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 Topic: Israel

 (Read 21775 times)
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  • Re: Israel
     Reply #90 - February 18, 2010, 11:23 PM

    Sure that guy looks Indian. But I'd still guess he's Arab first. There are fine details which divide. The way the beard grows (arabs have straighter more dense beards), physique (arabs are more robust). Gulf Arabs often have distinct negroid qualities like bigger lips and more prevalence of curly hair. Skin tone and texture are often different.

    Though I'm a bit of a weirdo. I can pinpoint racial ethnic characteristics to minute details and pick out specific ethnicties just by looking.

    You forgot the gigantic beak-like noses! Now, that's distinctively Arab!  

    see what I mean? Cheesy

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #91 - February 18, 2010, 11:25 PM

    The difference perhaps is in mannerism.. Indians tend to be polite while Arabs are quite rude and very loud.. very embarassing to hang out with in general.


    "In every time and culture there are pressures to conform to the prevailing prejudices. But there are also, in every place and epoch, those who value the truth; who record the evidence faithfully. Future generations are in their debt." -Carl Sagan

  • Re: Israel
     Reply #92 - February 18, 2010, 11:28 PM

    You forgot the gigantic beak-like noses! Now, that's distinctively Arab!  Cheesy

    I have a pretty arab nose too. I'm Bengali.

    Of course my nose is not beak like. Its angular, lots of Arabs have a similar nose to mine - while very few bengalis do. I once met an Iraqi guy who looked exactly like me... it was eery.

    I like the nose. Very noble. Perhaps I did have an arab ancestor, I thank him for the nose.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Israel
     Reply #93 - February 18, 2010, 11:31 PM

    This is Sachin Tendulkar, greatest Indian cricket player - does he look Arab? I'd say no, he looks distinctly Indian.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Israel
     Reply #94 - February 18, 2010, 11:31 PM

    I like the nose. Very noble. Perhaps I did have an arab ancestor, I thank him for the nose.

    You just wish  Tongue

    "In every time and culture there are pressures to conform to the prevailing prejudices. But there are also, in every place and epoch, those who value the truth; who record the evidence faithfully. Future generations are in their debt." -Carl Sagan

  • Re: Israel
     Reply #95 - February 18, 2010, 11:33 PM

    You just wish  Tongue

    Hahaha, no I really don't! I like to imagine my ancestors were Hindu brahmins or buddhists.

    Not the evil arabs!!  lipsrsealed

    This is Sachin Tendulkar, greatest Indian cricket player - does he look Arab? I'd say no, he looks distinctly Indian.

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    ^That is a pure Indian look. As Indian as you can get. No way in hell I'd say he's Arab. Very distinctly Indian.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Israel
     Reply #96 - February 18, 2010, 11:34 PM

    The Arab nose is noble?! It's the worst Arab facial feature...

    Where I come from they also like it... they call it Arabian-sword nose.. I call it for what it is: beak-like nose!

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #97 - February 18, 2010, 11:36 PM

    This is Sachin Tendulkar, greatest Indian cricket player - does he look Arab? I'd say no, he looks distinctly Indian.

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    True, but the point is the vast majority of Arabs can easily pass for indians... think of it as Arab looks being a subset of Indian looks.

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #98 - February 18, 2010, 11:42 PM

    The Arab nose is noble?! It's the worst Arab facial feature...

    Where I come from they also like it... they call it Arabian-sword nose.. I call it for what it is: beak-like nose!

    But the "noble" arabian nose is not beak like, its angular and straight. I remember the Emir of Kuwait (jaber something) when we lived there had that ideal nose. He had that classic arabian princely nose.

    Anyways, why the fuck are we talking about noses on the Israel thread. Thread hijacking FTW. ROFL.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Israel
     Reply #99 - February 19, 2010, 12:26 AM

    World peace ftw - so we can all hands and have one massive fucking orgy.

    *Does the moonwalk dance*

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #100 - February 19, 2010, 04:03 AM

    But the "noble" arabian nose is not beak like, its angular and straight. I remember the Emir of Kuwait (jaber something) when we lived there had that ideal nose. He had that classic arabian princely nose.

    Anyways, why the fuck are we talking about noses on the Israel thread. Thread hijacking FTW. ROFL.

    Agreed.  If a thread jacking should happen at least let it be about Lebanese and Egyptian women being hot and not about noses.  

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #101 - February 28, 2010, 02:46 AM

    Undounbtedly, antisemitism is rampant in the Muslim/Arab world. And while it can be argued that historically Jews have fared better under Muslim rule such as the Ottoman and Andalusian empires than in Europe and that Antisemitism in the Muslim world has been exacerbated by the establishment of Israel, still there is, as Iblis nicely put it, "a high level of raw and adulterated" antisemitism among Muslims. The fact that this bigotry extends to non-Arab Muslims such as the Mumbai bombers, is sufficient evidence that it's not simply a Palestine solidarity thing.
    Even if you, like myself, were raised in a moderate household, you couldn't have possibly escaped the Antisemitic vitriol spoken by our teachers and written in our school books. In this regard, I am thankful to my dear father who, despite being staunchly pro-Palestinian, taught me from childhood that we must differentiate between Jews and Zionists. In fact one of the first books he recommended to me was a biography of the Father of the modern Iraqi state Sassoon Eskell.
    I once had a heated debate with some friends on the topic and I have to say it wasn't the Palestinian issue that my friends used to justify their Jew-hating but rather the verses in the Quran and nasty stereotypes.

    Nevertheless, I am sick and tired of Zionists and Israel apologists using the antisemitic card so often. What's even more ludicrous is labeling the likes of Chomsky and Finkelstein as "self-hating Jews". And believe me it's not just one or two JDL types who use it. I've been involved in some debates about the Israel-Palestine issue and MANY Jews resorted to the silly self-hatred defense.   

    One more thing I like to mention which nobody else did which is the Muslim-hating and anti-Arab racism in Israel. I had the fortune of getting acquainted with a very nice Arab Israeli guy who's a student at an Israeli University. He opened my eyes to something I was completely oblivious about which is how Arabs, even the ones who are Israeli citizens, are depicted in the Israeli media. He told me about nasty Muslim/Arab jokes and stereotypes which are to say the least racist and bigoted. He told me about the bullying he experienced in uni even though he's a third-generation Israeli citizen and not a practising Muslim.
    It is also very annoying when Israelis try to reduce any Palestinian liberation movement to fanatic Islamic terrorism.
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #102 - February 28, 2010, 02:49 AM

    Why is his name Arab-Wannabe? Is he like one of those low self-esteem desi Musulmans who are desperate to be Arab?

    I don't want to be an ass and I don't want to speculate but could he be this guy?

    Here is the video he was commenting on

    Here's the profile:  He says he's a Pakistani Muslim and in his profile he says he lives in the UK.

    Anyway I apologize in advance if that's not you AW.

    Ed Hussain who is of South Asian origin writes in his autobiography about how shocked he was by the way that non Arabs, particularly subcontinental Muslims were treated by Saudis when he lived there - it was one of the things that woke him up with a jolt from his fantasy of a single globalised Ummah working towards a political khalifa.

    You're right billy. I have an engineer uncle who has worked as a construction site manager in the UAE in charge of Indian laborers and he told me that he was shocked at the racism of the locals against Indians.
    Although it isn't strictly a race-based racism but rather an arrogant superiority complex which they have even when dealing with non-Khaleeji Arabs. I'm nost saying it makes it any less worse, it's just that there is no harm in clarifying it.

    I don't know the reference IsLame is referring to, but isn't Arabic the language of heaven?

    Well our Islamic Education teacher always said Arabs were the chosen people and he based it on this verse:

    Lebanese women are Godesses.

    They sure are. Syrian chick are hotter though.
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #103 - February 28, 2010, 02:56 AM

    damn IA debunker has done pretty damn well and earned his spot I think for POTM. But I promise next vote you're getting it from me.
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #104 - February 28, 2010, 03:16 AM

    damn IA debunker has done pretty damn well and earned his spot I think for POTM. But I promise next vote you're getting it from me.

    Tislam Aghati  Wink
    The mere fact that you considered me is very flattering. The thing is I don't think it's fitting if I won the POTM. This forum falls under the "religion" category and I'm fed up with anything that has to do with religion, that's why I don't post in "religious" threads that often. I'm more into politics and general discussions.
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #105 - February 28, 2010, 03:57 AM

    My biggest problem is that the Israeli government doesn't help the fight against anti-semitism with some of the things they do, in fact a rise in anti-semitism in France in recent years by Muslim immigrants probably had something to do with this (I've read a few articles on this).

    I never understood why anti-semitism still appears in society today... My own experience with Jews is that they're highly educated and very tolerant and open-minded.
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #106 - February 28, 2010, 02:56 PM

    My biggest problem is that the Israeli government doesn't help the fight against anti-semitism with some of the things they do, in fact a rise in anti-semitism in France in recent years by Muslim immigrants probably had something to do with this (I've read a few articles on this).

    How do you mean?  TBH, I think this is just a pathetic excuse by some pathetic far-left columnist(s).
    I mean what does kidnapping, torturing, and killing a Jewish Parisian have to do with what's going on in Palestine?

    I never understood why anti-semitism still appears in society today... My own experience with Jews is that they're highly educated and very tolerant and open-minded.

    With the exception of the Arab World, it largely disappeared. Well maybe with the exception of some far-right communities.
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #107 - March 01, 2010, 04:05 AM

    The rise in anti-semitism has a lot to do with Muslim minorities, and it's exacerbated when you've got the Israeli government doing the things that it does. I think, personally, it's got a lot to do with what's going on in Palestine.

    Also, 14% of Americans held strong anti-semetic views, and 25% of non-Jewish Americans polled blamed Jews for the financial crises of 2008 - 2009. Anti-semetisim still exists quite a lot, whether or not people admit to it. I tend to think it's a sub-conscious thing that people don't admit to but feel, perhaps.

    My issue is that the problems in Israel don't help fight anti-semitism, nor does it help relations between Muslims and Jews. My guess is that Muslims would need someone to complain about, if it weren't Jews then they'd still have a problem with gays.
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #108 - March 01, 2010, 04:25 AM

    I thought we were talking about the antisemitism among Muslims in particular not generally. I still think it's a pathetic to blame the antisemitism in Muslim French communities on the actions of Israel.

    As for the second statement, I partly retract it and stand corrected. Yes there is still some antisemitic sentiment in Europe and the States. I think I read somewhere that Jewish American are still in this day and age the prime target of hate crimes in the US. However, you will find this is largely limited to the Far Right and the Fundamentalist Christians.
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #109 - March 01, 2010, 05:24 AM

    Anti-semitism among Muslims is only partly to do with Israel. I would say the bigger part is Islam and entrenched Muslim attitudes towards Jews. In particular Arab Muslim. To them Jews were always the little people who they kept as second class citizens in the ghettos. They were also the greatest enemies of the Prophet Muhammad. The Quran itself is filled with antisemitic vitriol - a product of Muhammad's own anger at their dismissal of his prophethood. I think the hatred is religious at it's core, the politics related to Israel just make it worse and much more aggressive.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Israel
     Reply #110 - March 01, 2010, 10:39 AM


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  • Re: Israel
     Reply #111 - March 01, 2010, 12:07 PM

    This is Sachin Tendulkar, greatest Indian cricket player - does he look Arab? I'd say no, he looks distinctly Indian.

    (Clicky for piccy!)


    Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

    The sleeper has awakened -  Dune

    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish!
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #112 - March 01, 2010, 12:17 PM

    Anti-semitism among Muslims is only partly to do with Israel. I would say the bigger part is Islam and entrenched Muslim attitudes towards Jews. In particular Arab Muslim. To them Jews were always the little people who they kept as second class citizens in the ghettos. They were also the greatest enemies of the Prophet Muhammad. The Quran itself is filled with antisemitic vitriol - a product of Muhammad's own anger at their dismissal of his prophethood. I think the hatred is religious at it's core, the politics related to Israel just make it worse and much more aggressive.

    Very astute observation, Iblis.  I also think that a lot of the antisemitism has to do with jealousy at the fact that despite the odds so many Jews have managed to pick themselves up from the ruins of post-war Europe and the various pogroms against them in other countries around the world and make a good living by working hard.  Why is it so hard for so many Muslims to do the same?

    Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

    The sleeper has awakened -  Dune

    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish!
  • Re: Israel
     Reply #113 - March 01, 2010, 02:13 PM

    Blaming everybody else for their endemic flaws stops they making root & branch reform, and given that Quran is sent directly  from Allah, its makes this process of reevaluation almost impossible

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  • Re: Israel
     Reply #114 - March 01, 2010, 02:38 PM

    Anti-semitism among Muslims is only partly to do with Israel. I would say the bigger part is Islam and entrenched Muslim attitudes towards Jews. In particular Arab Muslim. To them Jews were always the little people who they kept as second class citizens in the ghettos. They were also the greatest enemies of the Prophet Muhammad. The Quran itself is filled with antisemitic vitriol - a product of Muhammad's own anger at their dismissal of his prophethood. I think the hatred is religious at it's core, the politics related to Israel just make it worse and much more aggressive.

    Like I said in my previous posts, for the most part I agree with you Iblis. However, we have to remember that antisemitism in the pre-Israel Arab World was relatively dormant when you compare it to Europe. For example, the Jews comprised >10% of Baghdad's population in the 1910s and 1920s and then declined to 10s in the 50s. Same thing with Yemen, Egypt and other Arab nations. This isn't just a mere coincidence. Iraq's minister of finance was Jewish. Besides there was no Holocaust or internment camps. What's more, just ask any credible historian and s/he will tell you that the Jews fared better under the Ottoman Empire than under the Prussian Empire. They would also tell you that they prospered in Al-Andalus under Arab/Moor Muslim rule and then they were persecuted under the Inquisition of Ferdinand II of Aragon.
    Saying that anti-Semitism has been unique to Arabia and the Muslim World and that that is mainly because of the Quran and the Sunna is just plain inaccurate. Like I said, there is no doubt that the Arab World atm has the highest level of antisemitism and that there is no excuse for it. I also would agree that antisemitism has been ingrained into the Arab mindset and that the situation Israel is not the sole reason. What I'm saying is that the establishment of Israel stimulated and exacerbated it. After all the nasty verses in the Quran and the Jew-hating Hadiths were always there.
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