I would just like to say I have nothing against Israel - in a similar way as I have nothing against Malawi or Columbia or Estonia. In fact I'd rather live in Israel than many Arab countries. However that doesn't mean I can't criticise the actions of it's government.
Nor am I against Jews - in fact my experience of the Jews I have known has been very good and I find them very intelligent, good and decent people.
HOWEVER... that doesn't mean I have to suck Israel's cock - or avoid criticising someone just because he is a Jew.
I hate the way that some Israelis/Jews regard ANY criticism as 'anti-semitism' - and I hate the way some Christian Fundies and Neocons will defend Israel no matter what it does.
Agree with most of what you say, but double standards & hypocrisy exist on both sides.
There are plenty of Arab\Muslims too who're foaming at the mouth with anti Semitic remarks & oppose the very existence of Israel, wanting it to be wiped out as well as supporting violence against innocent Jews.
I know Western "liberals" too who oppose the very right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, while expressing no objections to all the Muslim states in the world & compare the Israelis to the Nazis, which I think is quite extreme.
There are plenty of explicitly Muslim states around the world, with policies just as discriminatory or even more discriminatory towards its non Muslim citizens, which do not face any of the grave threats to their existence that Israel does.
Also, Israel is quite
tiny compared to many of its neighbours. I don't support any encroachments of Israel upon others territories. However Israel does have a right to exist and exist as a Jewish state.Also, while killing innocents or driving people out of their homes is always objectionable, Israel also has a right to protect its citizens lives & limbs, & if there're strong threats, they need to take strong measuers as well.