opposed to Jesus'. Jesus portrayed God as a loving father even towards the wayward children that we are. In the Qur'an though we see Allah hating the unbelievers or the lost ones and even encouraging his followers to wage war against them.. That is not so in the Bible. Jesus' words recorded in the Bible Book of Luke 15:4-6 gives us a picture of how God views us.. What man among you with 100 sheep, on losing one of them, will not leave the 99 behind in the wilderness and go after the lost one until he finds it? And when he has found it, he puts it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he gets home, he calls his friends and his neighbors together, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’

    Dolly I didn't ask you to read/print verses from  New testament or Quran... but i was asking you this
    hello  Dolly..................

    ......So  show me the proof of existence of Jesus and existence of Muhammad  in the history of these so-called religions... ...................................

    ................GIVE ME THE PROOF..............

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #466 - March 26, 2016, 01:10 AM

    I never said any example of humility was in the Quran. I am not comparing texts. I am looking at right vs wrong. If Isa did not discriminate against women, why were they not among the disciples? For fuck´s sake, he took twelve men to pass along his teachings and no woman to do the same? This is not discrimination to you? It is a clear example to all that people in positions of power in his sect must be male. And this is what happened, for centuries. This is what is still happening in most Christian sects.
    Why did he advise an adulteress to sin no more, was she married of her own free will, was she convicted of the act, was she adultering of her own free will, was she forced? Was she freely married and freely adultering? Without knowing the case, have we right to judge his words as worthy or not?
    The pharisees had a differing agenda. This does not necessarily make them bad people.
    Why did his message of tolerance and universal love and turning the other cheek not include equal rights for women?
    How can I regard him as good, when he left out so much? If he was a prophet, or even worse, a god, why did he not make clear that women do not have to lie down and take it on the cheek, and make clear that they are not property of men. It took nearly two thousand years for women to get some rights, and he could have done it in an hour- all that time ago. Neglect does much harm.
    No, I don´t see him as possessing any divine traits of humility. I have washed the feet of my elders, as have many others. This takes compassion and empathy, sometimes obedience. Tis not any miracle.
    Every single person I have ever met has seen fit not to kill anyone. I hope you are one of those, too. This does not make you a saint. It makes you sane, or lucky.
    Why would I, when reflecting upon what is good and bad for the world, compare religious texts, all of which are flawed in their approaches to human rights? We don´t have to choose between them, any more than we have to advocate for this prophet or that. All of them come short of the goal.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #467 - March 26, 2016, 01:12 AM

    Jesus' washing of his disciples feet was symbolic of us being humble and serving others, not literally meaning that we wash the feet of others. I do not agree with many of the churches today with what they do and how they interpret the scriptures.. People's interpretations of the scriptures differ greatly and most people interpret it in a way that fits their own agenda. Like I said I don't belong to any religion and like your questions I have a lot also that have remained unanswered.. I see your point Yeezevee. I have been asking myself similar questions. I'm 21 but all my life I've been trying to find answers when it came to religion.
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #468 - March 26, 2016, 01:31 AM

    I hear all of your cases. But I'm searching for the answers myself hence I'm in no position to prove God's existence. Religions can be very confusing and so often require blind faith. I am being tossed about by this religious confusion but one thing's for sure, we got free choice and we are entitled to our views.. We can invent our very own based on love, respect, freedom of conscience and equality of genders. I do believe in equal rights for every human. That being said, it beats me as to why religions can pose such threats to human progress.
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #469 - March 26, 2016, 01:45 AM

    I think the pastafarians made such a religion. I haven´t really looked into it, though, because I don´t think I can commit to the colander.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #470 - March 26, 2016, 02:05 AM

    I think the pastafarians made such a religion..............

    huh!  what is that one?  what kind ?

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #471 - March 26, 2016, 02:12 AM

    Actually guys, I'm on the same team you know.. I'm not the opposition. Lol. We're all in the same boat on this forum. I think the intention behind what I said was misunderstood. I geared my questions and points towards the Muslims keeping in mind the purpose of this forum. Muslims view Jesus (Isa) as one of their prophets so I wanted to ask the Muslims why they don't follow Jesus' teachings instead when he clearly taught a better way of life than Mohammed. That was what I wanted to say with that detailed explanation.  Wink
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #472 - March 26, 2016, 02:18 AM

    Pastafarians?? From dried dough of flour, water and/or eggs?  Cheesy
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #473 - March 26, 2016, 04:02 AM

    Actually guys, I'm on the same team you know.. I'm not the opposition. Lol. We're all in the same boat on this forum. no I am not in the same boat dolly..., My boat has different engine., different color and different speed., More over it is no fun every one has same boat or travels in same boat..

    I think the intention behind what I said was misunderstood. I geared my questions and points towards the Muslims keeping in mind the purpose of this forum.

    well it is possible that i misunderstood your intentions but I am not sure that you understand the intentions of this forum and its members., You know this forum is like Muslims .. I mean the folks here are as diverse as Muslim community  around the globe ., So keeping that in mind what do you think is the purpose f this forum Dolly??

    Muslims view Jesus (Isa) as one of their prophets so I wanted to ask the Muslims why they don't follow Jesus' teachings instead when he clearly taught a better way of life than Mohammed. That was what I wanted to say with that detailed explanation.  Wink

    True.. True  Muslims do consider Jesus as one of the prophets of Islam., Well, whatever little they understand from reading/preachers of Islam /or through family.,   some of them do follow Jesus ., why do you say that they follow Muhammad instead of Jesus ?

    The other problem is which Muhammad are you talking about?  Muhammad of Quran?? Did you read anything  any verse about Muhammad in Quran?  anyways I am glad you joined the forum please continue to write and read in to it..

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #474 - March 27, 2016, 01:24 AM

    I see your point Yeezevee.. I did not understand the make up of this forum or take my time to read through it's threads.. I hereby withdraw my statement that we're all in the same boat. Technically though, we have something in common. We want to use our brain and go for the facts and evidence.. We do not want to follow blindly a faith without putting it under scrutiny.. If these books are truly from the all-knowing, all-wise creator then it will pass the verification tests and prove it's historical and scientific accuracy..
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #475 - March 27, 2016, 02:54 AM

    Great can we get back on thread.  Has somebody compiled a list of all these questions recently, I am sure I have seen a spreadsheet of these somehwere.

    Late Eid Mubarak, Where's my eidee present ?
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #476 - March 27, 2016, 12:29 PM

    I see your point Yeezevee.. I did not understand the make up of this forum or take my time to read through it's threads.. I hereby withdraw my statement that we're all in the same boat.

    hello Dolly ..  Noo,, you can not and you should not.,  because you are indeed correct in your views and in your statement of "we're all in the same boat" indeed correct., After all our boat is earth., and we have nothing within a billion miles around the earth where we can live as freely as any living being thriving on earth.  So you are absolute right in your point. In fact I am the one who is not expressing in a way that readers can follow what a writes. And there are good reasons for that .. But don't take it back.. but Fight.. fight for what you stand for.   .,  

    So on those words of your previous post.. which is very important to the early history and origins of Islam  you said  
    "I geared my questions and points towards the Muslims keeping in mind the purpose of this forum. Muslims view Jesus (Isa) as one of their prophets so I wanted to ask the Muslims why they don't follow Jesus' teachings instead when he clearly taught a better way of life than Mohammed."

      and the news today says

    British-Pakistani murdered by fellow Muslim for posting Easter message

    Asad Shah was a shopkeeper in Glasgow  ..RIP
    A British-Pakistani shopkeeper in Glasgow succumbed to his wounds after being stabbed by a fellow Muslim on Thursday for posting social media messages wishing his customers a happy Easter.
    “Good Friday and very happy Easter, especially to my beloved Christian nation x!” the 40-year-old had posted from an account that appears to be his.

      that is the message he posted and for that he was murdered .. Oh well it is life .. read the link for more on that ., So why he was murdered by some baboon of Islam? big Al knows the best Dolly  

    ...allah knows the best  on all such questions...

    who was Muhammad of Quran?  who was Jesus of Bible? and who was Jesus of Quran?   .. could it be possible all these guys are same and  they  come from same / similar stories??

     Allah knows the best ?  Hu! Who is allah?   errr.....  stupid question..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #477 - March 27, 2016, 06:21 PM

    Haha... Oh well Yeezevee, we wouldn't want to be asking who is Allah now would we...  lipsrsealed Let's hope he will one day come in person and identify himself and clear up all this confusion. For now, even the best of questions we come up with, there is the famous answer, "Allah knows best" and "Allah sealed your heart because you reject him hence you won't be able to understand".. It's frustrating how some Muslims would give this answer to questions that puzzle them rather than taking a logical stand and adopting critical thinking..
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #478 - March 27, 2016, 11:50 PM

    Jesus took a stand for what was right. He did not use the sword rather he taught with authority. He did not teach RETALIATION rather he taught God's love and forgiveness, abolished "eye for eye and tooth for tooth" and taught us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.

    Yet that love is conditional upon believing. A loving God would not condemn people to hell for eternity for lack of belief. Did you forget the verse which contradicts your claim. Mathew 8, 10, Mathew 15. Killing children, hell, unbelievers, so very loving clearing the temple. Yup that is right and non-violent.

    He taught his followers to treat others as they wish themselves to be treated. He did not discriminate against anyone be it male or female and we see this in the way he dealt with the Samaritan woman at the well even when Jews and Samaritans had no dealings with each other.

    Jews did have dealings with the Samaritans due to political, economic and military factors. More so you are repeating Aaronite myths constructed post-exile which only have a basis in scripture not archaeology.
    His disciples were surprised to see him even talking to a Samaritan woman! He treated this woman with dignity. When they bought an adulteress to him he did not condemn her. Rather he told her to go and sin no more.

    See above.

    His message included both genders. He did not place any of those restrictions on women or saw them deficient in intelligence or religion like Mohammed did.

    Yet he had few female followers, nothing changed in regions in which Jude-Christians nor Gentile Christians grew. The women that follow him within the inner circle are related to him whereas the majority of the men are not at all. You confuse spiritual equality with social equality which Paul only hammers home. There is no evidence that such an egalitarian order was even intended. There was no change in the social order only in purity which is holiness not social. All you are doing is repeating feminists myth support by anachronism and idealist fallacies. 

    His message was of tolerance and universal love. He sat amongst tax collectors and sinners because he saw their heart condition and they sensed the needed to hear his msg unlike the self-righteous pharisees who felt they were better than everyone else.

    No it wasn't about social justice or equality. The Messiah is King, the King decides who to admit to the Kingdom or not. The Kingdom is that which is to come in the Messianic age. Jesus is the King of the Kingdom of God. The Pharisees were demanding not only a judgement of who was admitted to the Kingdom beforehand but from their point of view only which is telling the King what to do more or less. More so the Pharisees were still attempting to maintain their possessions by only giving a tithing, which is not even theirs to give freely, as if it was their own possessions. Their is also the undercurrent that this was not normal meals but celebrations as rich people were joining the group bring all of their wealth into the group.

    Read the parables before and after this event. You didn't understand it at all.

    What is noteworthy is that Jesus saw it not fit to kill anyone. He taught respect for human life and even humbled himself to the point where he washed the feet of his disciples.. That is remarkable humility. Show me that kind of humility in the Qur'an. In fact, just show me any verse that talks about love for enemies.. Yes I have read the NT Bogart.. I do not belong to any religion but I opened my mind to search for the answers to the questions I have.

    Killing disorient children is seeing someone fit to kill and for a horrible reason. Washing someones feet does not mean someone is actually humble especially when when that person has a messiah complex which is not so humble.

    Jesus is God of the OT. The OT has plenty of violence within it for horrible reasons. The NT merely echo's this and can not absolve Jesus of anything.

    You sound like an apologetic Christian and everything you have posted leads me to the conclusion you are a Christian.
  • Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #479 - March 28, 2016, 02:20 AM

    The Bible makes use of figurative language which are often misinterpreted.. In the Original languages, the Bible used the Hebrew word "SHE'OHL" and the Greek word "HAI'DES" to represent the common grave of mankind but Bible translators by allowing their personal understanding of the words mixed with their own beliefs have rendered these words as "hell" and "grave" which does not convey the actual sense of these words resulting in this misconception.. The Bible also use the Greek word GEHENNA, symbolic of eternal destruction, not eternal torment.. Gehenna is associated with fire and got its name from a garbage dump located outside of ancient Jerusalem.. Garbage and dead bodies of convicted criminals considered to be unworthy of a burial were burned there. Agreed most Churches in Christendom understand this as a literal place where God will punish disobedient mankind. But is that so? Consider what is mentioned at:

    Ecclesiastes 9:5,10: "...As for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all..." (Read both verses in the KJV or preferably The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)

    Psalm 146:4: "His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth and in that very day his thoughts perish." KJV.

    When Adam was told that he would return to the dust, it meant to a state of unconsciousness (a state of nonexistence as he was before he was created). The Bible does not teach that a person experiences anguish after death as punishment for his sins. It does not teach that a person possesses an immortal soul which survives the death of our body. It does not teach that we can think, hate and feel anger or pain at death.. The whole concept of Hell may have been rooted in the religion of ancient Egypt..

    There is so much more to it. However we'd have to continue this in a new Thread.. People differ greatly in their interpretations. And no Bogart. I may have said things that I did not quite understand at first when I joined this forum, things I wanted to withdraw but I'm not of any religion and I'm not a Christian.. Maybe I might be.. I try to be unbiased in my approach and open-minded to learn religious teachings. I was sooo close to converting to Islam but have so many unanswered questions and discovered a lot of absurdities.. You can say I'm on a search so I'll accept my mistakes as I go along. For now I'm reading and gathering information... I value other's views and reasoning and if something sounds logical I go for that.. It's my humble request in this forum to not be associated with any religion..
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