Like I said before this is how I view state intervention in any context, I look for three things:
no harm to others - adulthood - consent. If the three are established then the state has no right to interfere.
In fact even if you're actually harming someone (directly or indirectly), the state can't intervene as long as adulthood and mutual consent are established.
If you're harming an individual, the first question is, is this individual an adult? if no then the state jumps in. If yes then we have to establish consent.
Of course to verify consent we have to establish two things which are sufficient cognitive capacity and no reasonable doubt of coercion. If all established the state must back off regardless of the circumstances.
Wanna sell heroin to a friend? wanna have your doctor cut off your middle toe? as long as all are adults and there is mutual consent, then go right ahead.
In the case of
parents' right to control their childrens' education, neither adulthood or consent is established so the parents better not "harm" the children or the state jumps in.
As for self-harm, if you're harming yourself then we have to check your mental capacity. If you're OK then proceed. Wanna eat 20 cheeseburgers a day, cut your dick off, or jump off a bridge? go fucking nuts !!
The state can warn that this might result in suspending your welfare benefits but we can't prevent you from doing it.
How can we draw the boundaries you might ask? do serious heroin addicts have sufficient mental capacity? well we can argue about that.
What we can't argue about is whether we should prevent a heavy smoker from smoking. We simply can't. We can offer advise and threaten to cut their health care but that's just about it.
Similarly we shouldn't prevent an adult emo girl from cutting herself or prevent a perfectly sane individual from committing suicide.
Now I have 2 questions:
-On the whole, is my logic fucked-up?
-Can you think of a scenario where my logic won't work?