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 Topic: Hi from WikiIslam

 (Read 11956 times)
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  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #30 - March 03, 2010, 10:02 PM

    You're right in some ways but the article doesnt say "all muslims lie or can lie", or anything like that (did a quick read). It just says "Muhammad allowed lying e.g. lying to the enemy". Maybe the article could be trimmed to that only. The quotes at the top might appear "extreme" too and that takes the article away from the "factual" stance it should have. These kinds of problems exist in a lot of articles and I have yet to implement quality control. Other stuff needs to be fixed too. I just havent had the time but I know one day all this has to be fixed. And yes, thats not one of our best articles and its definitely not my favourite. The best articles stay away from racist opinions and state or quote the facts. Its a continuation of something from the time we started. Thanks for the feedback. I can tell you some more problematic articles or page titles I know of and I know one day I'll fix them. Getting this feedback from you confirms to me how important it is to get stuff fixed.

    edit: Ok I saw your video now and dont have time to respond to it and go in a long debate but let me just say these few key points. What is true Islam? The Islam practiced by Muhammad. That you'll agree on. That was a violent Islam (beheading of 900 Jews etc). True Islam is this, when you really adhere to its teachings:
    - cut off a thief's hands, 5.38
    - wife beating ofcourse, 4.34
    - stoning to death, in hadith
    - being kind to a neighbour (and other good things in Islam)

    True Islam = following and believing in the teachings of the Quran and hadith. The more teachings you follow and do, the closer you get to being a true Muslim.

    Peaceful, moderate muslims who really dont know about/believe in/adehere to the teachings of Islam (praying on a friday and uttering a few Islamic phrases a day doesnt count) are also to blame for passively supporting terrorists or hateful Imams and not doing enough in the war against terrorism. A lot of them hate the west and that helps the terrorists so they're not completely free of blame. I can tell you the vast majority of muslims in Muslim countries oppose any help from America to fight terrorists in their own countries - Pakistan for example. Only lately that changed when they were getting bombed left and right. I can understand your disgust at right wing "all muslims are terrorists" attitudes and it disgusts me too. But saying that moderate muslims are all goody goody, is not correct. They hate the west and they support their Imams and they sit in silence and do nothing. For all those things, they are fully to blame, 100%. The Imams wouldnt be there without their support.

    A few days ago one Imam FINALLY gave out a Fatwa against suicide bombing. It took them 9 years and a few years of bombings in their own countries otherwise they would never have given a fatwa. Who is behind the Imams? Thats right -- the "peaceful moderate" community of Muslims, who else? They have the power to support them or oppose them. If they stay silent they're wrong and they're responsible. Hear it from the horse's mouth, the son of the Hamas leader who apostated from Islam:
    "It is not a religion of peace," said Yousef, who converted to Christianity. "The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist."

    And thats what its all about. That doesnt mean "all muslims are terrorists" and stuff like that.

    Quoting from your book:
    Ibn Kathir includes an interpretation that says it is ‘allegorical’ and means only that they were ‘humiliated’ and made ‘lowly’.  Such interpretations don’t suit the literalist Salafi creed; they prefer to believe that the Jews were literally transformed into monkeys and pigs

    If you're depending on Ibn Kathir for everything, then a lot of other stuff he says should also be accepted. Yes ofcourse Islam means they were literally transformed. When hadiths report the moon being split and tonnes of other ridiculous stuff, all that is literal. When they believed an angel came to Muhammad and Allah sent crows to defeat an army with stones and other stuff, transforming a group of people into apes and pigs isnt a big deal. It was meant to be literal.

    Anyway forget all that, I wont be going into debate, we both dont have enough time. Its aite, people can differ over stuff and I'm ok with that.

    I also like WikiIslam, certain articles there are very interesting… but it worries me that it might not be honest scholarly work. Is this really the case?

    We try our best.

    I'm done here I guess. If anyone needs to work for the wiki please PM me. I've contacted Nour already. Best of luck to all of you here at CEMB forum and I wish you guys lots of growth! Would like to stay here and blah-blah but dont have time.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #31 - March 03, 2010, 11:58 PM

    I like the wikiislam a lot. Learnt a lot of stuff from it and its a quick and easy source for critical info about Islam. Great work!

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #32 - March 04, 2010, 04:17 AM

    These kinds of problems exist in a lot of articles and I have yet to implement quality control. Other stuff needs to be fixed too. I just havent had the time but I know one day all this has to be fixed.

    Suggestion: create a template with an info box, which explains that the article needs to be revised, and include that template at the top of said articles.

    German ex-Muslim forumMy YouTubeList of Ex-Muslims
    Wikis: en de fr ar tr
    I'm on an indefinite break...
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #33 - March 04, 2010, 04:59 AM

    Thanks Iblis!

    Aziz, thanks, yea, making some kinda template sounds like the logical thing to put in when we do quality control. It will help keep track.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #34 - March 04, 2010, 06:10 AM

    Tell ya guys I got some feedback for this site. No one asked for it I know but here I go:
    - loads slow. Look at other hosts, they're cheap at $8/month
    - main page of the site should just have the forum, after all thats what everyone here comes for.
    - stuff on the left is good, the latest threads and so on
    - make links on the main page for your wiki's best articles
    - sucks I gotta type a captcha for each private message. I'm sure phpBB knows how to do this right and fight spam but not inconvenience normal users. Maybe its because I'm new, not sure.
    - not sure why you guys went with this forum software and say, not phpBB
    - sucks not bieng able to post links. Having a captcha at registration is enough to stop spammers. One spammer who gets through that a month is ok, if it allows new people to post links.
    K, I'm done. Thanks for the chance to let me vent.

    1/ The problem is not the host as such. Liquidweb rock. The problem is that we are on a shared server that also runs several much bigger sites. It was a good deal to start with but I have been thinking. A good VPS setup is looking like a nice idea.

    2/ Maybe. Worth thinking about anyway. 

    3/ Yeah, I know. That's why I did it that way.  grin12

    4/ It's because you're new.

    5/ Easy. SMF has a better security record, better performance, and better functionality IMO. phpBB is ok but I'm not that impressed by it.

    6/ Nope. Been there, done that.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #35 - March 04, 2010, 08:09 AM

    Ok. The wiki is on a shared host too and it runs fast. You could switch to some other hosts at $7/month before you try VPS which is more expensive.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #36 - March 04, 2010, 11:15 AM

    Whale, you lie blatantly. You said you have removed, edited the my sona quotes but you have not. I actually take back what I said. You can't use any of my content on your site so I also want my testimonial removed too.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #37 - March 04, 2010, 12:47 PM

    King Tut,
    You dont have a testimonial there, I removed that myself a long time ago if you remember and I did that myself after you wrote strange stuff like you were offered 500 pounds by your father to go to Friday prayers and what not. It didnt have any real reasons mentioning why you left Islam and you wote you were taking drugs and smoking weed and what not which made the whole testimony look like a joke so I'm not sure that you're really a former Muslim or not. We get fake testimonies like that rarely. Usually they're all genuine. For your quotes, they were quotes you submitted to the FFI forum where the terms and conditions state that everything submitted is the property of FFI. I deleted one quote and left the others and thats the way it will be for now. Suggest you dont think about that too much because this is the only response you'll get from me on this issue.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #38 - March 04, 2010, 04:52 PM

    If it is copyrighted by FFI and I posted it on FFI why is it on wikiIslam? Did you not say WikiIslam had nothing to do with FFI, it seems you can't make your mind up. Oh with regard to my testimonial, it was on Wiki for quite a while. And £500 was used to get me to come and do salat with my dad. You are no different then the majority of the necons on FFI, most are not going buy your "moderate stance" which is a complete sham on here.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #39 - March 04, 2010, 04:57 PM

    It is simple really pay me or do not use content which belongs to me. Not only are you a liar but also use content which does not even belong to you.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #40 - March 04, 2010, 05:04 PM

    Hey tut, please answer the question here:

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #41 - March 04, 2010, 05:05 PM

    So Whale lets what it actually says and who the copyrights belong to, (As I signed up on the forum, and these are the terms & conditions I agreed upon):

    ...As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised...


    So when did you get my consent to post those quotes on wikiIslam? I am respectfully asking you to remove content which belongs to me and I have not agreed to be used on wikiIslam. This is not an unreasonable request.

  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #42 - March 04, 2010, 06:27 PM

    King Tut
    As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

    1. thats talking about information being hacked. Its not talking about the reuse of information. Anything submitted on any forum becomes the property of that forum.
    2. There's no way to know that you are the same person here that made the quote back then.
    Also you submitted your testimony on the wiki under the terms "may be redistributed". This text appeared in the edit box back when you put it in. I would restore it but its not a real testimony so I'll keep it deleted.  Have fun.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #43 - March 04, 2010, 06:52 PM

    Whale, you lie blatantly. You said you have removed, edited the my sona quotes but you have not. I actually take back what I said. You can't use any of my content on your site so I also want my testimonial removed too.

    I cant see any - what quotes are still there?

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #44 - March 04, 2010, 07:53 PM

    There's some if you search "sona".
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #45 - March 04, 2010, 07:58 PM

    Whale, I really can't be asked. You sound really childish to me to be honest. 
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam!
     Reply #46 - March 04, 2010, 08:08 PM

    And you're actually a believer Sona/King Tut, not the apostate you want people to think you are. Your profile says you've been on ignore by 3 people here. Atleast one unnamed person has called you a trl and others agree. Trls are usually banned from forums but they're currently tolerating you here for some reason.

    Alright so I'm done here. I got IsLame's article and that was basically my goal. Thank you all.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam
     Reply #47 - March 04, 2010, 11:09 PM

    You are really acting childish, whale, I am not a Muslim. I am an apostate. Berbs say something... please... 
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam
     Reply #48 - March 05, 2010, 12:02 AM

    If you're really an apostate you would understand that your quote when you were a Muslim, would help others learn about Islam. If you're a Muslim, then you'd ask me to take them out in the manner you've been doing here. We've had this discussion before on the wiki right? So why did you bring it up again?  I told you to forget about the quotes and leave it up to others to decide.
    Right, forget about the quotes now if you're a real apostate. If you were one, you wouldnt ask me to take your testimony out too.
    You want to do something productive now, come on the wiki and I'll give you some tasks to do. We'll see if you're really an apostate or not.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam
     Reply #49 - March 05, 2010, 04:30 AM

    Dear KT, I think you too should help others as we all try our best to do. There is no point in going about things in a silly way.

    I wrote quite a lot not for making money but to help fellow human beings. We do need to make sacrifices if we are going to help this world become a better place.

    We have a lot more to do yet than we have already done if islam is to be brought down to its knees. Major works are yet to come when main stream media comes in to it, which is still reluctant or at least hesitant.

    regards and all the best son.         

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam
     Reply #50 - March 08, 2010, 06:47 AM

    King tut is clearly not an ex muslim. My vote also goes to banning him.
  • Re: Hi from WikiIslam
     Reply #51 - April 04, 2010, 05:51 PM

    Hi number 3  from Wikiislam

    My goal is to provide wiki with the highest quality of satire at the lowest possible price.

    Kind Regards,
    Farside   Smiley
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