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 Topic: Goodbye and Thank you!

 (Read 20207 times)
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  • Re: Goodbye and Thank you!
     Reply #60 - March 31, 2010, 05:36 PM

    Tell me how you think you have been specifically influenced by Islam and whether you identify yourself as a cultural Muslim, or what you identify yourself as.

    I definitely don't identify myself as a cultural Muslim - I am well known by all my family and friends as an apostate. But I am happy to take wisdom wherever I find it - and I still find myself referencing a hadith I like or Quranic passage I like or Islamic tale (such as the tales of Joha) - and take it as human wisdom. Can't think of any off-hand but I have quoted some in the past.
  • Re: Goodbye and Thank you!
     Reply #61 - March 31, 2010, 05:38 PM

    Maybe - but is culture not confused with religion? Can you truly say you were only influenced by non-Islamic influenced culture?

    Yes I think so.  If you tell me something that is uniquely part of Islamic culture, or something that I might not have learned otherwise, then I might be able to give you a more definite answer.  Only things I can think of are pretty much inconsequential (like not finding pigs cute) and are not really what I would put under my positive sphere of influence.  IWell not anymore than the thousands of other things I have been influenced by anyway.

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  • Re: Goodbye and Thank you!
     Reply #62 - March 31, 2010, 05:39 PM

    Hassan, would you say your culturally western/anglo background played an important factor in your eventual apostasy?

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Goodbye and Thank you!
     Reply #63 - March 31, 2010, 05:40 PM

    Yes I think so.  If you tell me something that is uniquely part of Islamic culture, or something that I might not have learned otherwise, then I might be able to give you a more definite answer.  Only things I can think of are pretty much inconsequential (like not finding pigs cute) and are not really what I would put under my positive sphere of influence.  IWell not anymore than the thousands of other things I have been influenced by anyway.

  • Re: Goodbye and Thank you!
     Reply #64 - March 31, 2010, 05:41 PM

    I definitely don't identify myself as a cultural Muslim - I am well known by all my family and friends as an apostate. But I am happy to take wisdom wherever I find it - and I still find myself referencing a hadith I like or Quranic passage I like or Islamic tale (such as the tales of Joha) - and take it as human wisdom. Can't think of any off-hand but I have quoted some in the past.

    Thats different, there are lots of postive things you can take out of the Quran.  Cant argue with that.  

    Just dont feel I need to focus more on the Quran than any other literature, just because I feel an innate ancestral obligation to do so.

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  • Re: Goodbye and Thank you!
     Reply #65 - March 31, 2010, 05:43 PM

    Hassan, would you say your culturally western/anglo background played an important factor in your eventual apostasy?

    Not sure really - I think the fact that I had a broader view and always retained a skeptical side played a part.
  • Re: Goodbye and Thank you!
     Reply #66 - March 31, 2010, 05:45 PM

    Thats different, there are lots of postive things you can take out of the Quran.  Cant argue with that.  

    Just dont feel I need to focus more on the Quran than any other literature, just because I feel an innate ancestral obligation to do so.

    Neither do I - but it played a big part in my life - so I know more bits (good and bad) than I do about say.. Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism which I'm sure also contain a great many wisdoms.
  • Re: Goodbye and Thank you!
     Reply #67 - March 31, 2010, 06:37 PM

    Personally I dont think Islam doesnt have anything more to say about culture than what was already around.  And that was 1400 years ago, and times have moved on.

    Even as a muslim,  I found I was always using own sense of morality and squaring it against Islam, rather than the other way around. And this attitude proved to be its eventual downfall. 

    Neither do I - but it played a big part in my life - so I know more bits (good and bad) than I do about say.. Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism which I'm sure also contain a great many wisdoms.

    I think this would make a good reason to spend more time learning about other religions, rather than spending even more time studying the mythology behind Islam as a life lesson.

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  • Re: Goodbye and Thank you!
     Reply #68 - March 31, 2010, 06:46 PM

    Neither do I - but it played a big part in my life - so I know more bits (good and bad) than I do about say.. Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism which I'm sure also contain a great many wisdoms.

    Go on then.  As you suggest you have been influenced by Islam, let us know in what way that you probably would not have done otherwise e.g. as an Egyptian/Englishman without Islam.

    Actually come to think of it, I can think of a way that you may have but would still be interested to see your opinion.

    I think it is different for you as you made some life decisions based on Islam, whereas I left Islam in my teenage years and since then actively tried to get some balance by exposing myself to lots of different cultures & ideas.

    I also dont really see Islam as a culture, but as a religion, which mostly talks about how you should relate to God.

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    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Goodbye and Thank you!
     Reply #69 - March 31, 2010, 06:56 PM

    Maybe later, mate - will give it some thought - not in the mood right now.
  • Re: Goodbye and Thank you!
     Reply #70 - March 31, 2010, 06:56 PM

    I miss RIBS :(

    Call me TAP TAP! for I am THE ASS PATTER!
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